Chapter 5

The soldier stared at them while Leilah held onto Samantha's hand tightly.

"What happened and who sold you out? From which pack are you?" The soldier's thick voice asked.

Leilah bends her head, she wasn't sure if she wants to tell the strange soldier about her life experience, from being a happy princess who had everything to just Leilah who escaped from women traffickers, she tried hard not to cry, as if the tears will listen to her.

"I'm talking to you." The soldier snapped.

"Uhm, I'm Leilah, she is my younger sister Samantha, and I..." Leilah paused.

"Looks like you don't want to share your story, alright, hope you know you are in our pack right now and we don't tolerate rouges here." The female soldier said with no smile visible on her face, not a bit.

"I'm sorry, I and my sister will leave, I promise." Leilah said.

"You can't leave, I will have to take you to the queen mother and she will decide what she will do to you, you better start praying not for Alpha Jake to see you."

The soldier exclaimed.

Leilah thought about what will happen to her but no time to think, so she quietly obeyed and followed the soldier.

Not long after, Leilah and Samantha together with the soldier arrived in front of a gigantic mansion, it so huge and decorated with gold's paint, Royalty speaks yeah, wealth speak, in as much as Leilah was a princess, but she couldn't help but admire the palace, really beautiful.

The palace was full with guards and servant's walking up and down.

"Follow me, don't stare!" The soldier ordered.

Samantha flinched by the sound of her voice and held Leilah's hand even more tight, Leilah noticed her fears.

"Don't worry, we will be fine." Leilah whispered to her and they followed the soldier into the mansion.

They walked past beautiful idols and expensive flowers base made out of Gold.

After a long walk, they arrived at a huge chamber; more than seven servants were walking nonstop.

"Announce to the queen mother I'm pleading to meet her with all due respect." The soldier said to one of the servants.

She nodded and went inside the chamber.

A charming old looking woman was seated on her expensive couch, her neck full of jewelries done to her finger which she wore a diamond ring. Her hair is white but beautiful; she looks like she is on her late 70's but her body still looked fresh, and strong.

"Greetings queen mother, the soldier wants to see you urgently with all due respect." The servant announced.

She stared at her from up to down before uttering.

"Why is she here?" She asked.

"I don't know your highness; she came along with two girls and they don't smell like us." The servant answered.

"Oh, let her in." The queen mother Amelia ordered, and few minutes later, the soldier walked in along with the girls.

"Greetings your highness." She greeted.

"Why are you here and who are these girls?" Queen mother Amelia asked.

"I met them while looking at the market and some groups of people were running after them at the forest side; I learned that they were women traffickers." The soldier answered and Amelia stood up.

"What! How dare they? The Alpha, my grandson had announced that a woman trafficking is wrong." Grandma Amelia said shocked.

"Unfortunately, they escaped." The soldier said.

"Unfortunately? Did I just hear you said they? You are a soldier, you are supposed to trap them, I can't believe this!" Grandma Amelia yelled.

"Uhm, I'm sorry to barge in but is not her fault your highness, she tried to save us and..." Leilah paused.

"Please don't punish her." Leilah added.

"Quiet, no one talks when the queen mother is talking." The soldier snapped.

"I'm sorry." Leilah said.

"I suppose to punish you but you look decent and young and innocent, you also look pretty and you will be just perfect for a work, what's your name?" Grandma Amelia asked.

"Leilah your highness and she is my sister Samantha." Leilah answered.

"Leilah and Samantha, I won't punish you, instead I will give you a place to stay in this luxurious palace." Grandma Amelia said.

"What! Really?" Samantha asked excitedly.

Leilah signaled her to keep quiet and she remain still.

"But on one condition." Grandma Amelia said.

"What conditions your highness?" Leilah asked.

"I have three crazy grandsons’, they are really stubborn and they all have bad behaviors, I had been looking for someone that will bring them back to been good, and you look decent, so if you will babysit them, then I will let you go freely and you will enjoy your stay here." Grandma Amelia exclaimed.

Shocked, Leilah stared at her.

"Babysitting? Are they like Young?" Leilah asked.

Grandma Amelia chuckled.

"Jake is the Alpha and he is 25, Aisen is 23 and he is Jake's younger brother, while Liam is their cousin and he is 25." Grandma Amelia explained.

"Wow, babysitting Adults?" Leilah asked.

"I'm not going to force you, so you have 10 minutes to talk with your sister to decide if you want this or not, but don't forget that if you want this then rules are attached of course, and the rules are not definitely going to be easy." Grandma Amelia answered.

"Yes, your highness thanks you." Leilah said and the Queen mother asked the servant to walk her out with Samantha.

"I think..."

"You are accepting this right? I know."

Samantha cut her off.

"That's not what I'm going to say Sam, I mean to say that I don't think I can accept this, I mean this is so crazy, babysitting Adults? Full grown-ups who are very rude? C'mon." Leilah said.

"But we don't have any options Leilah; this is our chance to live a luxurious life again, yeah not like we used to live before at our pack but at least it will be better than getting sold to some men for stupid sexual urge." Samantha snarled.

"But we can just figure out something, sometimes not all that glitters are gold, you don't have any idea what will come with accepting this job, we can just figure it out somehow." Leilah said.

"What are you going to figure out? What if those evil men get us again, Leilah please, this will save us from the misery of life, it's just a babysitting job nothing hard please just do this for my sake, I know of it for me then I'm sure I will have accepted it right at that moment, because I can do anything for you." Samantha frowned folding her hands.

Leilah sighed.

"Fine, I will accept this, just for your sake okay." Leilah replied.

"Okay thank you, you are the best."

Samantha said and hugged her tight.

They returned to the chamber.

"So, are you ready? To make a decision?" Grandma Amelia asked.

"Yes, queen mother, I and my sister have decided that I will take the job, I will do the babysitting job." Leilah answered even though not sure of what she is doing, but yeah, she is a tough girl.

"Good choice, now before saying anything, this pack is named Rock hills pack, because of the beautiful rock and hills in the pack giving it a tourist attraction and every pack wants to visit it." Grandma Amelia explained.

Leilah nodded.

"I told you some strict rules are attached to this work and the first and must important rule is... My grandsons are very attractive and handsome, brave and strong, no matter what, make sure not to fall in love with them, just do your work and that's all, cool?" Grandma Amelia asked.

"Yes, your highness." Leilah answered.

"Great, secondly Jake love to have coffee three times a day, first cup should be ready exactly at 8:00, you shouldn't make it before 8:00 or after 8:00, the coffee should be sugarless but you should add some milk, he loves to have it with sandwiches." Grandma Amelia said and Leilah wondered what kind of rule is this.

"That's not all, you will have to make his favorite cheese cakes by 10:00 and provide fruits by 11:00, he does his horse riding by 11:30 and you must be there to hold his water, by 12:00 is his arrow shooting practice time and you must be there to hold the pot on your head for him to hit his target right, 12:30 is his bath time, make sure to prepare a hot bath for him with milk, flowers and perfumes, that's not all, you will have to change his wardrobe every week which means you will have to go shopping with him every weekend because he doesn't wear his clothes more than once, he hate noise so keep noise away from him, also don't worry about keeping his room clean, the servant will do that, the afternoon will be his time to check the happenings in the pack and he will have dinner with his brother's, and...."

Leilah paused Grandma Amelia with her scream.

Both Samantha and Grandma Amelia looked at her shocked.


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