She woke up with a pounding headache. As soon as she opened her eyes, the events of the last evening rushed back into her mind, accompanied by a scalding feeling of both humiliation and anger. He molested her, and she shamelessly let herself get played. She vaguely had any idea what Alexei did after she passed out in the shower, cause she exerted herself too much, but she couldn’t feel any pain between her legs. Did that mean he didn’t… rape her?
She swallowed thickly. She better get out of here before he-or-any one of them decided to reverse this situation. She still couldn’t feel any clothes on her. Without wasting any other second, she gathered the sheets she was wrapped in, around me before tying them around her torso. Raising to her feet, she walked towards the door with mild steps. Her hands trembled as she placed them over the knob and twisted it. Please god! Let it be-
Her eyes widened. D-Did they forgot to lock it? Or, it was intentional. Whatever the reason was, it didn’t halt her actions. Alexei’s words from last evening still resonated in her ears, raising goosebumps all over. Or maybe it was the cold chilly breeze she felt as she tip-toed towards what she guessed were the stairs.
Having decided to find an exit first, Rara lost no time in putting it into action.
Descending the stairs, she calmly looked around. Her eyes widened now and then at the interior design. No wonder these men were filthy rich.
Rara looked around with uncertainty, without any direction. Taking a left turn, she came across a large living room opening into a dining hall. She fastened her hold on the knot and took a right turn as an audible gasp left her mouth.
Despite her intention to remain unmoved, her breath caught in her throat and her pulse jacked up at the sight. He wore a soft-looking pair of grey pyjama pants and nothing else. This was the first time she saw Alexei in clothes other than his expensive suit. His upper body was completely bare, with bronze skin covering chiselled muscle and a light modicum of dark hair visible around small, masculine nipples. Broad shoulders, thick with ropy muscles, tapered down to a slim waist, and an actual six-pack covered his flat abdomen. There wasn’t an ounce of fat anywhere on his powerful body.
Rara swallowed to help the dryness in her throat, suddenly far less sure of the wisdom of her plan.
“лапушка,” he purred, leaning on the doorway and looking for all the world like a big jungle cat about to pounce. Rara never understood his fascination with calling her names, but with the little time, she came to know many endearing in said language. “Seems like you manage to find your way.” Something in her expression must’ve betrayed her because he let out a short laugh. “I bet you’re hungry.”
Padding to the kitchen in his bare feet, he asked, “What do you want? Pancakes? Toast?” He looked over his shoulder at her unmoving body. “Or something tender.”
Rara swallowed, feeling like a mute but afraid that her voice might betray her nervousness. This was not the best plan. What was she even thinking? Of course, they’d not let her leave this easily.
But there was no turning back now.
“Okay, then, perhaps you might like something hard?” His tone was overly gracious, making a mockery of the normally polite query. Rara took a tentative step back. Alexei smirked. “What’re you thinking, Rara? I was talking about sausages.”
Her chin went up at the realization that he found the whole situation amusing. “No, thanks,” she said coolly, taking pride in the level tone of her voice.
“Did someone mention sausages?” A sudden loud voice filled the empty hall. Rara jumped sensing another presence behind her. Her eyes landed on another monster. Kilian Schmitt. His cocky smile was unfettered as he stepped in with long strides. Rara could swear he had gotten more toned and…intimidating. His palest blue eyes met hers, and a mocking teasing smile curved his lips. “Oh, are we having her for breakfast?” Rara backed away. He tilted his head licking his lips. “Sounds delicious.”
His husky voice sounded different, more intimidating, darker. Scarier. There was a possessiveness in his tone that chilled her. He never look at her with appreciation, but with satisfaction. The kind that a owner look at their work. And that’s what she basically was. A trophy. A possession, they won by slaughtering dozen of people in this week. Not to forget the massacre two years ago.
It was Killian who she was terrified of this time, his unusual blue-coloured eyes watching her with cool, piercing menace. Of the three men, he was by far the most dangerous, with a reputation for ruthlessness that went far beyond the usual ambition.
Alexei sighed. He could already see the madness in Kilian’s eyes. He slowly walked behind Rara, his hands boldly coming forward to clasp around her torso. A soft startled yelp escaped her mouth, as she strikes not to panic at approaching giggling Kilian. His blue eyes bore into hers so intensely it made her shiver.
“Long time no see, Schmetterling.” A wave of goosebumps covered her skin as Alexei’s soft lips climbed up her neck until he reached the curve behind her ears. His hands were eager, impatient, and hungry as he grabbed both mounds in his palms, massaging them fervently in his grasp over the silk of sheets.
His light stubble tickled her skin as he directed her ear into his mouth leaving small bites in the process. His tongue swirled around her skin before he widened his mouth to take more of her flesh into his mouth.
Rara could feel herself getting a panic attack. Her eyes rose to meet Kilian’s hungry gaze as he stopped a step away. Watching.
The unwavering twitch of his lips made her let out a sharp desperate wail of protest. “L-Let go!” Kilian chuckled, taking another step closer. A large tent propped in his pants and he hardly seemed concerned.
