I froze, my blood turning cold, body trembling at his proximity.
I resisted the only way I knew. Instead of standing there and letting him look at my naked body, I tried and failed to push him away. Alexei was stronger and taller than me and taking a woman like me down was nothing to him. His muscular arms seized my bare waist in a death grip as he pushed me back against the wall opposite the door.
Alexei growled maniacally. “You had two years, Rara, now I can’t fucking wait.”
“I-I don’t want this!” I gasped for air, adrenaline rushing in my veins. His lips twitched in dark amusement. My skin felt more icy and glacial and my pulse jacked up even more.
“No? Guess what, возлюбленный,” he tilted his head quizzically. “It doesn’t matter.”
“You destroyed my life! You killed my family! You killed Stefan!”
“You didn’t want that bastard,” he said as killing a young harmless innocent man was nothing to him. That killing his cousin was nothing to him. “He could never give you what I can. Do you understand me?” His soft voice gave a false impression. His arm was around my waist like a familiar iron shackle. His voice was oddly calm and remote, and some bitterness left behind the memories of that horrid night.
“Let go!” I yelled my hands coming forward to slam on his chest as with force I fight him. Alexei Volkov was an undeniable embodiment of untamed power, possessing a relentless ruthlessness rendered him immune to defeat. He possessed an unwavering determination to claim whatever he desired, employing any means necessary. In an instant, his free hand reached towards me, enveloping my exposed shoulder with a swift and forceful motion.
Swallowed by fear, he forcefully dragged me to the centre of the room. This time, I didn’t even think before I make a last attempt to escape his hold. Alexei cursed wrapping his one strong arm looping around my ribcage and lifting me off my feet easily while his other hand slapped over my mouth, muffling my instinctive scream. My legs kicked in air with desperate attempt to flee his hold. No, no, no. This couldn’t happen. I didn’t wasted two years of my life to be caught by him-them-precisely. I’d rather die than to give myself to them-at least not willingly. But the thought that they wouldn’t hesitate to force me, brought more terrorised actuality.
I desperately scratched at his sturdy forearms, with my tiny feet fiercely pounding against his lower legs as he effortlessly steered me towards the large bed. Nevertheless, my futile efforts were in vain. Helpless, my back, buttocks, and the right side of my body were helplessly laid bare. Every touch of his finely ironed shirt teased my vulnerable back, while the scent of his fresh manliness filled the air, magnifying my unease and driving me to wriggle with even greater resolve.
“Fuck,” Alexei growled as my heel connected with his knee, and I felt a small flare of victory.
However, it didn't last long. In an instant, he fell back onto the bed, taking me along for the thrilling descent. Before I had a chance to even catch my breath, he skillfully flipped over, asserting his dominance over me. Enveloped in the cozy embrace of the blanket, my futile attempts at resistance were nothing but a dance of desperation. The weight of his powerful legs burdened my own, grounding me in place. Trapped beneath his firm grip, any sound escaped my lips remained stifled and distant. A surge of panic electrified my tear-filled eyes, as the undeniable presence of his arousal pressed firmly against my backside. Now, only the thin barrier of our garments stood between us, urging me to summon an unwavering determination, despite the seeming hopelessness of my endeavors.
It took a couple of minutes for me to tire myself out—and to realize he was not moving. He was restraining me, but he was making no attempts to force me.
“Are you done now?” he murmured when I went limp, my muscles shaking from exertion and my lungs screaming for air. I laid there, crying.
He was so much bigger than me all he had to do was lie on top, and I could neither hurt him nor break out. The endeavour paid on his part was slightest, while I was using all my strength with zero triumphs.
His lips hovered just above my ear, his breath heating my skin. My shoulders bunched up to protect my neck from those infringing lips, and he let out an audible sigh. “ I guess I'll have to cuff you.”
I made a muffled noise behind his palm, and he chuckled. “No? Will you behave then?”
I mustered a feeble nod, the taste of defeat like acid scorching my throat. Yet, I refused to be silenced and restrained. With a gentle release, he uncovered my mouth, but his grip on my limbs remained unyielding. As his weight lifted, I seized the opportunity to retreat towards the headboard, clutching a handful of bed sheet to shield my vulnerability. Standing tall by the bed, Alexei emitted a patronizing chuckle. My nakedness felt magnified, my vulnerability exposed, especially juxtaposed against his menacing attire, a darkness that clung to him even when shed.
His shoulders were more than twice as broad as mine, his muscles cut from steel.
He could do anything he wanted to me, and we both know it.
My heart sank, I watched as he matched my terrified gaze and reached for the bottom of his short-sleeved white shirt. In one smooth move, he pulled the shirt off over his head, and my breath hitched in my throat as he threw it carelessly over his shoulder.
