In trouble with the maids

As I was cleaning the kitchen, my belly rumbled loudly, and I held the urge to steal some cupcakes.

I was no maid, so none cares if I am hungry or not. Moreover, the cakes were over a hundred, no one will know if I take just one.

I told myself.

I reached for a cupcake, unable to resist the tempting aroma of the freshly baked treats. The kitchen buzzed with activity, and I convinced myself that a small indulgence wouldn't hurt. As I was about to take a bite, a gasp from behind startled me.

Crystal, a fellow maid, stood there, her eyes wide with shock. "Mulan, what are you doing?" she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of surprise and disapproval.

Caught red-handed, I stammered, "I, uh, just wanted a little snack. I didn't think it would be a big deal."

Crystal's expression hardened, and without uttering another word, she swiftly turned on her heel, determined to report my transgression to the Assistant Head Maid, Damon. Panic set in as I realized the consequences of my impulsive act.

Moments later, Damon appeared, her stern gaze fixed on me.

In the presence of the Assistant Head Maid, Damon, Crystal began her detailed account of the cupcake incident. Her eyes widened dramatically as she spoke, painting a picture of my actions that seemed more egregious than reality.

"Assistant Head Maid Damon," Crystal began with a faux tremor in her voice, "I couldn't believe my eyes. Mulan wasn’t just taking a cupcake; she was practically raiding the entire tray! It was as if she had never seen food before."

Damon's expression remained stern, and she nodded for Crystal to continue.

"And, and," Crystal added with an exaggerated gasp, "she wasn't even apologetic when I caught her. She had this defiant look, as if she thought she could get away with anything. It's a disgrace to the maids' standards, and I thought you should know, Damon."

Damon's gaze intensified, her disappointment palpable. "Mulan, is this true?" she asked, turning her attention to me. The weight of Crystal's accusations hung in the air, and I felt the unstableness of my position in this unfamiliar castle.

I took a deep breath, my mind racing to find the right words. "Damon, it's not as she's describing it. I was hungry, and I thought, with so many cupcakes, no one would notice if I took just one."

Damon's stern gaze bore into me, and Crystal watched with a smug satisfaction. "Mulan," Damon said in a low, disapproving tone, "we have rules here, and every maid, regardless of their circumstances, is expected to follow them. Talking without permission is unacceptable."

"But Damon, I've never done this before. I'm still getting used to everything here," I pleaded, hoping she would understand.

Damon's expression softened slightly, but her tone remained firm. "Ignorance is not an excuse. You need to learn quickly, Mulan. The Head Maid is strict about discipline in this castle."

Crystal chimed in, adding more fuel to the fire. "Exactly, Damon. We can't have maids thinking they can just do as they please. It's disrespectful to all of us who follow the rules."

Damon sighed, the weight of her disappointment palpable. "Mulan, you leave me with no choice. As a consequence, you will be reassigned to another kitchen, under the direct supervision of the Head Maid. Perhaps that will teach you the importance of discipline.

Also, I didn't expect such disobedience on your first day," Damon chided, her tone sharp and disapproving. "Stealing food is a serious offense here. Follow me; you have some explaining to do to the Head Maid."

As Damon led the way through the corridors of the castle, Crystal trailed behind, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. She couldn't contain her joy at seeing me face the consequences of my actions.

"Finally, someone is being held accountable for breaking the rules," Crystal whispered to another maid as we walked.

"Serves her right! She thinks she is so special, and that she could break the rules!" The maid replied with an evil grin.

Their words were just loud enough for me to hear, intensifying the humiliation that clung to me like a heavy cloak."

I followed Damon through the bustling kitchen, aware of the curious eyes of my fellow maids. My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I walked towards the unknown fate that awaited me in the presence of the Head Maid.

As I entered the grand hall where the Head Maid's quarters were located, a heavy silence greeted us. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and I couldn't shake the feeling that every step I took was a step deeper into the unknown.

The doors to the Head Maid's quarters loomed ahead, and Damon knocked with authority.

