Chapter 5 – A Cat Above the Rest
I spent the next few days with Gillian going over the laws of the Cambiador Kingdom. Getting to know its history and the main players in running this kingdom.
To say it was different from how the Moon Kingdom is run - is an understatement. Cambiador is a rich country full of wealth and technology that is supplied around the continent. They even trade with humans in boroughs.
In the evenings, after dinner, I meet with Mason and discuss how their warriors are trained. What their army looks like and how it compares to MacTire’s. Honestly, it doesn’t. They may have a plethitude of gold and wealth, yet they lack the skills to defend their kingdom if it was ever necessary.
After dinner, I have been sitting with my grandfather in his study, learning, talking, and getting to know each other more. I find the more we are around one another the more I like him. King Armand is nothing like I first assumed he was. Nor is he the man I had painted a picture of in my head. I can honestly say I have grown a soft spot for the old man.
A few things still puzzle me, for instance: His relationship with the infamous Kolby Crimson his 2nd in command, Beta, or as they call it here – A deputy or Zeta. Terminology I know I will eventually have to learn if I decide to stick around.
I strangely feel comfortable here. I may not like or agree with the majority of their laws or how the higher-ups conduct themselves, but I do feel comfortable here. Like I belong. Or I could belong. Like maybe I could make a difference.
Gillian slams down the cover of the large book we were going over.” That’s enough for today. The King has a formal dinner planned for this evening to introduce you to some of the lords and other ranked werecats of the kingdom. Including my father and mother.” Her eyes drift into space a forlorn look taking over her face.
“You don’t seem excited.” I push. Gillian hasn’t said much about her family. As I gather, she is an only child, and it doesn’t take a genius to see that her relationship with her parents is strained.
“You will understand when you meet my father.” She says, pushing her chair back and standing up.
“Well after dinner maybe you could join Mason and me in my room for a movie marathon?” I have come to really like Gillian in the past few days. Once you dig under that layer of meek and shyness there is a fun girl just bursting to come out. I’m hoping the more time we spend together the more I can bring her out of her shell.
“That would be fun,” She smiles. “I’m going to go make sure everything is organized for tonight,” She sighs.
I stand, pushing my chair in, “Sounds like a plan. I think I will go and see how Mason is progressing with the warriors. He has taken it upon himself to implement new training techniques and is working them hard.” I giggle at the thought of Mason commanding the King’s Army. He takes his responsibilities seriously and is adamant about shaping up the warriors and the army.
Thanks to Travis, I am now able to mind-link with Mason and the rest of the warriors from MacTire, so I open a connection Where are you? I ask Mason feeling the link connect.
On the training fields. His frustrated voice comes through This army is a joke. Goddess forbid the kingdom is ever attacked, they’re doomed.
I’ll be right there I reply before cutting our mental connection and making my way to the training fields.
When I arrive, I find my grandfather sitting on a bench watching Mason lead the warriors in hand-to-hand combat training. “He is good,” he says as I take a seat next to him.
I nod “He was trained by the best.” I state, “So was I,” I say standing again and making my way to the side of the sparing square. Mason is walking them through a combination of elbow strikes and long knee attacks. “Need someone to demonstrate defense for those moves?”
Mason’s head turns and he cocks an eyes brow at me. A predatory grin fills his face and his dark eyes light up with excitement. “Sure.” He says standing up straight and turning back to address the group of warriors “You are in for a treat now!” He yells to the men “The princess has kindly offered to help me demonstrate how to counter the attack combination we have been learning today.”
A series of snickers and grumbles rises from the group of men. I blow a large breath, irritated that they are mocking me.
“No offense commander Mason, but she’s a… well a woman.” One man groans.
“Oh, so because she is female you think the princess couldn’t kick the living shit out of you?” He mocks the warrior back. “Tell you what, why don’t you take over the demonstration and the princess will defend your attacks?”
The warrior and his group of friends laugh. A few of the other guys slap him on the back “Go easy on her Garrison.” I roll my eyes at their stupidity.
