Read with BonusRead with Bonus

First Day of Work

I woke up at 6 am and I was at the office at 9 o’clock sharp. Just like my new manager asked. All of my hopes vanished after Anton Alonzo declared that he wants me as an assistant. And for what? Only to make me stay away from his extremely gorgeous brother. Even though I really admired his handsomeness and friendly character, I wasn’t a girl who throws herself onto the first person who shows any decency. If that were the case, I wouldn't still be a virgin after all.

I wasn’t a type that could play that run and chase games. And I was always too busy with reading and classes. I hardly found time to enjoy any social activities during college. There have been some guys who showed interest in me, but later they found out that I was not interested at all, so they gave up. And I guess I was not the type to insist on it. And I had never been showered with flowers and gifts like some of my roommates had been in dormitories. I was just the girl next to their girl.

I was drowning in these thoughts when I was preparing the coffee for Mr. Alonzo in office kitchen. Black, no sugar. Not so much an effort. I prepared as he likes and went to his room to leave it on his desk with a print out of the daily calendar.

His room was a perfection. Not even a pencil was out of order. Black mahogany desk and bookcase were a sharp contrast to the full white carpet and white walls. His office’s one wall was totally glass looking at the city view. The other wall looking to the corridor was also full glass to show my desk and corridor if he wants, but also had automatic blinds on it to shut it out any time he likes.

We were at one end of the floor and Matt Alonzo’s office at the other end. There were Mr. Jones’s and Mr. Parker’s offices in between, which was making it impossible to see Matt without deliberately walking there.

I sat down on my chair opposite Anton Alonzo’s room and started filing the documents that had been left by an old assistant. Apparently, all assistants have been fired all together, since nobody had one, before our employment. And no one was saying a word about it. When I was fully concentrating on my work, I heard a finger snap and looked up.

Anton Alonzo, was standing right before me, with a nice expression on his face as much as a serial killer. I looked up to my doom, his eyes swallowed me whole like a black hole. I instantly started doubting what I was doing. Shouldn’t I be looking at these documents? Shouldn’t I be here at all? Maybe I should have waited for him in his room.

I stood up like my chair was on fire and greeted him like a soldier.

“Good morning Mr. Alonzo. Do you need anything?”

He snapped his fingers again and pointed to his room, then walked to the room. I followed him after, like a duckling following its mom. When we got to his office, he leaned on his desk and showed me the chair with a jerk of his chin. I followed his direction, and sat in the chair he showed.

“Yes Ms. Wonderful, from now on you will wait for me here in the mornings until I come.”

He was still saying my name wrong. Since we were working together now, he should learn my correct name, right?

“ Wonderland, sir.”


“My name is Wonderland.”

“What did I say?” he asked.

“You said Wonderful, sir.”

“And why does it matter?” he asked again as a matter of factly.

“Because it's not my name, sir.” That was a matter of fact, too. His already dark gaze had become darker somehow. It was like a cartoon character that I can see anger rising from his neck to his face as painting him purple.

“Do you really think I give a shit what is or is not your name Ms. Wonderful?” I gulped but couldn’t answer.


“If I say your name is Wonderful, it is Wonderful. Do you understand?” I wasn’t really sure now if answering this question would make him angrier. I just stayed silent.


“Do-you-understand!” he raised his tone to a thundering pitch, I blinked in terror.

“Y-Yes sir.” I said.

“Good, since we solved this problem I think we can get to work now.” I nodded.

I was trying to swallow the cry rising from my throat and trying to stay professional, but when I looked in his face, I saw his blackened eyes with anger and an irritated expression with contempt from me. It made swallowing my pride even harder. Since I was at the edge of crying, I opened the note pad that I brought with me to show I am ready to take notes.

He cleared his throat and continued with a calmer but still stern tone.

He gave some orders and I took some notes but I was really not there. I was still fighting with a crying urge and trying not to look at his face. Because I knew if I looked at his face and saw that contempt again I would definitely cry.

Finally, “That’s all!” he said and I jumped to my feet. I left his room as soon as possible and went to my desk. I sat on my chair and looked up to see what he was doing. He went to his desk, found the coffee mug I left. Took a sip from coffee, spit it back into the mug with a disgusted expression and left the mug on the table again.

So I couldn’t even accomplish making a black coffee. Perfect starting! But he deserved what he got I presumed. And even though it was another failure for me. It made me feel better. Enjoy your coffee Asshole!

Then he took the blinders remote and shut the blinders close. Like I wanted to see his stupid face more.

Until lunch break, I didn’t see him again. When the break time came, I went to his office and knocked on the door.

“Come in!” he said with a curt voice. I creak opened the door to hide as much as part of my body from him behind the door. It was something instinctual, like I was trying to hide my body from physical harm.

“Yes?” he asked. He was sitting behind his table with a huge pile of documents in front of him.

“Ihm, sir I am leaving for the lunch break. Just wanted to let you know.”

He looked confused for a second then looked at his watch. Then looked at me again.

“You know French, right?”

“I do, sir.”

“Okay, don’t go to lunch. I will order something here. Come and help me.”

I wasn’t really willing to spend my free time with my charming new manager, but I had no choice. I went into the office and sat opposite him. He gave me half of the pile staying in front of him.

“Please scan these documents. I am trying to find something about Abbot company payments. Anything comes or goes in cash, please note it. “ he said.

“Okay sir.”

I started working. First, I was feeling uneasy and I was nearly sitting at the edge of the chair. And at the times he looked at my side, or said something I was feeling like I was going to faint. But then, I started feeling more relaxed. French was one of my best lessons in college. And I was always dreaming when I was studying, that I would go to France one day. That dream never happened but who knows? Maybe one day it would.

As long as I went through the documents, I felt much more relaxed and I even forgot that Anton was in the room. I was comfortably placed in my chair now. One of my legs was under me, I leaned on the documents in my hand. One of the colored pencils that I used for marking the suspicious transactions was stabbed in my updo hair I did today. As I was marking another transaction, I felt eyes on me. When I looked up, and for a fraction of a second, I saw he was looking at me. He instantly looked away. Then I realized how I was sitting. I adjusted my glasses. I took off my leg which bended under my hips and brushed off the strands from my face which I don’t know when they left my bun.

Then, without warning, my stomach grumbled. It was so loud, making it impossible to deny it. I looked at my belly, the source of the sound and looked up to meet Mr. Alonzo’s eyes again. What the hell, was he angry again? He made me ditched here to work while I was leaving for the meal and claimed he would order but never did.

I opened my mouth to defend myself and my belly, he stood up.

“Come on!” he said. “We are going.”

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