Living with the Five Billionaires all 112 chapters

  1. Chapter1:
  2. Chapter2:
  3. Chapter3:
  4. Chapter4:
  5. Chapter5:
  6. Chapter6:
  7. Chapter7:
  8. Chapter8:
  9. Chapter9:
  10. Chapter10:
  11. Chapter11:
  12. Chapter12: Embarrassing Moments (Part 1)
  13. Chapter13: "Embarrassing Moment" Part 2
  14. Chapter14: Things She Will Regret
  15. Chapter15: Things She Will Regret Part 2
  16. Chapter16: One Fine Day Part 1
  17. Chapter17: One Fine Day Part 2
  18. Chapter18: "One Fine Day" (Part 3)
  19. Chapter19: Sudden Changes
  20. Chapter20: Sudden Changes Part 2
  21. Chapter21: Bad Sparks Part 1
  22. Chapter22: Bad Sparks Part 2
  23. Chapter23: The Jokers Mask
  24. Chapter24: Bad Day
  25. Chapter25: Who Likes Who?
  26. Chapter26: Falling In Love Is Possible
  27. Chapter27: Falling In Love is Possible Part 2
  28. Chapter28: His Childishness
  29. Chapter29: She Is A Friend But...
  30. Chapter30: Five Men Are Weird
  31. Chapter31: Five Men Are Weird Part 2
  32. Chapter32: When He Lives Like a Trash
  33. Chapter33: The Infamous Five Billionaires
  34. Chapter34: "Meeting My Childhood Friends"
  35. Chapter35: Jealousy
  36. Chapter36: Calm Before the Storm
  37. Chapter37: Confession
  38. Chapter38: Confessions
  39. Chapter39: Confessionss
  40. Chapter40: Confessionsss
  41. Chapter41: Gate of Death
  42. Chapter42: Experiment
  43. Chapter43: Five Beasts Around the Lamb
  44. Chapter44: First Experiment
  45. Chapter45: To Whom My Heart Beats
  46. Chapter46: The Grin on the Good Boy's Lips
  47. Chapter47: Attraction and Relationships
  48. Chapter48: Knocking Twice on Heaven's Door
  49. Chapter49: Reminds You Of Her
  50. Chapter50: Ryan Was Caught
  51. Chapter51: Smell Like A Mess
  52. Chapter52: "Potential Gold Digger"
  53. Chapter53: To Win Her As Soon As Possible
  54. Chapter54: The Five Guys Had A Meeting
  55. Chapter55: Asking Her For A Date
  56. Chapter56: Stop Meddling
  57. Chapter57: Reading My Intention Right
  58. Chapter58: Discoveries
  59. Chapter59: Cliche Date With An Unpredictable Man
  60. Chapter60: Pretend as Couple
  61. Chapter61: Seriously Playing
  62. Chapter62: They Noticed
  63. Chapter63: Stern Situation
  64. Chapter64: Who Kissed You?
  65. Chapter65: Hearing It Twice
  66. Chapter66: It Is Hard Because It is You
  67. Chapter67: Competitiveness
  68. Chapter68: Contest
  69. Chapter69: Can't Give Up
  70. Chapter70: Am I Selfish?
  71. Chapter71: Chaylen's VOW
  72. Chapter72: Mess In the Cafeteria
  73. Chapter73: Possessive Us
  74. Chapter74: Deepest Cut
  75. Chapter75: Sorry and Thank You
  76. Chapter76: Vincent's Threats
  77. Chapter77: Ryan Bursts Into Tears
  78. Chapter78: Inviting Terban to the Party
  79. Chapter79: Worse Than The Fight
  80. Chapter80: On The Same Side
  81. Chapter81: I Should Have Confessed
  82. Chapter82: His Answer to Her Question
  83. Chapter83: Don't Want To Lose The Frienship
  84. Chapter84: Selfish In Love
  85. Chapter85: Ryan's Confession
  86. Chapter86: In A Relationship
  87. Chapter87: Round Two
  88. Chapter88: It was Hard to Date
  89. Chapter89: Wanting To Date Happily
  90. Chapter90: Cat, Dog, And Mouse
  91. Chapter91: Thorn Between Two Lovers
  92. Chapter92: Planning To Meet Their Parents
  93. Chapter93: Ryan Talks To Terban
  94. Chapter94: Greedy Wishes
  95. Chapter95: A Simple Greeting
  96. Chapter96: Parents' Meet Up
  97. Chapter97: Extra Chapter "Meeting the Right Person"
  98. Chapter98: Trust Me
  99. Chapter99: The Person Who Comforted Me
  100. Chapter100: It Has NO Medicine
  101. Chapter101: A Chance To Encounter
  102. Chapter102: Misunderstandings
  103. Chapter103: Kyle, Chaylen, and Vincent's Point of View
  104. Chapter104: Hide But Seek
  105. Chapter105: Boyfriend's Anxiousness
  106. Chapter106: The Party Is Over
  107. Chapter107: Father and Son
  108. Chapter108: Competitors and Friends
  109. Chapter109: Just Like In the Beginning
  110. Chapter110: Epilogue 1: "Eight Years After"
  111. Chapter111: Living With the Five Billionaires
  112. Chapter112: On Her Wedding (Last Epilogue)