The Legal Wife's Return

The Legal Wife's Return


87.7k Words / Ongoing


Carmen was a simple and beautiful woman who had fallen in love when she was very young and married the man of her dreams but his betrayal broke her fragile heart and she left him but circumstances brought her back to him and all she wanted to do was meet him for the last time and move on with her life as there was nothing left between them but when she returned he trapped her without her knowledge.....
My heart was beating fiercely and painfully as I began to shake his closeness was overwhelming. When he lay on the bed he had been somehow Vulnerable. The powerful muscle strength of his lean body was less obvious but now he was on his feet again and although he still looked very pale he was powerful. The tight black curls could no longer give a touch of appeal to his tired face. His physical mental arrogance saw that. His arrogance made me back away like a frightened animal.
“You have no right to ask me questions and I'm not answering them.” I flung at him. “Why did you lie to him? I am no longer your wife anymore it’s just in papers and I just came back to set you free so that we won’t bother each other again. I will tell him about it myself and clarify his misunderstanding.
Marc smiled grimly. “I know you will not,” he said taking my arms in one hand his fingers pressing down into my flash. “Don’t you ever forget Carmen that you are my Legal wife?”

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