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Chapter 1: Death

Red moon pack and blood moon pack have been at logger heads for centuries, they've been enemies, who would do anything to destroy each other. For these few years I've been in existence, I've grown to know that the two packs wage war often, and each time it is done, damages were always caused. At first, I wasn't happy about the whole thing, and I always felt skeptical about the war, but I found out the reason behind the war, I realized that it's worth it, I realized that it's what needs to be done.

According to what my father, Alpha Carlos told me, he said that the then Alpha of red moon pack, Alpha Roberto, stole a precious stone from grandfather, which was one of his source of power, therefore making red moon pack now stronger than our pack, and since then, all efforts to get it back have always proved abortive.

Father told me that grandfather died before his very eyes, while trying to fight and get the precious sacred stone back, and not just that, his elder brother, who was to ascend the throne, got killed by Alpha Roberto before his very eyes, and he couldn't do anything about it. Since then, father had lived each day of his life, thinking of nothing but vengeance.

After the death of Alpha Roberto, father thought he could conquer the pack and get the sacred stone back, since his son is now the one on the throne, but he still never succeeded, as he was in possession of the sacred stone.

For the past few months, we've trained so hard for this day, and here we are today on the battlefield, waiting to shed our bloods, if that's what it takes to get the sacred stone, father was already determined that he was going to get the sacred stone back, even if it meant him losing his life, but I'm not ready to lose him now, so I'll do whatever it takes me, to protect him.

Glancing at father, who stood glaring at Alpha Blake and his minions standing a few meters away from us, his face held so much rage, and the thirst for vengeance. I've seen my father on the battlefield so many times, but I've never seen him this enraged or determined. To father, war was nothing, as he always fought and brought back victory to the pack, he is one of the strongest Alphas in the whole of Europe, so what do you expect.

He tilted his head to look at me, as our eyes met, and he gave me an 'are you ready' look, which I nodded to.

"Attack!" He roared energetically which boosted our warriors morale, and they charged forward.

He howled loudly as he transformed into his wolf form, his big brown wolf leaped forward and charged towards Alpha Blake and his minions, who also stood in readiness for fight.

They didn't flinch when they saw us coming in full speed, it seemed as though they're really ready for us but we didn't let that scare us or make us retreat...we must fight this fight.

Seconds ticked into minutes, before we finally got to them, and the war started, roars of pains were heard, as claws kept slashing very deep through soldiers of both sides, sending them lifeless to the ground, or severely injured and blood were spilling everywhere.

I made sure that I watched out for my father, his safety is what matters to me.

As I keep running towards the Alpha, who was now fighting with father, but the opponent soldiers wouldn't let me get to father and help him out. They kept charging at me, as if they were giving their Alpha time to deal with father, soon I'm surrounded by six wolves and they started circling me, I on the other hand, was studying them too.

Then one of them made the first move and charged at me, he raised his claw to slash my face, but I was very fast to dodge it and slashed his back instead and he let out an agonizing howl.

I quickly transformed, since it's very convenient to fight in my wolf form. A short howl left my mouth when I felt a slash on my shoulder, I turned and glared at the wolf who just slashed me.

I was about to charge at him when....

"Arrrrgh!" I suddenly heard a roar, which sounded like father's voice, and I was forced to stop and shift my gaze towards him.

My body tensed as I was welcomed with the most terrifying sight of my life, there was Alpha Blake's big black wolf's paw pressing father to the ground, with his teeth on father's neck and his claws deeply buried in my father's chest.

It felt as if the hand of the clock stopped moving at that moment.

"Father!" I roared in a very terrified tone.

I couldn't hold back, I channeled all my emotions into strength and fight off the wolves surrounding me, biting randomly and slashing randomly at them, until everyone of the fell lifeless on the ground, then I turned towards father but couldn't move my legs because I was too scared to move.

Slowly, he managed to tilt his head to look at me with so much pains in his eyes, but he still managed to smile. My eyes darted to the alpha's claws, there's a short dagger between his claws and that's what he stabbed father with.

An imprinted letter on the dagger caught my attention, and that was when it dawned on me, it wasn't just a dagger, it's father's long lost dagger, which he inherited from his father, that's the only dagger that can penetrate his skin, and he can't heal from the dagger's cut.

As if the soldiers just realized what's going on, they all paused with their mouth hanging. Alpha Blake pulled out his claws and got off father.

"Father!" I roared again, as I made to rush over to him, but fell on my knees, as I felt a slash on my back, someone just stabbed me. Blood started gushing out from the spot I was just stabbed, waves and sparkles of pains spread through my body, but the pains didn't matter to me, seeing father dying is what matters to me. Tears found their way out of my eyes, as I managed to crawl over to where his half lifeless body was now laying, as I cupped his cheek in my palms, tears pouring out of my eyes.

"Fath...father..." I called in tears, as I tapped his cheek.

"Ryd...Ryder..., take care my son..., you must get...get the sacred stone back." Those were his last words, as his bloodstained hand, which have been cupping my cheek, fell from my cheek, as he passed away with his eyes widened. I gulped down the lump in my throat, as I slowly took my trembling hand to his face, while running it through his face, before closing his eyes, pool of tears dropping from my eyes, my mouth trembled as balls of sweat formed on my forehead. I felt my blood boiling in fury, my fingers grew slowly into claws, my breath was now hitching, and in the next second, I jerked up and roared, as I shifted into my wolf, which was a huge one with raven furs.

I howled loudly, before charging towards him, but stopped abruptly, as I felt something pierced through my wolf's eyes, and that was all I remembered, as I fell well weakly on the floor, and passed out...

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