Near Miss 1

Sofia typed on her computer and then sent a file to the printer before looking at Audriana who was on her phone.

"Did you call him after receiving the message?" she asked.

Audriana looked up from her phone "Yes, I did" she put her phone in her bag.

"He sounded worried?"

"Surprisingly, no. He sounded rather calm but the urgency in his message got me worried"

"So, we're headed to your parents after I'm done here?" Audriana nods in response "Well then, I hope my proposal doesn't get rejected because I worked my butt trying to make it more presentable and better than the one I sent earlier"

"What did the counselor say about the previous letter you sent to him?"

In the best gruff voice Sofia could muster, she said "I will not waste my time reading a five-year-old written letter about an excursion to a place that makes no sense or adds any value," she mimicked then scrunched up her face so bad, you'd think she was bathed with acid.

Audriana bursts out laughing as she slams the table.

Sofia had a bored look on her face when she took the printed letter and read through it. A smile crept to her face when she was done reading, she handed the letter to Audriana who read through it too.

"Don't let anyone tell you that your passion is whack" Audriana put the letter on the table "I know how much you love Archeology and you know that I will always support you even if the world won't?"

Sofia grinned and then wiped an invincible tear.

"You're going to make me cry with your sweet words"

Audriana laughed.

"When someone is passionless, the passionate ones are a threat to them" Sofia grinned when Audriana whispered that to her. "Just keep at this, and maybe, just maybe when I have enough to fund a trip to the place you want to take your students, we could all have all the fun in the world as we want to," she winked.

"And everyone wonders why I can't leave you. You're my bestie"

"You're my love" Audriana blew her a kiss and she dodged it.

"I will finish up here so that we can get going," she said then went back to her work and Audriana continued typing on her phone.

A few minutes passed and it was almost 5 pm. Sofia stretched and then stood on her feet to stretch some more.

"If I don't stop now, we will not leave here on time" Aduriana looked at then stretched a bit.

"Meet me downstairs," she grabbed the key on the table and then left the office.

When she got downstairs, she saw Philp coming out of the restroom that was on the ground floor.

"Hi there" he greets and she smiles in return.

"Going home already?" she asked and he nodded. "See you later Philip"

He made a peace sign and then took the stairs to his office floor.

Audriana continued to where Sofia parked her car which was outside the campus and on the other side of the road. She felt her phone vibrate and started to check her purse for it, but she didn't see the car that just turned to the lane she was crossing from and just kept trying to find her phone.

A scream from a familiar voice made her stop, she looked to her right and saw a car stopping just a step away from her. Her heart stopped beating for a second or two, her legs felt like jelly, and her hands were shaking from the realization of what would have been a disaster.

She wanted to move but couldn't find the strength to do so, her throat felt dried and she just stood there rooted on her feet.

The driver came out of his car with an annoyed look on his face. He walked up to her and took off his glasses as he accessed the shock-looking young lady.

He was attracted to her beauty but he couldn't let himself get lost in it because she almost made him kill her had he not stopped his car on time.

He wanted to ask if she was okay but what came out of his mouth was different.

"The least you could do is watch where you're going so that no one has to go to jail for your carelessness," he said with utmost anger.

Audriana was still in a phase of a shock to answer him and just when he was going to say something, Sofia hugged Audriana and started checking if she was okay and nothing happened to her.

"Are you okay? Hope you're not hurt?" she asked but Audriana could barely say anything other than just stare.

"Sofia?" the man said her name and she looked at the black-haired man who stood beside the car with a frown which was replaced by a glare when she recognized him.

"Dimitri," she said his name like it was sour as vinegar. "Did you do anything to my friend?" she asked still angrily glaring at him.

He raised his hands in surrender "She was the one trying to get me to jail with her careless road crossing" he pointed to Audriana.

"Look at you, still selfish and arrogant. It no wonder your fiancee left you" she spat then held Audriana and helped her cross the road.

Dimitri didn't have the chance to retort because she left, he was boiling that she went as low as bringing up his past but could he blame her? People thought of him like that right from the start and there was nothing he could do to change anyone's mind about him.

With a loud grunt, he kicked his car tyre and entered his car, his head felt full of so much anger and he wanted to release it, to let it out and he knew just how to do that. Switching on his car engine, he drove away from the scene taking one last look at Sofia trying to console the crying lady.

Sofia hugged Audriana as she cried on her shoulder.

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