Sure, I’m super tiny, with a figure that is slight but muscular. I’m not just a pretty face and they are about to find out how deceiving looks can be. “Don’t hold back,” I tell the warrior named Garrison as I step into the training square and everyone else steps out to stand around the edges.
“One hundred gold coins that my granddaughter wipes the floor with him!” I hear my grandfather open a bet on me and I turn to gawk at him. The other warriors start mumbling before some start taking that bet.
I shake my head and square off in front of my opponent giving him a knowing smile that says ‘your toast’.
On Mason’s word the warrior flies at me, throwing a combination of punches and kicks. I dodge them all. A perk of being small and quick.
I land a kick to the back of his knee as I dodge another advance, pivoting behind him. He turns, nostrils flaring and eyes glaring. He advances again, this time his punch is faster, and his kick is quick, and he catches me in the stomach. I step back from the force and wheeze out a breath.
Shaking it off, I lift my hands and beckon him on. He flies forward, fast. I block his punch combination and grab his shoulders, claws digging in. Leaping up and over him, dragging him with me, and using his weight as leverage - I land on my feet. I yank on his shoulders hard and flip him face-first into the dirt.
I scramble on top of him, straddling his back before he can find his feet. My arms circle his neck from behind and I squeeze with all my might, centering my full weight into my arms until I feel him go limp. Passed out.
I stand up to see a sea of stunned faces. “In battle, I would have snapped his neck, but as this is a training exercise, I have only knocked him out.” I look behind me on the ground where the warrior groans, just coming too. “Do not ever underestimate your opponent!” I scald them. “Who lost money betting against me? Let me see a show of hands!” I demand.
Slowly and sheepishly a good number of the men raise their hands. Only three don’t. “You three, Mason calls to them, why didn’t you bet against the princess?”
“Because she’s hot,” One snickers.
“Because there was no way she would willingly put herself in the middle of the ring if she was incapable.” Another speaks and my attention is drawn to this werecat.
“Smart answer and reason.” Mason says to the warrior “What is your name?”
“Bryson, sir.”
“Well, Bryson you just earned yourself a free pass for the day.” Mason says, “Go let your commander know.” The man nods and trots off the training field.
Mason turns to address the rest of the group, no doubt giving them shit for betting against me and instilling some kind of life lesson into the group. His mentors were the same as mine.
“Always full of surprises.” My grandfather praises me as I take a seat next to him again. “Tonight, is for show,” he starts. His eyes never left the training fields or warriors. “They will be snooty and look down on you. Do me a favor and be you.” He rises and walks away leaving me stunned. I thought he would want me on my best behavior but instead, he just gave me permission to act as I normally would. Which means speaking my mind and putting anyone who dares try to degrade me in their place.
“Wow! Beautiful,” Mason’s voice came from the door of my suite. He leaned up against the door frame to my bathroom, wearing a three-piece suit. His muscular arms stretched the sleeves of the black jacket. His dark eyes took me in appreciatively.
I took one last look in the mirror. My hands smoothed down the sheer fabric of the sheer gold dress I had picked out from the boasting closet that had been picked for me. “You don’t look so bad yourself” I replied giving him a once-over. Mason was tall, then again everyone was tall to me. A handsome werecat, with a killer smile and dimples that made you weak at the knees. “The women will be fawning all over you tonight” I wink at him, taking his arm as I step out of the bathroom.
“As beautiful as you look, I am afraid you might have gotten lost in that bathroom. I almost mistook you for part of the décor.” He laughs.
I smack his arm in play at his joke. “It was either this or the bright, crimson-colored dress with silver beads.”
“Gold suits you princess.”
“Goddess, I hate it when you call me that.” I sigh.
“Yeah but… That’s what you are and despite you asking me to call you by your first name, it’s not proper.” I give him a scathing look. I am no princess. “Besides I know it annoys you and I love the look on your face when I call you princess.”
Mason was fast becoming my Mike. He had come here to be my personal guard under the orders of his Alpha, Lamia. But our relationship was quickly turning from acquaintances to great friends and more. I don’t think I could have handled being here without him. Without Mason, I’m sure I would have run for the hills in the first ten minutes of arriving here.