"Enter!" A stern voice from within granted us entry. The Head Maid, a woman of authority and discipline, looked up from her desk, her eyes narrowing as she assessed the situation.

The doors creaked open, and we stepped into the dimly lit room where the Head Maid sat at a polished desk. The flickering candlelight cast shadows across the stern lines of her face.

She looked really young, perhaps in her early thirties, and her head was braided like that of a queen.

"Assistant Head Maid Damon, what brings you here?" the Head Maid inquired, her gaze shifting between Damon and me.

Damon stepped forward, her voice unwavering. "Head Maid Priya, this is the new slave that the prince just bought, Mulan, and she has violated our rules on her very first day. I thought it necessary for you to address the matter."

The Head Maid's piercing gaze turned towards me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability under her watch. "Explain yourself, Mulan. What could lead you to such disobedience?"

With a knot in my stomach, I began explaining my hunger and the irresistible temptation of the cupcakes. I emphasized my unfamiliarity with the castle's rules, hoping the Head Maid would show some understanding.

However, Crystal, standing nearby, couldn't resist interjecting with a smug tone, "Head Maid, you won't believe how shamelessly she helped herself to those cupcakes. It was a blatant disregard for our rules, and she didn't even show remorse when caught."

Damon nodded in agreement, reinforcing Crystal's narrative. The Head Maid listened silently, her expression unreadable. When I finished explaining, the room fell into an ominous silence.

The Head Maid finally spoke, her voice cold and authoritative. "Mulan, your circumstances do not excuse your actions. In this castle, we abide by strict rules, and stealing, regardless of the circumstances, is intolerable. You will face the consequences of your disobedience."

As my heart sank, Damon took a bold step forward. "Head Maid, considering it's her first day, perhaps a warning and extra duties would be sufficient for now. She seems genuinely remorseful."

The Head Maid's gaze remained fixed on me for a moment before she leaned back in her chair. "Damon, we can't afford leniency. Discipline is the foundation of this castle, and it applies to everyone."

With a wave of her hand, the Head Maid signaled for Damon to take me away. I cast a desperate glance at Damon, hoping for some leniency, but her expression remained stern.

As we left the Head Maid's quarters, Damon spoke in a hushed tone, "Consider yourself fortunate, Mulan. The consequences could have been more severe. Follow me; you have tasks ahead to teach you the importance of rules."

Crystal looked at me with a smug smile, and I clenched my fist, promising to avenge myself.

The weight of my actions pressed heavily on me, and I couldn't shake the feeling that my journey in this castle was becoming more complicated by the moment.

Damon led me through the corridors, her silence adding to the weight of my predicament. The other maids we passed cast judgmental glances my way, making me feel like an outcast.

"Mulan," Damon finally spoke, her voice a stern whisper, "you must understand that the rules here are non-negotiable. Disobedience comes with consequences, and the Head Maid is not one to tolerate such behavior."

"I didn't mean to cause trouble," I whispered back, my eyes downcast. "I'm still trying to understand everything here."

Damon sighed, her expression softening. "Ignorance is not an excuse. You're not the first to find this adjustment challenging, but you must learn quickly if you want to survive in the cursed Castle."

As we approached the bustling kitchen, Damon turned to me. "Your tasks will include cleaning the entire kitchen and assisting the other maids. Consider this a lesson in humility and discipline."

The maids in the kitchen stole angry glances in my direction, their expressions a mix of curiosity and judgment. Damon assigned me tasks with a curt directive, leaving me to complete the kitchen's duties with my newfound status.

As I scrubbed pots and pans, the murmurs of the other maids reached my ears. "Did you hear about the new one? Got caught stealing cupcakes on her first day. To think that she is a mere slave."

"She's lucky Damon intervened. The Head Maid can be ruthless. I can't help but wonder why Damon even decided to assist her! She should have left her to her horrible fate!" One of the maids said, and they nodded in agreement.

The weight of my actions hung over me like a dark cloud, and I realized that winning the acceptance of my fellow maids would be an uphill battle.

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