I bounced off of the humongous man that blocked my path, stumbling back before falling hard onto my rear. A loud screech started to escape from my lips but was broken off into a choked huff of air from the force of my bones hitting the cold tiled ground. Using my hands and feet, I pushed of the ground and back— scrambling away from the large man (and the shadow behind him) and toward the guards. When I saw the red-faced, partially-shifted guards… I froze.
There was no longer a clear path forward or backward. The brief moment I had thought I had to escape was gone. My stomach fell as a sob wracked painfully through my body, contracting my abdomen. A cold sweat covered all of exposed skin in a light sheen. Saliva rushed forward in my mouth and nearly dripped over my lips. After a measly attempt to swallow to keep my previous refreshments down, I flipped myself over onto my hands and knees. Vomit spilled out of my mouth and slopped onto the floor.
I wiped the back of my hand over my mouth, eyes wide as I thought about the four men surrounding me that had just watched the only meal I’d had in ages come back up. A hot blush crept up my neck. My hand rubbed at the base of my neck. The blush deepened as I felt the matted hair that was there. I turned my head, hot tears brimming.
The man I had bounced off of was extending his hand to me. I stared at the hand for a moment, my pulse racing. Then slowly, I took in the full sight of him. I held my breath. He was in a navy suit with a white button up shirt that was partly undone. It was perfectly tailored to his body. There were gold cuff links near each wrist bearing a family crest I didn’t recognize— at least not in my panicked state. His hair was medium-length, styled casually, and resembled the color of the earth in the middle of a forest after all of the leaves had fallen in the Autumn. He was surprisingly tan with well manicured nails and eyebrows. His lips were tugging up at the corners and he bore a smirk that seemed to root itself in my stomach, and made me long for the secrets that he could whisper in my ears. But it wasn’t until I met his gaze that I understood that this was not just one of the most handsome men I’d seen in years, but ever. I tried to swallow again, but my mouth was now bone dry.
His eyes made me long for the summer days of my childhood, where I would run through fields of grape hyacinths. I would often throw myself onto beds of grass surrounded by the beautiful blue flowers and laugh in the sunshine as my mother laid down beside me. Somehow, his eyes captured not just the color of the flower but the warmth of the sun beaming down on them.
Goosebumps covered my skin. The stark blush on my cheeks only worsened when I realized how long I’d been staring at him while he kept his hand extended. Without further hesitation, I grasped his hot hand with mine and let him pull me to my feet. I reached down and straightened out my scrappy rags. The smell of manure, urine and now sickness crept up through my nostrils. Considering I nearly gagged at my own stench, I wasn’t sure how the man in front of me didn’t.
He sighed as he dropped my hand. I heard the guards start to rush forward and swayed as my heart rate picked up again. The man with the hyacinth eyes wasn’t the one that spoke. It was the man who still appeared as almost nothing more than a shadow, his voice deep and powerful, “Leave her be. She is fine with us. We can return her to the room ourselves.”
I was still entranced by the man directly in front of me. My voice was weak, “Please, let me go.”
Hyacinth-eyes spoke, his voice like honey, “Sorry, love. We can’t do that,” he inclined his chin, “I’m Darius. This,” he swept his hand to signal the shadow-man beside him, “is Nikolai. You’re here for the Selection, correct?”
I didn’t want to answer that. It would solidify my fate and they would force me to go into that cold examination room. But… the way those guards had reacted told me that whoever Darius and Nikolai were, they were important. Not answering honestly could lead to a fate worse than being defiled or exiled. Even if these two wolves only ranked as betas, they resided in the Castle. I had no interest in being executed.
“Yes,” my gaze lowered to the floor for a second, finally breaking me from whatever trance Darius’ eyes had had me in.
Nikolai stepped around Darius, giving me my first clear view of him. He was equally as handsome as Darius, but something about him was darker. It wasn’t just the all black suit — minus the same cuff links that Darius bore— or the hair the color of an oil slick. It wasn’t even his onyx eyes set against his paler skin. It was a feeling that seeped off of his body. He was about the same height as Darius, but was a tad slimmer. Though, something told me it was just slighter stature, not as much muscle. His jaw was sharp, his hair similarly styled to Darius’. His lips were straight and thin, stern. There was a devious glint in his eyes when he looked at me.
I shivered as the coolness of Nikolai’s gaze seemed to physically pass through me. Darius reacted quickly, undoing the buttons of his suit jacket. Before I could object, the jacket was draped over my shoulders. It was so large it nearly enveloped my malnourished body. The warmth from his body was still trapped within the fabric, and for some reason, I felt my body begin to relax into it. As if the jacket itself was a safe place. And the fragrance that wafted off of it was delectable. Like freshly baked bread with butter and honey. A strange warmth spread through my lower belly. I hadn’t much experience with wolves of the opposite sex in a non-work environment, but if all of them were like this…
“What is your name?” Nikolai’s voice sent a small bolt of fear back through my spine.
“Ada,” I responded meekly.
“Ada,” he said my name gently, as if contemplating the feel of it, “Darius and I must return you to the examination room immediately. There are many shewolves waiting in the throne room for their opportunity.”
Many shewolves? How long had I been in this hallway with them? Well, even if it wasn’t long, my interview with Alpha King had been so short he could have dozens complete by now. Nausea coursed through my body once more. There wasn’t even any point to this. I wasn’t who they were looking for. Did I really need to go through the shame of this exam? Tears pricked my eyes. Of course I did, if because of nothing else, it was because these gentleman were being so kind even though I was filthy and undeserving. They were telling me I needed to do this. And since they were kinder than anyone else I’d seen or known in years, I wouldn’t try anything that could lead to them being injured or punished.
I rolled my shoulders back and set my jaw, giving a curt nod, “Thank you for stopping the guards.”
Darius grinned, crossing his arms over his chest. The muscles flexed dangerously beneath his dress shirt, stretching the material. He nodded at the hall behind me, “Those oafs don’t know how to do anything but manhandle people,” when I turned and started back down the hall, he whispered, “Clearly you don’t need any more of that behavior.”
Shame consumed me. I kept my back rod-straight, my head up as I faced away from the pair that trailed behind me. For a moment, I had forgotten that I was rags and smelled terrible. For only a moment, I was simply a girl in a castle admiring two gentleman’s… kindness. It was normal. That one statement had reminded me of my lowly position compared to these two males.
As I reached the door of the examination room, I stopped. The pair halted a few feet away from me. I turned to Darius, “Thank you for the jacket. I’m not sure you’ll want it back because—“
He help up a hand, cutting me off, “Nonsense. I would love to have my jacket back.”
I slid it off of my shoulders, averting my gaze as I handed it to him. Without a moments hesitation, he pulled the jacket right back on. Nikolai watched Darius with an amused expression before turning his attention back to me, “Something tells me we will be seeing you around, Ada.”
“What?” panic crept in again.
“Call it,” he smirked darkly, “intuition if you will.”
Before I could react, the two of them turned and strolled away from me, disappearing at the end of the hall. A male wolf in a white labcoat stepped up to me, grabbing my elbow and dragging me into the examination room. I stumbled after him, wincing at his grip. After a quick sweep of the room, finding all of the instruments and lights still intact, I let tears finally fall from my eyes.
They streamed down my cheeks as I was instructed to remove my rags and underwear and climb onto the exam table. When I didn’t move immediately, I was assisted in completing the orders. As cold hands stripped me and led me to the table, I let myself long for the days of labor on the farm. My feet were lifted and placed in the stirrups, exposing the most intimate parts of myself to the unknown man in front of me. And I couldn’t help but think to myself,
I’d rather be shoveling shit.