Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Matt Alonzo, the second heir of the Alonzo Company, a total playboy, killingly handsome and of course disgustingly rich, which makes him the top bachelor in the city. Now standing in front of me by a burrito truck. Grinning widely.

“Hello love, what are you doing here?”

I choked on the last mouthful bite I took before I recognized him. I swallowed it hastily and his grin got wider.

“Umm.. Hello.” I said finally.

“What are you doing here?” A rich man like you does not hit the burrito trucks right? Probably he was going to the restaurants his snob brother goes to, like he took me earlier.

As if he understood the question in my head, he continued;

“I am a regular of this truck. The best burrito in the town.” He said. Max, the owner of the truck, has squinted his eyes questioning this statement. Max opened his mouth, but another customer called him out.

“Hey Max! Can I take two chicken?” Someone from the line behind Matt called Max.

“Coming!” he said. He paid a last questioning look to Matt. Matt looked at his face with a genuine smile. He extended his hand to Max to shake his hand. “Hello Max! It’s good to see you,” he said. I was seeing the back of his elegant hand and long fingers extending, what beautiful hands he has, I thought. Max shook his hand then retracted his hand and looked in his palm, as if Matt’s hand burned a hole in it. Then a recognition and a half smile, almost a cunning one, curved Max’s mouth to one side.

“It is good to see you too, Sir! What can I give you today?”

“I am having whatever the lady is eating.”

“Hay hay!” Max said with a big grin on his mouth and returned to prepare the orders.

“You are a regular here?” I asked. I must admit I was really surprised.

“Why are you so surprised? Can’t I enjoy the simple pleasures of this life?” As he said this he tilted his head to one side slightly, looking like a predator about to jump for his prey.

“Sure you can. I was just surprised because I thought you would enjoy more elegant places. Like your brother.” I blurted out. And the moment the words left my lips, I regretted it. Why did I mention his brother? What if he does not take it lightly and consider it as an insult?

But he just smiled.

“What the cocky bastard did this time?” he asked. I felt a little bit more confident after the direct insult he paid for his brother generously.

“Well first, he didn’t let me go for the lunch break and claimed he will order something while we are working. And he didn’t. Second, he took us to a fancy restaurant after letting me starve for hours and ordered for me without asking for my opinion. I don’t eat red meat and he ordered a filet mignon, and I couldn’t touch it either.”

“Typical Anton. He is always the same. A total control freak.”

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Unfortunately, yes.”

“Well, how lucky I am. I thought I found a good job, but I am suspectful now, even after the first day that I can survive here.”

“Don’t say that, I would definitely like to see you around for long.” I felt rising heat again, and I felt my cheeks start to turn red.

“I guess I owe you an apology,” he said.

“For what?” I asked.

“If I hadn't made my intention clear about choosing you as my assistant, he would never have chosen you.”

“Well, is it an apology or an insult?” I asked. Wasn’t I good enough to be chosen?

He grimaced. Then rolled his eyes.

“Yeah I must admit it didn’t sound as I intended.” he giggled. “I was trying to say that, I wanted to choose you first.” He looked in my eyes directly and this time, blushing was inevitable for me.

“See… Me and Anton have been in a competition since we were kids. Whatever I want, he wants it too. Whatever I accomplish, he tries to accomplish it too. So, the moment I gave away that I am interested in choosing you, I made you a clear target. I am not trying to say you are not worthy to be chosen, otherwise I wouldn’t consider it for myself. But he was saying he would choose a man this time and that’s why I said he wouldn’t choose you if it wasn’t me.”

I have to admit that it was making a lot of sense. And I also felt that Matt intended to choose me at the election.

“I understand. Thank you for being honest with me.”

“Always!” he said with a big grin revealing his dimples. God, he was handsome. Meanwhile Max prepared his order and extended it to him. I was looking at the burrito in my hands and I was dying to continue eating it. But I was afraid to look like a savage while eating it, because come on, it was a burrito. I couldn’t eat it with a fork and knife, right? And the last thing I want now is looking like a savage in front of this handsome and elegant man. He took his burrito and without a second’s hesitation dug in it with a giant bite. I froze in my spot and blinked several times. He looked at me and with a full mouth asked “Whhoat?!”

I giggled. He looked like the cutest thing I have ever seen. Not a pretentious heir, but a normal, easygoing man. He giggled too. I said;

“Nothing.” and kept a smile on my mouth effortlessly. It was so easy to smile while I was with him. I turned to my burrito and dug in as he did. He smiled back at me and we kept eating in silence.

Once burritos had been sent down to the bellies and we cleaned ourselves with wet tissues, I turned to him to say goodbye.

“Thank you for your company Sir, it was very refreshing.” I said.

“I really would like you to call me Matt, when we are out of the company.” I blushed again and said

“Okay, Matt… It was nice to see you here. I need to go now.” I nodded as I smiled at him and walked past Matt to go in my direction. Suddenly I felt a soft hand clasped around my wrist. I turned back and saw Matt was holding my wrist. I turned to face him. His dimples and everything was in place. And his penetrating green eyes were locked on my face.

“Hey, I thought… Maybe…” he said. “Maybe we can have a drink together?” he paused. I blinked in confusion and he continued, “You know, the night is young. And it was your first day of work. It deserves a celebration, right?”

Celebration maybe, but with the heir and Co-CEO of the company? I guess not. I wasn’t willing to mix my professional life and my personal life together. And I was smart enough to understand that nothing good could come out of this. I shook my head slowly as a no.

His green eyes shuttered with disappointment.

“I am sorry, Matt. I don’t think it’s a good idea to hang out with you.”

“We hung out today, nothing bad happened right?” he said grinning again. But this time his smile didn’t reach his eyes.

“Well we met by chance, it’s different.” I said. There was an agonizing disappointment in his eyes but I couldn’t do that. I was not a go-party type of girl anyway. And doing it with one of my bosses was not tempting at all. But I felt like I owed him an explanation.

“Look, I am really thankful for you being friendly and helpful. I am really lucky to have such a boss, but I don’t think it is a good idea to be on hanging-out-friends terms while working under you.”

Something glinted in his eyes. Something sharp and amused. He wasn’t looking sad anymore, on the contrary he was looking excited just for a second. Then all vanished at once. A cool and collected smile took over all the emotions. Then he talked again.

“Okay. I understand. It is normal for you to stay distant as an employee.” he said.

“No hard feelings?” I asked.

“No hard feelings, I swear.” he said while tilting his head backwards and moving his hand on his heart as making a cross. I couldn’t help but laugh again. Damn he was cute.

He smiled at me back with his dimples and crushing eyes.

“See you later then?” I asked.

“You bet I will see you, love.” he took my hand and pecked a feather-touched kiss on the back of it. Then he turned his back and left without any more words. I stood there and looked after him a while more, trying to understand what hit me just a moment ago.

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