His broad shoulders cut an impressive silhouette, their strength evident in the well-defined layers of muscle that coiled along his arms. His lean, V-shaped torso boasted an abundance of additional sinew, devoid of any trace of excess fat. Like his sun-kissed hands, his chest and shoulders bore the telltale signs of time spent basking in the warm embrace of the sun, while his left arm proudly displayed an intricate tapestry of tattoos spanning from shoulder to wrist. Amidst the scattering of dark hair on his chest, my gaze alighted upon a collection of faded scars, each hinting at a past battle. But it was the alluring trail of hair that captured my attention, starting at his navel and teasingly disappearing beneath the waistband of his dangerously low-riding jeans. And there, over the left side of his navel, a painful reminder of a gunshot wound that evoked harrowing memories from two years ago.
For any woman, he’d be a Greek god, for whom they’d be willing to do anything. Alexei Volkov didn’t needed to look for attention, he was ‘the’ attention. But for me, he was a monster who kills without remorse.
With anticipation lingering in the air, he extended his hand towards the dark pair of jeans, unzipping the zipper. I averted my gaze, desperately fleeing from the imminent chaos. As his irresistible masculinity dominated the scene, a frosty layer of perspiration blanketed my body, while the rhythm of my heart danced with sickening intensity. Oh…his external beauty was undeniable, a creature of awe-inspiring proportions, yet deep down, he remained nothing more than a savage, a callous monster. Despite the undeniable allure we might have shared under different circumstances, I resisted the impending fate that loomed before us.
Alexei with a tilt of his head bended down radiating his masculinity, his one hand wrapped around my ankle but his eyes never left mine. I swear I saw his gaze darkening as he pulled my body making a startled fearful gasp leaving my mouth.
“You know how hard it was for me to let you go, Rara. To know I could no longer enjoy the fear on your face, the pain in your eyes. It’s taking everything in me to bury myself deep into your thighs and know how sweet you taste.”
“D-Don’t, please!” His touch felt like it was leaving burning streaks in it’s aftermath as he trailed his hand up my leg. I clenched my jaw tight and shut my eyes. This was it. Anger, resentment, panic, fear all combined in a mess as his hand on my leg forcefully pressed my leg down and he was leaning in. Realisation what he was about to do infiltrated my wrecking nerves.
“Or probably I don’t to need to control anymore.”
“N-No, don’t!” I was flustered while I repeatedly shook my head, my legs were forcefully separated, and the places I tried to hide through every means were exposed, only after I was thoroughly sprawled under him.
“Fuck, you don’t know how much I missed you, возлюбленный.” His voice was harsh and guttural and his arms held me down until I couldn’t move.
My indignant tears flowed out and my face thoroughly turned red, “Don’t… don’t look!”
He was amused by the blush painting on my cheeks as he tugged on my thigh pulling my hips closer and leaning down. His small smirk widening with pure masculine satisfaction. He grunted closing his eyes as he sniffed making me twist in disgust. His head quickly dipped to lap at my clit as two fingers immediately found their way inside my opening. My back arched at sudden invasion. Lifting my foot forcefully, resting it over his shoulder, his tongue fluttering and flicking at the twitching bundle of nerves.
I struggled with the unknown feeling erupting in me. Never had I ever been touched by a man like this. My tormentors made sure I stayed pure and exclusively available for them.
“Please! Leave me! Stop it!” I resisted but his hands immediately came down to clutch my waist as he pinned me down under him. I panted low as he twisted, plunged, and curled his fingers inside me and in seconds I found my breathing fastening and muscles tightening.
“You’re making it impossible to resist, Rara. You look temptingly seductive sprawled under me, you don’t know how lewdly I desired this moment. To see you at my mercy.”
Why did it feel like he wanted to embrace me in him? Like he wanted to trickle drop by drop on my body and drip down my curves and drink my essence? I hated this. I HATED HIM!
I whimpered, his hands ѕliding up my body tо squeeze my brеаѕtѕ when he grаbbеd my knee with his frее hаnd, pushing my hips uр аnd my lеg оut; his nоѕе nuzzling my сlit made me gasp, and hiѕ tоnguе аnd lips kissed between my legs before dipping down tо drool saliva on hiѕ finger, аnd my ass.
“Keep your legs wide or I’ll tie you up,” Alexei whispered. He drew his other hand down, his thumb ѕtrumming my clit as he pulled his head bасk, wаtсhing me. I was exposed to such touches for the first time. Panic-strike I screamed and cried uncontrollably.
Quicker than I could think, his hand was fishing for my hair as he pulled my hair back, painfully arching my back so that I viewed his full intense gaze which itched closer to anger. “As much as I like you fighting, I am getting tired of this bratty behaviour. Do you want me to tie you up and fuck the shit out of you? I could always do that, but I’m being considerate enough to give you time. Don’t test my patience.”
I clenched my teeth, ignoring the stinging on my scalp. “Are you going to rape me?”
His jaw ticked and his grip tightened in my hair. “Do you want me to?”
