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Chapter 5

In Scarlett's Perspective:

Alexander actually wanted me to have sex with these men? Was he crazy?

"Dream on! I'd rather die!" I couldn't believe he would humiliate me like this.

My hands trembled as I clenched my fists tightly. If it weren't for their outnumbering me, I would have already slapped Alexander across the face.

What a bastard!

Alexander's grip tightened instantly, and I was in so much pain from his choking.

"Why are you doing something so outrageous?" I glared at him, squeezing out a faint voice.

"Scarlett, do you really not know, or are you just playing dumb?" Alexander turned my face toward him, locking eyes with me, and said, "You've caused me so much trouble; don't you think you should pay the price?"

I could see the hatred in his eyes, ready to explode any second.

My legs were already weak. Everything in front of me indicated the fate I was about to face. I had to find a way to escape, or my life would be over.

But I still couldn't understand when I ever harmed Alexander.

"I don't know." I continued to struggle, gripping his wrists and trying to make him let go of me.

Alexander, however, sneered and pushed me to the ground.

"If it weren't for you, the Bennett family wouldn't have cut off cooperation with my father." Alexander glared at me fiercely, squatting down as he spoke. "Are you happy now? My family is blaming me, and my engagement to Isabella has to be put on hold."

Alexander looked terrifying at this moment.

"Aren't you afraid of Lucas's revenge?" In desperation, I thought of Lucas.

Reluctantly, I realized I had no alternative. Apart from Lucas, I couldn't envision anyone capable of standing up to the menacing figure before me.

"Come on." Alexander laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke, and his bodyguards joined in the laughter. "I investigated it. The Bennett family picked you up from the slums. You call him uncle, but I think you're more like his sex slave."

These words hurt me more than a few slaps.

They laughed, looking at me with even more lewd eyes.

"You're lying! Lucas isn't like that at all!" I immediately defended him, but no one believed me.

It seemed that the truth held no importance to them. I was merely a pawn in their game. My words held no sway; even if I protested vehemently, Alexander would not heed me.

"Enough!" Alexander stopped my defense. "Whether Lucas is like that or not has nothing to do with me."

"I have only one purpose for doing all this today." Alexander seemed to think of something pleasant, and a smug expression appeared on his face. "You have cost me dearly, and now you will pay the consequences."

After he finished speaking, Alexander waved his hand lightly, and several bodyguards immediately surrounded me.

"Get away! Stay away from me!" I swung my arms forcefully, trying to stop them from approaching.

But I was powerless to prevent it. Despite my resistance and pleas, they remained indifferent. They lifted me and forced a potion into my mouth. "What is that?" I yelled, pushing them away. "Keep that away from me!

I kept struggling, but they held me down firmly. The potion's color was strange, and I could feel my body instinctively rejecting it.

"Open your mouth!" The bodyguard holding the bottle couldn't pry my mouth open and they became much more irritable.

He yelled at me, pinched my face, and forced my mouth open. Pouring the potion inside, I nearly choked. Gasping for air, I grabbed the bodyguard's wrist, attempting to pull him away, but he showed no signs of stopping. The potion trickled down my throat, and only then did they release me. I couldn't stand and fell to the ground.

Violent coughing made me curl up.

"She's all yours." Alexander glanced at me and smiled slightly. "You can handle her however you see fit."

"No one else will show up here today; I've booked this entire hotel."

The potion started to take effect. My body began to lose strength, and I stumbled as I walked.

The bodyguards continued to approach me. Judging by their expressions, I could tell they were thinking of something lewd.

I had to escape by any means!

As I continued to retreat, they surrounded me without hindrance, observing me like a cornered animal. Aiming to witness me reach a dead end, I edged backward until my hand located the door lock behind me.

They seemed confident I wouldn't escape, but I might disappoint them.

If they thought I wouldn't resist, they were gravely mistaken.

My heart was about to leap out of my chest. Facing several strong men, I was trembling with fear.

But if I didn't do something, who could I rely on? Alexander? That would be ridiculous!

I opened the door and dashed out, slamming it shut. I didn't dare stop, running desperately toward the elevator.

"Bitch! I'll make you wish you were dead!" I heard the men cursing behind me.

Damn it! Why was the elevator so far away? There were so many corridors that I couldn't tell my way.

The bodyguards quickly followed, searching for me in the hallways. I had to avoid their pursuit while finding the elevator.

Finally, I found the elevator at the end of the hallway.

The elevator was on the first floor.

"Hurry up!" I kept pressing the elevator button, praying it would come faster.

Alexander's bodyguards could catch up at any moment.

Fortunately, the elevator arrived before them.

I quickly hid inside and pressed the close button.

"Please, Lucas. Answer the phone." My hands were shaking so much I could barely hold my phone.

At this moment, the only person I could rely on was Lucas.

"Scarlett?" After a few seconds, the call connected. It was Lucas's voice.

"Save me." I clung to my lifeline, immediately pleading for help.

But before I could say more, the elevator door opened. A burly man blocked the light in front of me.

I was so startled, I couldn't help but exclaim.

"Are you still trying to run?" The man sneered, knocking my phone out of my hand.

The phone screen shattered.

"Come with me, and you won't suffer as much," he said, dragging me out of the elevator.

I was practically on the ground, powerless to prevent him from taking me away. Faced with his superior strength, my attempts felt futile.

My wrist was red and swollen, but he wouldn't let me go. He dragged me to the nearest room and threw me heavily onto the bed.

Luckily, the bed was soft, or I would have been hurt.

The man eagerly pounced on me, not even bothering to close the door.

"Don't do this. At least close the door." I clutched the bed sheets, tears welling up in my eyes.

Honestly, that was how I felt.

The man glanced around, ensuring there were no escape routes, and then went to close the door.

But if he thought I had given in, he was too naive.

When I entered, I had already spotted the fire extinguisher in the corner. It could be a handy weapon in the critical moment.

As the man moved to shut the door, I seized the fire extinguisher and silently trailed him.

It was heavier than I had anticipated, but I brought it down on the man's head with all my might.

He was bleeding profusely, and I couldn't confirm if he were alive or dead. But he couldn't stop me from leaving now, and that was enough.

The drug was taking its toll, and my clothes were torn. After splashing water on my face and wrapping myself in a sheet, I hurriedly left.

However, upon stepping out, I heard voices from the stairwell.

The other bodyguards were looking for me.

They were close by. If I ran towards the elevator, it would lead to capture before I reached it.

Feeling trapped, I considered hiding back in the room.

As I leaned against the door, the elevator suddenly opened, revealing a familiar face. It was Lucas! He came to save me!

Without thinking, I rushed into Lucas's arms, hugging him tightly. "Save me, Lucas!"

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