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Chapter 007: Shocked, Spent 5,000 Super Rockets

The only downside was that it was very hard to meet up in real life!

To turn the tables was even harder.

After all, she's a millionaire making millions a month.

There were plenty of rich guys who liked her, and simply spending money might not even get a 95% favorability rating.

Charles thought for a moment.

Whatever, just keep spending!

Whether he could turn the tables, we would see later.

[Mia, will you be my girlfriend? I want to be your top supporter!] Charles casually sent a message and started spending money.

[A level three nobody trying to get attention. If you can really be the top supporter, I'll eat shit on live stream!] A level fifty-six duke moderator mocked without restraint.

[I remember Mia’s top supporter has spent a million dollars in total, right? Her weekly top supporter has spent over five hundred dollars. Dude, even don't talk about the total ranking, if you can be the weekly top supporter, I'll do a handstand while shitting on live stream!]

[Moderator, you must be hungry again!]

[Shit has gotten more expensive because of you guys!]

As the comments flew across the screen, suddenly, a golden rocket shot into the sky.

The entire live stream was covered with dazzling effects.

“Wow! Thank you, ‘Lonely Cigarette’ give the Super Rocket!”

'Do you think that's the end of it? This is just the beginning,' Charles thought.

After the first Super Rocket, came with the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth...

In just a few moments, Charles had sent out a hundred rockets.

Even though Mia was a top streamer with millions of fans, she rarely encountered such a situation.

Unless it was during a platform competition where guild bosses send a lot of gifts, it was rare for someone to be this extravagant during a regular stream!

But the money from the guilds had to be fully refunded.

There weren't't so many real rich people!

[This is truly an Ultra-rich Patron, moderator, you should keep your promise!]

[See what happens when you underestimate a level three account? Better start worshipping now!]

[Moderator, don’t forget to call me when you eat shit!]

[I said the total top supporter, not the weekly one. Eating shit is still far off!]

The duke moderator with the ID DragonBoss001 still seemed a bit unconvinced.

A hundred Super Rockets worthed two hundred thousand dollars which wasn’t much for a real rich person.

He could afford to be a duke, so spending two hundred thousand wasn’t a big deal for him, he just rarely spent that much in one go!

But was Charles limited to a hundred Super Rockets?

What a joke!

This was just the beginning.

Since Charles decided to make a move, he wanted to be the center of attention!

Then, across the entire Shark streaming platform, all the streamers’ chat screens were filled with an endless rain of rockets.

This rocket rain lasted for a full half hour.

The Super Rockets never stopped.

[Lonely Cigarette sent Super Rocket✖️4987 to streamer Mia]

[Lonely Cigarette sent Super Rocket✖️4988 to streamer Mia]

[Lonely Cigarette sent Super Rocket✖️4989 to streamer Mia]


“Oh my god! How many Super Rockets has it been? It hasn’t stopped for half an hour!” A League of Legends streamer stopped playing to watch Mia’s stream.

“This is terrifying, Mia’s stream has reached twenty billion in popularity!”

“It doesn’t reach twenty billion; the popularity is fake; it’s not real people!”

“Amazing! Lonely Cigarette went from a level three account to level 120 max level in half an hour and became the top supporter.”


At this moment, Mia, the streamer, was completely dumbfounded!

She had been streaming for two years and had seen many rich people.

But she had never seen anyone spend money so recklessly.

Charles sent five thousand Super Rockets without saying a word, instantly becoming the top supporter.

This was too exaggerated!

The key point was that she didn’t even know this person!

Currently, in her top ten supporters, the top three were all gifted by her guild.

She didn’t actually get any of that money.

But this user with the ID “Lonely Cigarette” was a completely new viewer of her stream!

Five thousand Super Rockets, that’s one and a half million dollars. Even after splitting with the platform, she could still earn seven hundred fifty thousand dollars.

Earning seven hundred fifty thousand dollars in one day really felt unbelievable to Mia!

“Thank you, Lonely Cigarette, for the five thousand Super Rockets. Lonely Cigarette, what dance would you like to see? Lonely Cigarette, are you there? Can I add you on Facebook? I can privately message you later,” Mia asked several times.

No one responded.

Charles was already asleep.

Shopping today was exhausting, and sending rockets made his hand sore. Charles had been tapping the screen for over half an hour, and his hand was about to fall off!

So he didn’t notice Mia’s private message.

Charles was asleep.

But all the streamers on the Shark streaming platform were hotly discussing it.

The ID Lonely Cigarette became instantly famous among all the streamers.

Especially the female streamers, remembering the IDs of rich patrons was almost a required skill.

Countless viewers also remembered the name immediately.

Mainly because this mysterious rich patron left such a deep impression.

It almost caused a sensation.

Five thousand Super Rockets without a second thought.

Saying he’d become the top supporter, he did.

The key point is, this wasn’t during a competition, which means this rich patron is very likely a regular user, not a guild-disguised rich patron, a real rich person!

That’s really terrifying!

For a while, besides Mia sending private messages to Charles, many other female streamers also quietly sent messages to Charles.

Other advertisers or streamers who want to be given money also reached out to Charles.

Charles' ID account inexplicably gained tens of thousands of followers!

Some bloggers thought this was a hot topic.

So they wrote a blog post and included screenshots of the rocket rain.

The article was titled with “Shocking! Shark Live’s Most Generous Patron Ever, Spends Five Thousand Super Rockets in Half an Hour, Streamer’s Popularity Soars to Twenty Billion!”

This blog post accidentally went viral.

At night, the sky lit up with flashes of lightning, and a thunderstorm began to pour down.

Early the next morning, the air was exceptionally fresh.

Charles didn’t log into his streaming account. He picked up his book and was ready to go to an elective public class!

Actually, public classes were optional, and for other public classes, there would definitely be a lot of people skipping.

But today was Monday, a bit different.

At Lacus Magnus University School of Arts, Jessica Lewis—the top beauty of the school and the second-ranked campus belle—attended the public class every Monday.

So fewer people skipped class, especially the guys!

Usually at this time, they’d be lazy, even too lazy to get out of bed.

But today, everyone got up half an hour early, trying to look as good as possible.

In Dorm 205, the three guys, Jesse Scott, Robert Torres, and Tom Grant, were washing their hair with cold water early in the morning.

Were they rushing to a blind date?

“Hurry up, Charles, we get to see Jessica today!” Robert urged.

“Yeah. There's only one chance to see her each week. Every time I see her, I get so nervous that I can’t even speak!” Tom excitedly adjusted his hair, even using hair gel.

“You guys are too young. You need to learn to be as calm as me.” Jesse said, appearing calm but feeling nervous inside.

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