Chapter 04:
— Shh! - I put my hand on her mouth because Kelly has the habit of talking loud and attracts the attention of everyone around her. How embarrassing! - Speak quietly!
I push her aside and stand in the middle of the store with the dress in my hand. She looks at me sulking and goes to change her clothes. After paying for the dresses, we head to Starbucks for coffee, and Kelly keeps pushing.
“If you think Josh is so wonderful, why don't you go out with him? I ask.
“Because I already have a boyfriend,” she says, and I stick out my tongue. Kelly laughs and holds my hands on top of the cafeteria table. — But seriously, Cecília. I only care about you. You're always cooped up in your room studying, we have to drag you around. You don't go out, you don't have fun, you don't do anything!
— I already told you that I need to study — I say and tuck a lock of hair behind my ear. “Dad won't let me work at the company if I'm not very good. He takes that place very seriously. And his partner then, I think he's capable of killing someone because of the company - I say, thinking of Thomas. He's been my dad's friend forever and I just remember his closed and serious face the whole time. I don't even know if the man knows how to smile. And I know he won't let me work there just because I'm his friend's daughter. — What's beautiful, there's scary.
I only realize I've spoken aloud when Kelly raises both eyebrows.
— Do you have a crush on your father's friend, Cecilia? she asks, and I feel my face on fire.
- Of course not! I reply and take a sip of my iced coffee. “He's just…handsome. You know, for a guy his age. It doesn't matter! The thing is, I need to study. This is my last semester, I can't screw it up.
“A little kiss won't hurt you,” she teases, and I roll my eyes laughing.
I'm not lying, I really need to study. But I will not repeat to
she is the other part of the truth. Josh is nice, he's really good looking and fun, smart, but… He's not the guy. It's stupid, but I want my prince charming, a guy who sweeps me off my feet and who I'm going to fall in love with so much it's going to hurt to breathe without him. This guy who's going to be my future husband, and he's definitely not Josh. So why am I wasting my time?
"Oh, I just remembered!" I say. — I have to buy a cell phone. Mine broke a few days ago and I need a new one. My mom must be desperate thinking I died because I haven't talked to her in three days.
Kelly and I went back to the mall and after some time choosing a new model, we had to run to class so we wouldn't be late.
Classes started just over a month ago, but it's early October and it's starting to get cold. Winter here is very different than what I grew up used to in São Paulo, and I just love the snow. I can't wait for the city to be covered in white.
By the time I leave class, it's late afternoon and I'm walking across the college campus toward my sorority's house. Only then do I remember the cell phone I bought earlier and I rummage through my purse for the device that is still turned off. I walk and configure the cell phone, and I only finish when I'm at the door of the house.
Everything finally connects and my phone syncs. Dozens of messages from my parents start jumping on the screen. I weird. It's okay that I didn't have a cell phone for a few days, but even they don't try to talk to me that much. I open the messages as I enter the house. Several of them just ask me to call home and say they need to talk to me.
I start to get worried and I'm so distracted that I don't notice anyone until I bump into one of the girls who lives with me.
“Sorry,” I say and look at her.
The girl has her eyes wide open and her mouth open in animation.
- What it was? I ask and she points to the room.
“You have a visitor.
- I? I ask confused. She nods her head and I go there. I see three or four more girls circling the couch and I wonder who's here for all this reception.
I lock in place when I see the handsome man in a smart suit, with neatly styled black hair and a seductive smile for one of the girls, who doesn't even hide that she's all over him.
I'm at a loss for words, but the sound draws his attention. Thomas de Albuquerque looks at me and frowns, as if he doesn't recognize me.
— Cecilia? he asks in a confused voice.
He narrows his eyes and looks me up and down with interest in his gaze. I shudder in place. I've known Dad's friend for many years, but he's never looked at me like that. When he looks back at my face, he has one eyebrow arched. I feel a shiver down my spine as a sly smile cuts across his face.
He gets up.
“Thomas? I finally speak when I regain my voice. I feel my face burn because he doesn't look away as he takes a few steps towards me. I clutch my bag in front of me as if I can shield myself from the mischievous gleam in his pale eyes, but I decide I must be going crazy. Of course I'm getting this all wrong and he's not looking at me with any desire. - What are you doing here?
"Didn't your father tell you?" he asks in Portuguese, opening the smile on his face even more. “I came to get you.