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Chapter 4

Allison ran close to Triffany. "Triffany are you okay?” She asked her. The car stopped.

Triffany looked at Allison. "Do I look okay to you, I'm covered by mud water and you ask if I'm okay...” She looked at the paper in her hand. "Oh, my lottery card, it's a mess already."

She turned with anger and walked to the car. Shanne came out of the car.

"I'm sorry." Shanne apologizes to her.

Triffany glare at him. "Does saying sorry reverse things? Huh! Or is it because I don't have a flashy car too?” Triffany said with an angry voice.

Inside the car Carlos checked his time, he doesn't have all day to spend here, he looked out the car window to see Triffany wasting their time.

"You rich people don't consider people, why don't you watch where you're heading before speeding up,” Triffany said in anger, looking at the car she knew only a rich man can have this.

Carlos Zack came down from the car, Allison looked at him in surprise, he was so handsome and elegant, his presence even made her shudder.

He brought out money from his pocket and handed it to her. "This settles it right.” He said in his deep indifferent voice.

"Shanne let go.” He turned to enter the car.

Triffany threw the money at Carlos as they scattered on the ground, Allison covered her mouth shocked by her attitude. Carlos turned with anger.

Triffany looked at him also furious. "Do I look pitiful to you? Or do I look poor? Huh!” Triffany asked him without fear.

"You rich people think everything is solved with money. Did I ask for money? Can your money clean my lottery card?” She asked

She was so angry that this man had looked down on her. "You ride in a flashy car and I walk on foot, is that what gave you the right!"

She couldn't take his attitude, no matter how wealthy he is. "I'm all splashed with dirt and all you can do is throw money on me and say that settles it!"

Carlos's eyes darkened, who the heck is this girl to dare speak to him this way, "Hey!"

"Hold it!” Triffany raised her hand to stop him. "I'm a graduate and I've not gotten a job yet all the Company I applied to rejected me and I'm trying to find something else, but here you are making me more miserable," Triffany said with a hoarse voice.

Allison knew Triffany was becoming sentimental and went close to stop her. "Triffany, stop it, its okay."

Triffany was not ready to hear anything. "Hold it, Allison. You too, you suggested I work in a restaurant. I choose to apply as a model but right now I'm covered with dirt."

Carlos looked at her, he knew he was wasting time here, but his cold and angry gaze was softening.

Triffany was too boiled up and she continued. “Who are you? You got a job and ride flashy cars and now think others are not worth it."

Tears flow down her cheek with Carlos watching her speechlessly. "You think I won't get a job, I hate you, I hate this life, you think I'm happy living this way huh! Being insulted by my little brother and laughed at by my cousins. I never choose this life!” Triffany said with a choked voice.

Carlos, who didn't know what else to do in this situation, could only try to say a few words. "I'm so..."

Before he could apologize Triffany interrupted him again. "Hold it!"

She closed and opened her eyes. She was already tired and weak to continue, thinking that her situation had exhausted her.

"Just go. I don't want to hear anything from you, go to where you were heading to, because looking at you makes me more miserable."

She turned and walked out slowly in tears leaving the money scattered on the ground.

Allison turned to Carlos politely. "I'm so sorry, she's just too sensitive these days, and you should head-on."

Allison then turned and went after Triffany. "Wait for me."

"Sir we have to go."Shanne respectfully told him to open the car door.

Carlos took one more glance at Triffany before concentrating on his phone.

"Triffany,” Allison looked at her.

Triffany stopped walking and turned to her. "I'm miserable right?” She asked her.

"No, you're not."

"Allison...” Triffany broke down in tears again.

"Hey come here.” Allison hugged her in comfort. "It's okay, don't cry, things will work out for you."

Triffany gently pulled away and looked at Allison seriously. "Allison, I'm not going to do anything anymore, looking at my life I'm hopeless."

"Don't say that."

"I'm going home Allison, I will just live alone peacefully, I'll go home now to put in my plans for this year.” Triffany told her and wiped her tears.

"Are you going to be okay on your own?"Allison asked with concern.

"I will.” Triffany stopped a taxi and left.


Carlos Zack arrived at the hospital and went to the ward the staffs were in, immediately they saw him and they both sat up.


"You should both rest, you can lie down.” He told them.

"Sir, we're sorry.” They kept apologizing.

"I understand, you both should just focus on getting better, in order to leave here immediately.” He told them.

"We will."

Carlos put his hands into his pocket. "So what was the medical report?” He asked.

"Our bones are okay, and luckily we will be discharged in a week.” They told him.

"I'm glad it was not a serious injury."

"It isn't.” They both respond.

"Alright then, you should both rest now.” He turned and left the ward and hospital.

Shanne drove him to the construction site where he met the person he placed in charge.

"What is the cause of this damage?” He asked in a deep indifferent voice.

"Sir, it is due to the heavy engine and the survey we did recently was carried out by a fraudster," Rex reported.

Carlos turns his cold gaze at him. "You were in charge of this and you couldn't carry out your job properly!"

"I'm sorry sir."Rex apologizes trembling.

"I'm tired of hearing I'm sorry, I placed you here thinking you are fit for this job but here you are saying you were tricked by a fraudster. What have you tried to do about it, do you realize you endangered people's life because you did not check the work correctly? This is useless!” Carlos's voice was slightly raised.

Carlos looked around. "Hey, Ronny!” He called out to a staff member nearby.

"Yes sir.” The staff hurried closer.

"Show me the survey list,” Carlos demanded.

"Sure sir.” He handed it over.

Carlos went through it, and then he looked up in a few minutes. "Is this all?” He asked with his cold indifferent voice.

"No sir."Ronny handed the next list to him, trembling.

"Okay, I'll look into it later,” Carlos said, then turned over to Rex. "For now Rex you're fired!"

Rex looked up shocked. "Sir..."

Without giving him another glance he turned to Ronny. "Ronny!"

"Yes sir."Ronny answered without hesitation now trembling.

"Find a better replacement and report to me,” Carlos told him.

Ronny looked at Rex and then answered. "Okay, sir."

Carlos left them without another word or glance.

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