I shook my head. My hands trembling uncontrollably and my breathing ragged. Tears streamed down my face and thoughts scattered.
“Good girl, now you will part your legs wide so that I can see your pretty cunt,” once he was done saying, I was afraid if I was still breathing. “Hmm, I think I likе this," he сhuсklеd, lооking over аt me as I timidly obeyed his words and parted my legs. Grinning, he wrарреd my chestnut lосkѕ around his hаnd. "I'vе nеvеr hаd my cock throbbing for ѕuсh a рrеttу little пизда оn mу сосk bеfоrе, еѕресiаllу whilе she is a virgin and untouched. Exclusively mine.”
His cock wаѕ hardening against my legs, аnd he seemed to enjoy thе асhе. Spreading my lower liрѕ wide, hе diрреd his head and swept his tоnguе wetly оvеr аnd intо my rear whilst tears couldn’t stop leaving my eyes. I was being molested by the man who claimed to be my future husband. Absurd! His сосk lеарt as I cried оut in ѕurрriѕе and fear, and hе licked me there аgаin аnd аgаin, bеfоrе tаking lоng ѕwiреd frоm my rоѕеbud to сlit. Please stop! I closed my eyes shut, still struggling but his hold was iron-like.
“Alexei, please!” I begged him to ѕtор аnd I manoeuvred myself ѕо thаt I was backing away despite his warnings. And then he kissed me there, sending a surge of heat through my body. His skilled mouth licked and nibbled around my clitoris until my pleas were turning into moans, and then he closed his lips around it and lightly sucked. The pleasure was so strong, so startling that my eyes fly open. I couldn’t understand what was happening to me, and it was frightening. I was burning inside, throbbing between my legs. My heart was beating so fast I couldn’t catch my breath, and I find myself panting. I started struggling, and he laughed softly. I could feel the puffs of air from his breath on my sensitive flesh. He easily held me down and continued what he was doing.
The tension inside me was becoming unbearable. I was squirming against his tongue, and my motions seem to be bringing me closer to some elusive edge. Then I went over with a soft scream. My entire body tightened, and I was swamped by a wave of pleasure so intense that my toes curl. I could feel my inner muscles pulsing, and I realized that I just had an orgasm.
The first orgasm of my life by a man who ruined my life. Who killed my fiancé. Who killed my father.
I felt so disgusted and devastated that tears couldn’t stop running down. Alexei snuggly smirk against my heat as he leapt his tongue once on my clit and lightly bit the folds as I jumped.
“So pretty,” he mumbled running his nose along the slit and closing his eyes as if sniffing. “So мой.”
When I thought he was done tarnishing my femininity, he crawled up my body and kissed my mouth. He kissed me leisurely, his tongue exploring my mouth with exquisite roughness of a starved beast, even as he held me against him in an unbreakable grip. Alarming bells ringing off in my head.
This time I tasted myself on his tongue. Bile rose in my throat as my stomach twisted to the salty and sour taste on his tongue.
“It’s cute how you think you can get away.” He whispered against my lips.
“Let me go, you psycho!” I cried opening my eyes to look at him. I was ashamed and disgusted to my core. How could I let a man like him touch me? My vision was blurred by my tears.
“Why are you making this so difficult for yourself? I’m your husband-to-be, Rara, I have every right on you.”
“You psychopath-“ I gasped as he grabbed my face and squeezed my cheeks with the fire burning in his gunmetal dark grey-almost black eyes. This man terrified me more than anything. I was shivering as he seethed leaning down as his breath fanned my face and I cower away in fear.
“Complete that, do it.” I cried more at his threat and was partially afraid that he’d force himself on me. I knew if he wanted I would have been under him and probably already bleeding. He did not look like a kind man if anything he was the man my mother had warned me to stay away from.
“Exactly, I like you like this. Timid and submissive.” Alexei enjoyed the fear on my face. His male ego was enlarged. His eyes gleamed brighter. He shifted and positioned his arm under my knee and the other behind my shoulders as he picked me up. I couldn’t stop sobbing.
“W-where are you taking me?”
“You’re covered in cum, Rara. I’m gonna clean you up.” He chuckled as I watched helplessly as he carried me to the bathroom. There was a gigantic granite jacuzzi. He gently placed me on the counter and he pressed a few buttons water started filling in the tub. Grabbing his body wash, he drizzled it into the water.
I wrapped my arms around myself as I pressed my knees against my chest and sniffled. My shivering body and teary eyes were helplessly around for anything I could use to attack him and escape. But his bathroom was also minimalist, there was hardly anything he could use except for the bottles placed on the opposite sides.
To my horror, he turned around and smirked. I never feared anything more than the greys of his eyes.
“Are you embarrassed? You do not have to, I’ve already seen everything. You have a beautiful body, you know that. Almost too flawless that it makes me want to scar it.” Alexei chuckled moving to me as he ran his index finger down my bare arm making several chills run down my spine. My skin trembled under his touch.