Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

Cassie POV

My heart skips at the sight I behold. Even if I am woken from sleep, I will always recognize this face. It's the mysterious man I bumped into a couple of months ago, no! This can't be.

My heart races as I watch him walk up to us elegantly, there is a dark and intimidating aura surrounding him, which I can't decipher where it's coming from. How the heck did I end up here? My feet suddenly wobble on the floor as I feel my whole body shivering in fear, while I wait for what fate has in store for me.

"Leave us," His cold and deep voice fills the air and my heart sinks into my stomach. I guess he is talking to the man that brought me in. Still staring down at my feet, I hear footsteps retreating and I need no one to tell me that the young man has gone out and the possibility of the two of us being alone in here, is certain. An awkward silence fills the atmosphere, and I bet that even if I am not looking at him, his gaze is all over me.

"I'll state this straight. I hate cowards, so don't piss me off," His cold voice sends shivers down my spine and I gulp down the lump that suddenly formed in my throat. Yes, I have been scared a couple of times, my father had made me agitated, but the one I'm feeling right now, I don't think anything can be worse than this.

The sound of the thick footsteps pulls my attention, and I peek at him. He's now sitting on one of the couches, his legs are crossed and a smirk is playing at the corner of his lips. Although I didn't stare long, but I know what that smirk means.

"I'm sure you know why you're here?" He speaks up again, and I raise my gaze to look at him this time around. I'm confused and I have no idea what he meant by that. How am I supposed to know what I'm doing here?

"I'll just go straight to the point, so listen and don't miss out a word if you don't want to see the other side of me. But before then, what's your name?" He asks and I gulp down another lump in my throat as I stare down at my shoes, fondling them with my fingers, waves of nervousness and fear shoot through me.

"Cassie..." I reply him almost in a low tone, but I'm sure he heard me. Silence ensues in the atmosphere after then and I can't help wondering what he is thinking at the moment, but I can only wait for him to say what he has to say. There's no way I'll ask him to talk, right? Of course, I don't want to die now, even if I've been through a lot.

"You're here to serve me, you're now my slave and your life now belongs to me. You dare not go against my wishes and command, failure to adhere to this, will cost you your life," He says and I purse my lips. I'm not surprised though, he looks like he's capable of killing someone.

"You don't do that when I'm talking. Reply to me!" He utters in a deep voice and I flinch fearfully as tears brim in my eyes. This man is going to kill me before my time. Can someone take me away from here? Can someone just tap me and tell me to wake up that this is all a dream? I don't think that's ever going to happen. I'm stuck here forever and all thanks to the beast I call a father.


"Yes, master! That's the reply I get from you when I am talking and you don't dare to stand on your two feet when I'm talking," He yells, and like my legs were commanded by his voice, I fall weakly to my knees even before he can finish his statement.

"Yes, master!" I quickly correct myself, and I hear him sigh satisfactorily.

"Now listen to me, my words are your command, and my command is the law. I make the law here and you have to follow it if you don't want to pay the price," He says again and I nod my head vigorously.

I watch as he states his rules and also the punishment if any of them is violated while I just listen to him.

"Do you understand?" He finally asks.

"Yes, master," I reply to him.

"Leila!" He calls and instantly, a middle-aged woman appears from nowhere and flinch. Wait! Did she just appear? Oh! I'm screwed.

"Yes, master," She bows to him. As much as I don't want to think about it, I can't help but get curious. I wonder who these people are.

"Take care of her," He says to the woman, and with that, he stands up and heads to the staircase.

"Hello!" The middle-aged woman says to me and raises my gaze slowly to look at her, her smile welcomes me. Even if she looks harmless, I dare not trust anyone here, not even her. I can't possibly trust someone that can disappear, right? Who knows, maybe she's a witch.

"Hi!" I force myself to reply to her.

"You don't have to be scared, come with me," She smiles at me and I manage to stand up on my feet. I can't possibly trust her, right?

I watch as she walks in front of me while I just trail behind her. She leads me through a hallway and after a few minutes, she stops in front of a door and pushes it open.

"Come in," She smile at me as she opens the door wide for me to go inside. I stare at her suspiciously for seconds before I finally walk inside the room. Why should I even be careful here? I can never get out of this mess, so I should accept my fate already and not be scared of anything.

Stepping into the room, my mouth drops open at the sight I behold. The room is extremely beautiful and well decorated...

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