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Chapter 004: Humble Without a Trace of Dignity

"Isn't this too much? I can't wear all these clothes. How about I just pick two?" Pamela said with excitment and hesitation.

"No way. If I said I'd cover it all, then I must cover it all!" Charles had already taken the lead.

His firm tone made Pamela inexplicably moved.

She felt that this guy with the messy hair had a certain business tycoon aura, gradually overlapping with her image of Prince Charming!

Pamela: Favorability +5

Pamela: Favorability +5

Pamela: Favorability +5

"But... there's no way I can fit all these clothes in the apartment I rent off-campus!"

"That's fine. How about I buy you a house?"

Pamela was completely stunned by this!

The prices of Syeattel house might not be as high as Nuw Yark's, but they are definitely not low.

In downtown, the average price is $650,000, and in school districts or commercial areas, it can even surge to $800,000.

Even in more remote areas, it still costs around $500,000.

Pamela was indeed materialistic, and she never hid it.

But Charles's actions really scared her!

Pamela: Favorability -5

The favorability that had risen to 63 points actually dropped by five points.

Charles suddenly realized that the idea of buying a house had frightened Pamela!

Sometimes, being inexplicably too nice to someone, especially when you're not that familiar, can really backfire.

It seemed that spending money shouldn't be rushed, it needs to be gradual!

"Maybe not. You've already bought me so much today. Honestly, I didn't mean to spend so much of your money; I just wanted to mess with you and see you embarrassed. I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood today and didn't mean to push you around at the school supermarket," Pamela said.

"I understand. Everyone has bad days!" Charles answered.

"But I'm really happy now. Also, I'll just pick a few clothes. You really don't need to buy me so much!"

"Alright then." Charles nodded.

"Excuse me, do you have membership cards here?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Great, sign me up for one and load it with ten thousand dollars. Whenever this lady comes in, just show her latest clothes," Charles said.

"Of course, sir!"

The female clerk, who thought she had lost this big sale, was surprised by this turn of events.

Several female clerks looked at Charles with a peculiar expression.

"The way he swipes his card is so cool. Even though he's not dressed up and looks casual, he has an aura that's different from ordinary people!"

"Yeah, if he changed his clothes, got a haircut, and shaved, he'd definitely be a heartthrob!"

"Judging by his demeanor, he must come from an extraordinary family. He doesn't have the arrogance of a nouveau riche but has the refined quality of a noble heir!"

"Why don't I have such a good boyfriend?"

Some girls in the store, watching the scene, also cast envious glances at Pamela.

Charles listened to these comments, feeling quite speechless.

'Why I didn't know I had such an aura?'

What does it mean to have the refined quality of a noble heir?

You guys really know how to flatter.

"Keep the card safe. I noticed you don't have a watch. There's a luxury watch store downstairs. I think Patek Philippe would suit you!"

"No! No! That's really enough. You've already bought me so much, I don't know how to thank you!" Pamela refused.

"Then how about marry me?"

"You're such a tease!"

Pamela: Favorability +5

Pamela: Favorability +5

'Wow, even blatant flirting can increase favorability?'

Charles was shocked!

It seems there's a reason why nice guys stay single.

For Pamela, she didn't mind a man having intentions towards her, what she feared was a man having no intentions at all.

Accepting gifts worth tens of thousands of dollars without giving anything in return would make anyone uneasy!

Charles's playful suggestion actually made Pamela feel more at ease.

Of course, she wouldn't let Charles get what he wanted so easily.

She was a master at playing hard to get!

But the truth is, Charles didn't have any such intentions; he was just joking .

To him, getting a girl into bed within a few days was impossible, especially when the girl was pretty.

However, Charles didn't know that such girls are far more proactive in front of real millionaires than he could imagine!

"Charles, you've been buying me things all the time. Why don't you buy something for yourself?"

"I'm broke," Charles shrugged, speaking the truth.

He really didn't have any money.

Special Funds couldn't be spent on himself.

"Charles, you really know how to joke!"

After that, they went to a men's clothing store, and Pamela surprisingly spent her own money to buy Charles two sets of clothes and a pair of shoes. Then they went to a hair salon downstairs, where a stylist gave Charles a new haircut.

All told, they spent about four hundred dollars.

Clearly, Pamela's mindset had changed once she realized Charles might be from a wealthy family.

She was a woman with high emotional intelligence.

To manipulate a wealthy but inexperienced man, a small investment was necessary.

Constantly taking without giving would make any man lose interest quickly.

Patience was key.

Occasionally spending money on him, giving small gifts, and saying sweet words would make any man adore you!

Men are that simple!

And indeed, Pamela's actions touched Charles.

He couldn't remember the last time a girl gave him a gift.

Even though he had just spent tens of thousands on Pamela.

But that money was from Special Funds, not his own, so he didn't feel the pinch.

However, the $400 Pamela spent was her own money!

At this moment, a figure flashed through Charles's mind.

It was Lisa.

He remembered when he first met Lisa during freshman orientation, her attitude towards him wasn't nearly as harsh as it had become.

She even showed some interest on him.

After they exchanged contact information, Lisa was quick to respond and seemed very enthusiastic.

Once, when Charles had a cold, Lisa even bought him medicine.

Lisa's sudden concern made Charles fall for her instantly.

He thought he had found love.

After that incident, Charles started pursuing Lisa fervently.

But no matter how hard Charles tried, Lisa neither accepted nor rejected him!

Whenever Charles felt disheartened and wanted to give up, Lisa would respond just enough to make him feel like he was so close to winning her over.

But there was no progress bar for pursuing a girl, also you'd never know how much more you needed to do to get it.

As Charles invested more and more emotionally, he couldn't pull back.

Three years of emotional investment is not something you can just let go of.

In the end, he didn't move Lisa but himself.

Thus, Charles completely became the laughingstock in everyone's eyes.

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