Chapter 05:
"Okay, we can talk here."
I close my bedroom door and the place feels very small. It's not, it's quite spacious like all the rooms in this house, but Thomas is big and tall and strong, and he seems to take up all the space. He's looking around at the room's decor, and I don't know why I get so nervous, but I do. He walks across the room and over to the dressing table in the corner against the wall. He picks up a framed picture of me with my parents and flashes me a smile that sends shivers down my spine. It sounds mean, but it doesn't make sense that it would be, since he's always been a great friend of the family.
- Everything is fine? - I ask. He doesn't say anything. He just nods and continues to stare at the photo for a few more seconds.
"So your dad didn't call you?" he asks and I start to get worried. I take my phone out of my purse and start skimming through the messages I've missed over the past few days.
— My cell phone broke a few days ago, I only managed to buy another one
today,” I say without looking at him because I'm looking at the screen. “Mom sent me a bunch of messages, but I'm just seeing them now. Here she says she needs to talk to me about… you?
I look at him, confused, and hold up my phone. Thomas puts the frame back on the dresser and comes over to me. He takes out his cell phone, starts swiping his finger across the screen to see messages, and flashes another of that dangerous-looking smile. When he looks at me, his eyes feel like they're on fire.
“Your mother probably just wanted to let you know that I came to pick you up, Cecilia,” he says and takes a step closer to me. I almost hold my breath in surprise. Thomas never got this close to me like this.
When I came here, I was a little girl. Thomas got me some birthday presents, but that was about it. I don't think he would know or tell my eye color if he had to. It's the first time I've seen him since… as an adult. It's weird how I think he's so much better looking now.
I can't lie, I did have a crush on Daddy's friend. But it was a teenager thing. Of course I had a crush on him. Thomas de Albuquerque is every girl's dream man. Handsome, rich, with a look that makes any woman's legs go weak. It's been almost four years since I've seen him and he seems to have only gotten better with time.
“Fetch me…for what?” I ask with a thread of voice.
His eyes move up and down me and I catch my breath when Thomas reaches out and touches a lock of my hair.
— You've become a beautiful woman, Cecília. Wasn't expecting this.
“Th-thanks,” I stutter. His smile widens.
“Now I understand why your father is so protective of you,” he says and takes another step closer to me. I hold my breath, not understanding what's going on, but feeling my heart pounding in my chest. “But you don't have to worry. I'll take good care of you, girl.
I bite the edge of my lip and try to keep my eyes locked with his, but the closeness is too much. Especially when I see Thomas taking a deep breath looking at my mouth.
He lets go of me abruptly and I almost fall because I stumble in surprise. Thomas takes a few steps away and runs an irritated hand through his hair.
“Pack your things,” he says, now gruff, and it confuses me. "I have some business to attend to, but the driver will pick you up in half an hour."
"Pack my things?" Where am I going? I ask as he starts toward the door to leave.
He sighs in exasperation and looks at me.
“I'll take you to one of our hotels,” he explains. “You're going to be there for a while, until everything settles down.
"What all?" I ask, more and more confused. — I have classes, I have a house, I don't… What's going on? I can't just walk away with you like this without knowing what's going on.
Thomas narrows his eyes and smiles fondly. He lowers his voice and asks:
— You've known me since you were born, Cecilia. You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. If I'm here to pick you up, it's because it's what's best for you. He tilts his head to the side and smiles even wider. "You trust me, don't you?"
I nod, because it's true. Dad always said that if anything ever happened to him and my mom, Thomas would take care of me.
“Okay,” I agree, and he nods.
— When you get there, you call your father and you talk about what's going on — he guarantees. “You two are going to need to have a very long talk.
I recognize the hotel because I've stayed here a few times. It is one of the most luxurious in downtown New York, and one of the most expensive as well. The reception is large and inviting. As soon as I walk in, one of the employees comes to get my bag.
I walk to the reception desk and a blonde woman smiles at me in a professional way, but before she can say anything I see her eyes widen and I feel a hand on the small of my back.
“Cecilia will need a key. - Thomas's voice comes low in my ear and makes me shiver. The woman nods and starts typing something on the computer. My body goes rigid when I feel his mouth on my ear. “I hope the presidential suite is good enough for you. I wouldn't want Caesar's little princess to be uncomfortable.
I don't answer anything, because I've unlearned how to speak. My heart is beating so fast in my chest that I can't even explain what's going on. His hand moves up and down my back and my entire body feels warmer than it has ever felt before. My God, what is happening to me?
“Here you are, sir,” the receptionist says and holds out a card in his direction.
I can't say anything on the way to the top floor of the tall building because I'm strangely nervous. When we get to the right room, my bag is already there and Thomas walks in with me. He sits down on the bed while I remain unsure of what's going on.
Nervously, I tuck my hair behind my ear and dig the phone out of my pants pocket once more. I tried calling my parents on the way over here, but neither of them answered. I don't know if it's because of the time difference between New York and São Paulo or if they're just so busy with work, but neither of them picked up the calls. I'm starting to get really worried.
Thomas looks at me like he's analyzing my every move and it's impossible to tell what he's thinking. He wears the same suit he was wearing earlier and loosens his tie, still looking at me. It's disconcerting, and I look away.
"Are you going to be comfortable here?" - he asks. I nod and open my mouth to ask what happens now, but his cell phone starts ringing. I look at him as he takes the device from his jacket pocket and breaks into a huge smile. "Look who decided to call." And your father. — He brings the cell phone to his ear. “Caesar, my friend, you will be very pleased to know that your princess is with me, safe and sound.
I take a step closer to him, and I don't know what Dad says on the other end of the line, but Thomas smiles even wider.
"Of course she's fine. Would you like to speak with your daughter? he offers with a laugh. - Perfect. So you can explain to her what's going on.
Thomas gets out of bed and comes over to me. He hands me the phone and lowers his mouth to my ear.
“It's nothing personal with you, Cecilia. It's just business,” he says and his warm breath on my neck makes me shiver.
I take a step back and see his amused, mischievous gaze from him. I bring the phone to my ear with a bad feeling.
- Dad? I say into the phone and hear a heavy sigh on the other end of the line.
— Cecília, my love, how are you? Are you well? Where are you?
I frown, not understanding.
“I'm at one of the hotels,” I explain, looking over at Thomas. - What is happening? Why did Mr. Albuquerque come for me?
“Oh, honey, I'm so sorry,” Dad says on the other end of the line.
“I'm so sorry, honey.
“You're scaring me,” I whisper, nervously playing with my hair. - What happened?
“Cecília… I made a mistake. And you're the one who will have to pay for it, my love.