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Chapter 5

Cassie felt a lump in her throat when Dean looked at her. “This is your first day Miss Cassandra Reed. do you have any idea your scholarship could be jeopardized?”

Cassie looked at him. “I am sorry Dean Mitchell but Ryker crossed the line and I got angry.”

Dean Mitchell. “You should have come to my office rather than give the whole college a show.”

Cassie makes a tight line of her lips. “It won’t happen again. I promise.”

Dean Mitchell nodded. “The more you stay away from Ryker Brown the better your life will be in Elite.”

Cassie nodded and when she was walking out of Dean’s office, her eyes landed on Ryker who was standing waiting for his suspension letter. Cassie smirked and winked. *The more Ryker Brown stays away from me the better his life will be Elite. * Voice in her head.

Daniel was pacing outside the office when he saw Cassie coming out. “What happened?”

Cassie shot up her shoulders. “Ryker got a week of suspension.”

Daniel was waiting for more but when Cassie didn’t say anything he asked. “That's it? What about you?”

Cassie sighed."Dean told me to be careful in the future because my scholarship depends on how well I do in academics and how I behave,"

Cassie asked. “How many subjects do we have together?”

Daniel responded. “English Lit and Adv Maths.”

Cassie makes a pout. “So, we are not going to meet tomorrow?”

Daniel squinted. “There are no restrictions to meet friends after classes.”

Cassie facepalmed. “Ohh yeah, it didn’t cross my mind. I think I should go home now.”

Daniel tilted his head. “Come on I’ll drop you.”

Cassie shook her head. “There is no need I’ll take the bus.”

Daniel pulled Cassie back, and she smashed into his chest. Cassie looked up, and they were both caught startled by the unexpected closeness. It was the first time Daniel felt something stirring inside him. He felt a twitch in his crotch and butterflies in his stomach. Cassie couldn't let go, and Daniel wanted to lose himself in the moment; he'd never had a friend or girlfriend in his 19 years. He liked this moment, but as he noticed Cassie's breath becoming heavy, he cleared his throat. "I've heard that friends do offer to drive each other home and don't say no."

Cassie also tried to bury these odd feelings for Daniel. “Would you please stop milking this friend thingy?”

While driving home Daniel told Cassie now she should be more careful because Ryker won’t sit back or forget what she did to him. Cassie flared his nostrils. “I am not afraid of him and if he does anything to you at home just let me know.”

Daniel pulled over. “You are not getting Cassie, it's not easy to fight with Ryker you don't know him.”

Cassie looked at him. “Why the fuck you are so afraid of him? I saw you pushed him that means you have the strength to fight with him.”

Daniel shook his head. “I am not afraid of him I just don’t want to fight with him because no matter what he is my brother.”

Cassie corrected. “Half-brother.”

Daniel sighed. “Yeah right, half-brother. But promise me you won’t mess with him anymore.”

Cassie raised her hands. “I won’t do anything until he does.”

Daniel dropped her home and when he got back to his place Ryker was standing in a garden waiting for him. Daniel climbed out of his car and Ryker held him by the collar. “How dare you to push me back?”

Daniel looked at him. “Because you were going to harm Cassie.”

Ryker asked. “Why the fuck do you care about that bitch?”

Daniel clenched his jaw. “She is my friend and if you swear her one more time…”

Ryker pushed him back. “Or what?”

Daniel pointed at him. “I will forget that you are my brother.”

Ryker was about to punch Daniel but his mom Lilly called. “Ryker stop.”

Ryker stopped his punch in the air and laughed sarcastically “Of course you want me to stop because Daniel Brown is the kind of a son you have always wanted me to be.” and then he walked away.

Lilly called Ryker but he didn’t listen and ran into his room and shut the door behind. Ryker had no idea what to do because Cassie was getting on his nerves. No one ever challenged him or answered him back the way she did today. First Ryker needs to think about what will he do when his dad gets to know about the suspension.

His mom and dad never support any of his shenanigans ever. Ryker always faces the consequences of his actions. He thinks Daniel stole his mom and this is the reason he mistreats her. His Dad cares about no one. His business is the only important thing in his life. Ryker was restless, his phone started to ring and it was Rita he ignored her call as he was not in the mood to talk to her. They are in a fake relationship just to get the attention of everyone.

Ryker collapsed onto his back in bed, his thoughts racing like a marathon because he wanted revenge and to balance the accounts. He had an epiphany: what if he fooled her into believing he was her friend, crushing her ego and soul? Since Cassie Reed is not afraid of anyone or anything, Ryker chooses to change his strategy, become friends with her, and then ambush her with a brutal attack. He picked up his phone as this idea came after Rita’s call because they were also fooling everyone. He dialed her number.

Rita picked up. “Ryker you didn’t even meet us before leaving. What happened?”

Ryker responded. “Nothing I just got suspended for a week.”

Rita was taken aback not because of his suspension but because of his cool and calm tone and then Ryker told her that it was high time to part ways as he was no longer interested in pretending anymore. Rita asked the reason but Ryker told her to leave him alone for this whole week and ended the call.

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