Kilian watched Alexei’s fingers trace down the curve of Rara’s waist before he hooked his fingers under the sheets. Her struggles became stronger as she thrashed in his hold but it was futile. His hold on her torso was steel-like.
His tongue led the way to her neck until he rubbed his erection against her ass. Her cursed under his breath pushing her towards the dining table and bending her over it as he impatiently huddled the sheets up till they were hoisted up her torso.
Rara cried hard as she felt Alexei pressing his wide palm against the small of her waist pinning her down. Her eyes met with Kilian’s Cheshire grin. His eyes roamed her body, ready to devour. "I wonder..." Alexei said, rubbing his fingers against her small nub. "At what point did we make this happen..."
Her breathing hitched when she felt Alexei’s finger first make contact with her wet, throbbing clit. She looked into Kilian’s blue eyes severely darkened. She gasped as he wrapped his palm around her hair pulling her back against his chest and arching her head back. The throbbing pain made her hiss as tears burned her eyes. Alexei looked at her face and then lowered his mouth, capturing her mouth with a domineering kiss.
His lips completely devoured hers as he sucked her tongue into his mouth, claiming her as if he owned her. There was something inherently dark and demanding about him that made her whole body shiver with fear and apprehension.
He eagerly grabbed her long caramel hair as he kissed her so hard, he pushed her head back into Kilian’s chest. Her body writhed in motion to the rhythm by which his fingers rubbed her. Rara felt Kilian readjust behind her before she felt his impatient hands roaming the curve of her ass.
"Nice appetizer," Kilian teased.
“You’re so beautiful, babochka.” Alexei’s Russian accent send shivers down her spine not in a very good way. He looked at her like a full-course meal, not knowing what part of hers should be devoured first.
Killian smirked as she shivered under his touch, leaving wet trails of kisses down her neck, breathing in her warm scent. His fingers slightly teased the knot on her chest. “I can’t say she’s beautiful, cause beauty is inside and I haven’t been inside yet.”
“Alexei, please!”
He wrapped her in his arms, bringing their fronts together, and his now hardness pressed into her lower belly. His lips were warm, the flavours of coffee exploding on her tongue. His fist in her hair kept her head in place as he savoured the taste of fear on her tongue. Light pecks, small nibbles and tiny suckles.
Kilian smirked, giggled running his tongue over the curve of her shoulders, his hands moving farther circling her body towards her breasts. A pleased groan left his mouth as he fumbled the soft mounds between his palms, roughly pressing them together making Rara let out a hiss of panic.
“NO!” Greedy touches and impatient hands roam over her body. She wanted to scream, to cry, but it was futile. These men were not going to get satisfied with just mere touches. They needed something more intimate, and Rara was terrified to even imagine that. As much as she opposed the idea of being shared by three men, she hated herself more for being so pathetically vulnerable.
He moaned low. “Open for me.” Alexei spread her thighs a little. He grunted, petting deeper. “Гавноp.” His voice was a low growl as he ripped the sheets off, the ripping fabric sounding loud in the quiet room.
“No! Alexei,” she gasped, turning her head to push him away. “Wait, stop!”
“You like big cocks stretching your cunt, don’t you? You’re a slut, Rara. Our slut.” His warm breath seethed in her ears. Kilian’s eyes seemed to darken further, and before Rara could react, she felt his big hands cupping her buttocks, pinching as he bend down till his mouth was on her breasts. With a soft growl, he bent his head and captured one rosy nipple with his mouth, sucking on it with a strong pull. Rara gasped, her hands clutching at the heavy muscles of his shoulders as her toes curled from the sharp, unexpected bubbling sensations.
Her only reply was a whimper.
She felt his fingers filling her up, stretching her tightness to a sore numbing pain. Humiliation and self-criticism. She hated this. She hated him. But most of all, she hated herself for letting him touch her. Rara cursed the heavens for sending these vile men into her life. Her tears streamed down. She couldn’t give up. No. She yelled in her head.
Kilian cursed. “That’s it, Schmétterling. Milk my fingers. Fickeñ, I can feel you’re creaming.” She panted and heaved. Her breasts were sore from the rough handling. The smooth texture of her skin covered with sweat and a tangy aroma filled the dining room.
Alexei placed a hand in the middle of her back, easing her forward as he took position behind me. He spat on his palm and ran his hand along her cleft, rubbing her sore core from her back. His fingers teased the area between her core and rear.
Kilian and he shared a menacing look and he slipped his fingers in along with Kilian’s two thick fingers. The tension and fullness had her screaming with pain but there was something strange and wolf building inside her. She grasped Kilian’s shoulders as they fastened their pace. Alexei’s hand was still in her hair tugging at her hair. Kilian’s impatient mouth slammed over hers in a domineering hold.
Fifteen strokes, and she let out a whimpered wail orgasming all over their fingers. A light mocked chuckle left Kilian’s mouth. “This is why I prefer breakfast in bed.”