Chapter3: Billion dollar hoes
Skip Hamilton sat in the top shareholders seat at their companies quarterly review with all eyes on him .
His personal assistant , Cher was giving a presentation on their stocks and market for the past three months and Skip had his hands crossed as he listened .
He needed it to be good , he had worked so hard and worked everyone hard for it but the stock market did not of course care about their hard work .
Cher had stopped talking and was now looking at him , he moved his mic closer .
" Is there a problem , Cher ? ", He asked tentatively .
Cher shook her head slightly .
" No sir , it is just that you looked troubled , I was wondering if you wanted me to stop ? ", Cher inquired .
Skip shook his head and gestured for her to continue , crossing his legs and lacing his crossable fingers .
" Since the last three months , the shares at Hamilton electronics have seen a fifteen percent increment , the shares of H&M entertainment have seen a twenty- two Percentage increment , the shares at Ham Foods have also seen a seventeen percentage increment and lastly , the shares at Hamilton global have also jumped by eighteen percentage ", Cher announced .
Skip pumped his fist into the air while the other employees and shareholders broke into a round of applause that had Skip's head soaring , this was what he was talking about .
Cher had stepped down leaving Skip to end the session with a brief word .
Skip once again pulled his mic closer , drawing closer to it so he could give the final speech .
" Good day employees and shareholders of Hamilton corps , pending this good news , I would like to say just one word to you all ...", Skip waited for his words to make the necessary impact .
" Let's fucking party !!!! ", Skip screamed into the mic .
The room erupted in more cheers and Jack joined them as he ran out of his seat and out of the room , followed closely by Cher .
" Cher , have them get the plane ready for flight , I will be living for California to celebrate and call up the guys, tell them to be ready if they want to have fun ", Skip instructed before going into his office .
" Sir , how about Las Vegas ? The conference for Monday is there , wouldn't it be easier ? ",Cher asked him.
Skip nodded, considering it.
"That's good,tell the guys about it",he instructed.
He closed the doors and picked up the remote that controlled the lighting , changing it to a dark mode before flinging the remote somewhere else and getting out of his suit jacket and shirt , a bottle of whiskey was waiting for him with a glass cup that already had ice cubes inside , Cher always knew the right time to get him drunk .
Skip poured himself his first glass and immediately drank it , letting the cold burn of the liquid rush down his throat like liquid fire , he exhaled softly from the burn and smiled happily .
He was happy that he had managed to bring the company's shares to the highest profit margin they had ever experienced but he was even happier over the freedom that bought him .
Making the company millions of dollars on a monthly basis ensured that regardless of what he did , the company's shareholders and management said nothing about how he had inherited and not earned it, even when he had dating and partying scandals , they just rushed to cover it up , that was what you earned when you made deals and money for people like he did .
Skip's phone interrupted while he was ruminating and staring out the glass windows of his office that was on the one hundred and fiftieth floor .
He picked it up and checked the caller ,an unknown number .
For safety purposes , his security details usually advised him not to pick up his phone alone , especially with unknown numbers but Skip had told them several times where they could shove that idea .
As soon as he picked the phone , Skip heard a loud whoop from over the phone and intense noise that could only be from a club or anything associated with a DJ , he put the phone on speaker so he could hear better but all he could still hear was loud cheering .
" Skiiiiiippmm !!!! ", Someone whined loudly over the phone .
It was one of his best friends and business partner , Matt Fillis and he was partying so loudly and so early , not that Skip was a model citizen either.
" Where the heck are you man ? It is so fucking loud there ! ", Skip exclaimed into the receiver amidst the noise coming out of it .
Skip chuckled and hiccuped twice before speaking .
" Man , I have no idea where I am buy I remember coming to Milan this morning , one of the girls here must have stolen my phone because I can't find it , I borrowed someone's phone and already dialled a couple of wrong numbers , Why is your phone number so hard to remember ? ", Matt whispered into the phone .
Skip only rolled his eyes , hoping that his friend was okay even though he was being typical Matt .
" Anyways , that is not what is important ,what I want to know is how the meeting went , do I get you for the next week ? ", Matt asked hopefully .
Skip chuckled .
" Yes man , fucking greatest increase the company's ever seen. Hell, you get me for the whole month , get to Drey and ask him to get you to Las Vegas , we are lighting Las Vegas up ", Skip yelled into the phone while his friend whooped incessantly before Jack ended the call .
Drey was Matt's personal bodyguard that had been provided by his family , he was chill and as silent as a block .
Drey walked into the room .
" Sir , the plane is ready for you and I was able to reach everyone except Matt , a lady picked his phone , spoke Italian and told me I was welcome to call the Interpol on her , I told her that he could have given her shares with apple ", Cher stated laxly .
Skip laughed and stood back up , picking his jacket as he moved .
" Come on Cher ,get more excited , you are going on a break for one month ", Skip said to her as he walked out of his office .
When the plane landed on Skip's family's private airstrip in New york a couple of hours later, he found his friends already waiting for him , they had all come with their individual planes and were currently drinking in Matt's plane .
Skip climbed up the ramp , staircases and finally into the cabin and a champagne cork immediately flew past his face before the spray reached him , he laughed heartily , Matt was shirtless and did not look like the picture that people might have had of him a few hours ago .
Matt was the ultimate party dog , he could sober himself up in two hours .
Then there was Carl and Alex , their other two friends.
" Man , Las Vegas is wonderful and the best part is this extreme VIP only club I just got wind of , the strippers there are insane and that is where our party begins ", Alex announced loudly , he was the hoe of the group .
That was a lie , they were all hoes because they immediately began to whoop loudly at the prospect of how great this night would turn out to be .