
"Yes, and I apologize, but I want to close the topic about always asking for an age when giving advice. I always make sure that my advice is with people who have experience with the topic, whether they are single or married and want to fight for their marriage." I'm trying to close the topic because I don't want you to think that I can get the company into trouble with advice that wouldn't help but would harm it.

"From what I see, you don't need advice, and I want to offer you a job in customer service for a while. Meanwhile, I can make sure you are the right fit for the advisor position." I am stunned by the huge proposal, my throat tightens, and I am undoubtedly breathless. His words are sincere, and his blue eyes show that he is not lying, but it is inevitable to doubt what he says.

Why me? Is it because I am one of the best salespeople in the store, or because I have the charisma to reach women? I don't think it's all because I have a beautiful smile or a wonderful body.

"I'm a salesperson, and all this is..."

"It's not a trap. Each department head submits a list of employees every month who are in the popular range, those who deserve an opportunity to move up, and no one is born knowing everything, Miss Alexandra." Damn, his hoarse voice makes my skin tingle.

This man is going to kill me. I asked God for a miracle, but to put it as a temptation, that's inhumane!

Oh... My boss is full of surprises. My stomach twists when I have him in front of my eyes. The damn man is handsome, and apparently, all the women here, those who surround him, are dying for him. It's clear to me when I see them whispering about how handsome and hot he is, but there's something strange. None of them have talked about whether he's good in bed or has any preferences that I can't do anything about.


I have been sitting in this chair for three hours, supposedly my new desk and workspace, "cubicle." I am supposed to have a one-week trial, but to hell with that damn trial, because since I sat down, I haven't stopped talking.

I won't deny that customers are too difficult, and sometimes their calls are absurd, but I have to attend to them because it's my job.

At first, I couldn't help my nerves, but then I improvised and told myself that everything was under control and that talking on a phone was not rocket science.

I could do it, yes, I have dealt with difficult clients, and more… more, yes, those who have a bad attitude. I won't deny that I wanted to tell them their truths, but I held back and told myself, I have total control, and they don't control me.

Insults don't work with me. I can do it. Is this my thing?

Hmmm… I feel like this job is for me. It's easy to handle a computer and write down the absurd complaints they give me.

"Are you not going to have lunch?"

The big boss was next to me, his voice had a sweet tone and that seemed too strange to me, given that it is not normal for him to come and see one of his employees. Is this normal?

After being scolded by my boss, for hanging up on my best client, for being transferred to another job, and for presenting myself in front of my boss again, the last thing I need right now is for all the women who are glancing at me to assume that I am special.

That man makes me nervous, and he makes me undress him with my eyes. The desire to see what's behind that suit keeps growing and growing.

I'm sure he meets my expectations.

"Mr. Green," I left the phone in its place and, to avoid being rude, I held my gaze on his, "Uh... Can I justify that I didn't have time, apparently the new job is not as bad as they say it is."

Damn it, how can I say that? I'm being too pathetic, showing how weak I am when he's in front of me.

"You can call me Harry and I take lunch seriously," his playful tone has vanished, he crosses his arms and his gaze seeks answers in my facial expressions.

Is he worried that I haven't gone to lunch? If that's the case, he should worry about everyone, not just me, since my coworkers are at their desks.

"It won't happen again."

And I felt masochistic, I wanted to say, he wants to invite me to eat!, but I couldn't, that's too much.

"I'm not scolding you, oh, sorry," suddenly the conversation was interrupted by a phone call, "I have to go, it's… An emergency call, goodbye, Miss Alexandra Morin."

Those were the last words before I was left staring as that big man walked away from me.

What was that?

That man will kill me, his presence makes my parts wet. How much I wish he were one of my clients, I could even give him the service for free, as long as it's him.

"Hey, do you know the boss?" I come back to reality in just seconds, and one of the women who work in the same area comes to me. "It's just that… That man has never set foot in the customer service area, and he has never asked us if we've had lunch, who are you?"

Unbelievable! This can't be happening to me, what I feared is happening.

That man attracts me, however, I can't delude myself because I know my position. None of what those desperate women, worse than me, are thinking is true.

"I don't understand where you're going with this, and before you continue, I'll tell you that the man who just left is our boss, our" I emphasize the last word, I try to make everything that comes out of my mouth sound soft, I don't want enemies, ah, although I'm an expert in that, since wherever I go, I always have the Grinch by my side."

"I'm sorry if I bothered you, but I couldn't resist asking you, girl. Understand that man is the boss of bosses, and we've been working in this area for years, and he has never dared to set foot inside... Could it be that you're the special girl?"

She can't be serious, me, special? As if I were Jennifer Lopez.

"Haha, I can't believe what I'm hearing. This isn't a soap opera, we're in real life, and if the boss came here, it's because he promised to monitor my work since I'm a girl without experience... Don't make up things where there aren't any."

I have to put a stop to these women. They have infinitely more exciting imaginations than I do. I feel like they have surpassed me.

"You're too stubborn, and we like that about you because you're not the typical snob, and from what we've heard, you're not the inexperienced girl either. So don't try to fool us. Can I know how you know the products? Don't tell me you're one of those undercover agents they hire reporting everything to the boss."


I am stunned. These women are completely insane, and...

"Ladies, it was nice meeting you, and before lunch hour is over, I'll go get a smoothie since my appetite has vanished." I get up from my chair, grab my purse, and before I vanish, I turn off my computer.

"Alexa... Oh my god, girl, I thought I wouldn't see you again!" I drop my purse upon hearing Alexis's voice.

Regardless of who's watching, I go to him, and my desperate arms cling to him the moment he arrives, who isn't mine.

"What are you doing here? The witch will fire you if she realizes you've escaped, or don't tell me they've transferred you too..."

"No, silly, I came to see you, and before my thirty-five minutes are up, I'll tell you I'm sorry and that no matter what happens, we'll always be friends." I step away from him and pat his chest.

"You're a fool, well, a dummy... Stop saying stupid things, and let's go to lunch..."

"No, we can stay here. He brought fruits and two cups of coffee, the ones you like," he says after reaching for the black bag he has in his right hand, "come with me, girl, or tell me it's forbidden to stay."

"No, they can stay, we'll leave because we don't have anyone who remembers us," the brown-haired girl interrupts our conversation, unable to help herself. I stay observing her. "From now on, this is your work team and maybe in the future we can be friends."

"Do I have to ask them their names? What did she say?"

"Sorry for my bad behavior and bad manners, my name is Alexandra, but you can call me Alexa, and I'll be your coworker," I extend my hand towards the brown-haired woman, the first one to speak to me.

"Don't worry about that, the only time we have to talk is a few minutes at the entrance, lunchtime, and when we leave. We all understand that answering calls is something that inhibits you and takes away your chance to breathe," the girl accepts my hand and gives me a huge smile. "My name is Mercedes, she is Tamara, Luisa, Lily, Martha, Cassandra, Dulce, and Luna," she names each one of them, pointing with her index finger. "See you later, Alexa."

"Goodbye, girls..." my words came out stuttering.

"What was that?" She questions, eyes wide with surprise. It's obvious that she didn't expect it. "Those women are praising you, and I don't understand why you have a group of women licking your shoes in just a couple of hours."

"Shut up! You can't talk about that. Let's just get comfortable, but just this once because I don't know if eating here is prohibited."

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