Read with BonusRead with Bonus

The Bold One and The Light One

I am a normal girl. Light brown wavy hair, not straight, not curly, in between. Brown eyes, middle height, a small nose and glasses. Everything about me can be described as, well you know, normal.

I graduated with a standard business degree from a common university. My family, as you can expect, is a normal mid-class family lives in New Jersey. My father is a mid-class unsuccessful attorney, my mother is an unhappy housewife who complains about my father all the time. I have two perfectly normal sisters, which I adore, and a quiet life. My biggest passion in life is reading. Maybe that’s why I have graduated from my college with top scores. Because throughout my whole college life, I just read and read. I haven’t had a social life, maybe it is the only thing that was not normal about me. I am an introvert. But introverts also tend to stay in, and not socialize, so if you think that, also you can understand that I am perfectly normal.

That’s why I was shocked when I first found out that I have been accepted as a personal assistant for Alonzo Company. My pathetic, uneventful life was about to change for good. And believe me, it was beyond what I can ever measure.

After I received the acceptance email, I got into connection with the HR and prepared all of my required documentation. Today, I was going to have an evaluation to determine which department I will work in. Apparently, they have hired five people together, and they were willing to have a second interview to decide who goes to which department. How lucky am I? Who makes a second job interview after being accepted. Yeah, sure it’s me! I was devastated to have another interview again with all of these people. I would be happy if they could take me and dump me in a cubicle and never find me back until I retire. But no, of course I have to deal with the common pleasantries, like, ‘Nice to meet you, I cannot wait to start working, I will be a great asset in this team, blah blah…’ yeah, I hate my life.

I woke up at 6 am, took a shower, tied my long hair into a bun on my nape and wore a plain white shirt, on a knee long black pencil skirt. Normal height heels, a normal black blazer. I took my black framed round glasses and I was ready for my first freaking day of work.

I am living in New York, and the company is here. I left my apartment in a hurry, with my pajamas on the floor and the two books I was reading simultaneously on the top of scrambled sheets, that I fell asleep reading yesterday night. Shit! How did I manage to be late after waking up so early?

I went to the subway as fast as my heels let me, I wasn’t used to wearing those. Of course, I needed to get used to it, but it was more painful than I imagined. God! Girls, why were we doing this to ourselves, again?

I managed to reach the building of the Alonzo Company just five minutes before the interview. I went in from the huge main entrance, this was not my first time in the building and I had a staff pass already. I went to the toll gates, showed my badge and it turned for me. I went to the elevators, I was holding my printed resume and my little black purse in my hands clenched to my chest. When the elevator doors opened, I saw a huge crowd coming out of it. Gees, how many people can fit in this carriage? My introverted instincts were screaming for me to run. But I needed this job. My little sister, Rachel, was starting college this year. I knew that my father had run out all of his savings with me, so as a big sister, I had to step in and pay her expenses. Besides, what else could I do? I needed to pay my rent and bills and I hadn’t had any life longing after, that can prevent me from working till death. I don’t have a boyfriend, I never did. Yeah, spoiler alert girls, boys do not like introverted book-nerd girls in college. I don’t have a purpose to follow no matter what. So I guess working for bills and my sister's expenses were better than having no point in life.

When I finally woke up from my unnecessary thoughts I saw the elevator doors were about to be closed. When did you fill it already? I sprinted to the doors, yelling in a small voice,

“Wait! Hold it please!”

No one seemed to acknowledge my plea, I was running to the doors and the doors were closing without interference from inside, then, just inches before I reached the doors, the doors closed and I just stayed there. I was looking dumbfoundedly to the closed doors and was thinking I will never make it on time. That is when I recognized a rush behind me.

I turned back and saw two men in all-black suits coming towards me. They were wearing headsets and black sunglasses and their bulky frames exactly explaining that they were bodyguards. I instinctively step aside to let them pass. Then I saw him.

He was wearing a navy-blue suit, which looked like, cut out of a fashion magazine. His black hair slickly combed to back out of his strong-jawed rectangular face, his black eyes were piercing the direction he was looking. If I didn’t know better, I would think he was a mafia don, but he wasn’t. I did my research well. And I was aware he was the one of the two heirs of the Alonzo family. One and only Anton Alonzo, the bold one. I was calling him the bold one. Because, two brothers were looking like each other so much. Anton was two years older than Matt and he was like a bolder version of him. Anton had black hair and eyes, tanned skin but Matt has green eyes and golden brown hair with a fairer skin tone. Anton was definitely looking like a bolder version of Matt, so I started calling them the bold one and the light one in my head.

Anton Alonzo passed me without even looking at my direction, which was good because I didn’t want to be incriminated by his superman laser eyes, and walked through the other elevator. The second elevator was a private one for executives and managers. And it was obvious that it was also for him. One of the bodyguards showed a badge to the reader screen of the elevator and the elevator's doors opened. I was watching them pass before me, to end my career without it actually starting, since the CEO was coming earlier than me to the first meeting that I will attend with. It was clear in the invitation email that CEOs Matt and Anton Alonzo will join the selection interview to find a personal assistant too. And it was obvious that punctuality was an irreplaceable asset for an assistant. Maybe they could let me mop the floors after this.

And then, a deep and playful voice rang in the lounge.

“Wait! Hold it Anton.”

I turned to look at the source of the sound. And I held my breath for the first time for a guy in my life. Here is the light one. Matt. He was wearing a khaki suit which was flattering his forest green eyes and his gold-brown hair was a perfect mass on his rectangular face, which was a copy of Anton but somehow better. He had a stubble on his square jaw and he was looking breath taking.

He ran lightly to the elevator and caught it without the doors closed. His two bodyguards were also running after him. Anton didn’t seem bothered to hold the elevator for him. Didn’t seem to even recognize him. He was looking at his phone and didn’t greet his brother as he went in the elevator. Matt Alonzo got in the elevator and turned his beautiful face to the doors of it, as standing next to his brother. His men went into the back of him next to other bodyguards.

Then his gorgeous green eyes met mine. His eyes slightly opened as if he was recognizing something. The elevator doors started to close, nearly hiding them from the view, then suddenly he extended his arm and prevented the doors from closing.

“Are you coming?” he asked. I looked around to understand who he was talking to. No one seemed to recognize he was talking to them. I searched the room again for the relevant person that he was calling for.

“I am talking to you miss. The lady with the glasses!”

I was the only woman in the lounge wearing glasses then. I pointed my self with my index finger and stuttered;


“Yeah, are you going upstairs or what?”

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