We made our way downstairs, my arm looped in his. The guards at the dining room entrance stopped us so we could be announced before letting us pass. The room was already filled with unfamiliar faces. My grandfather was the first to greet us as all eyes lingered on me and my escort.
For the next hour, I made polite conversation with the rich and influential elites of Cambiador. Mason by my side, offering me reassurance and strength. I was impressed with how easily he conversed with the uptight and snooty attendees. You would never have guessed that only a mere few weeks ago he was treated as less than an omega wolf.
Unlike Bear shifters and werewolves, werecats had a different relationship with their spirit animals. My feline, Juniper was always present in my thoughts, actions, and feelings. We didn’t converse as Lamia did with her wolf Inanna. We could but it was different, we didn’t need words. Werecats’ counterpart’s thoughts were more like an emotional push. When we agreed our bodies hummed and flowed. When we disagreed on matters, feelings, or opinions, it was like a flurried frenzy would thrum through our muscles – their resistance pushing through.
It was about halfway through our meal when the hair on the back of my neck prickled, and my Feline decided to start pacing in my mind with unease. The unease she felt caused tension to coil in the pit of my stomach and intense heat to rise in my body.
“Are you alright?” Mason gently held my elbow. His eyes were full of concern as I met his stare.
“Yea – Yeah,” I replied clearing my throat slightly. “Is it super hot in here?”
“No,” he said, a slight shake of his head. His deep brown eyes scanned my face. “You feel like you are burning up Tawny.” His eyes scanned around the table and followed his gaze. My grandfather was looking at me with concern and Gillian who sat opposite me looked worried.
“Let’s get you out for some fresh air.” There was an edge to Mason’s voice and a flare to his nostrils as he stood and politely excused us from the table.
I was so flustered I couldn’t say anything, my body was burning up as if I had just walked out of the flames of hell myself. All I could do was nod and let Mason pull me up from my chair.
I fanned my face with my other hand. This was ridiculous – how hot I was feeling.
Just as we had stepped away from the table – Mason leading me out to the dining room veranda, I heard Gillian’s excited voice screech above all the guests.
“Kolby!” I heard the excitement and gushing in her voice.
My body had begun to pant. My skin felt slick with beads of perspiration. My mind was fuzzy, and my lips tingled.
I turned to see the elusive Kolby Crimson, who evidently had come home and just walked in. My eyes landed on the werecat in question.
The man was tall, and muscular but lean, with tanned skin and brown hair. He exuded confidence and power, his mere presence enchanting and commanding. My internal inferno notched up a couple of degrees as I took in the fine specimen of a man.
Gillian was already wrapping her arms around him but when his head lifted, his gaze met mine. Those yellow eyes burned deep into my soul.
‘Mate’ Juniper purred in my mind as our gazes locked and held for what felt like an eternity.
Until they didn’t.
To my horror, my mate turned his exotic eyes from mine, finding his fiancée, and without hesitation, or guilt scooped her up into his arms and kissed her.
“I missed you,” Gillian gushed at him.
“I missed you too beautiful,” He smiled at her, their noses rubbing together in an intimate gesture.
This was most definitely fucked up.
It felt like something inside me shattered when my heart stopped and dropped into my stomach. I felt crushed and confused. My knees buckled and the heat I had felt moments ago intensified as my feline raged inside my body with anger at seeing her mate’s lips on another.
Thank the goddess Mason had a firm grip on my elbow or else I was sure I would have collapsed on the floor. I had never been so grateful for him than at this moment.
“Get me out of here!” I gritted my teeth and mumbled at Mason. Refusing to show how he affected me, especially in a room full of strangers.
I didn’t, couldn’t, stick around for introductions. Not right now. I didn’t care how rude I was being, I just needed to put distance between me and Kolby Crimson as fast as possible.
I had found myself in an impossible situation. My mate was second in command to my grandfather, fiancée to a woman I had grown to really like, and to make matters worse. They were bound by a contract to be together for a full year.
If I had any thoughts on staying in Cambiador – they just flew out the window along with my mate.
Fuck my life.