Chapter 4

"That's all? That's the only condition I have to fulfill if I accept your offer?"

Lucien didn't seem afraid even though Lucifer had told him that he would be  dragged to hell if his revenge was avenged. Lucifer grinned, this was the first time he had met a human who was so calm and actually challenged him again even though he had told him about the risks he would take.

"Do you know what hell is like? Why can you look so relaxed like this? You know, no creature would like being there. So I think you should think about it again."

"There is no place much worse than the world. As a devil, you would be disgusted if you had to live your life there."

"Hmm...really? I'm often among humans, but I see so many interesting humans. I guess this world isn't as bad as you say?"

"That's the difference between a devil like you and a human. You don't have a chance to be happy, everything will be taken away from you in an instant. You were brutally murdered by someone you trusted so much. If humans were anything like devils, you wouldn't have to bother trusting your life to them, but because they are humans, you would never believe that they could act more cruelly than the devils."

"Humans are very complicated creatures. But Lucien, you are a very interesting human being. Alright, I will bring you back to the world and take revenge on everyone. But there is something you should know!"

"What's that?"

"You won't really come back to life as a human, but you will become a half-demon."

"Half demon? What do you mean?"

"I am a devil, not God. I cannot bring back a complete human being. But a half devil who has two sides, a human soul and a devil soul in you. You will have desires and ambitions like ordinary humans, but you will have a dark side, the power, lust and cruelty possessed by demons. The longer you live in this form, the longer your revenge takes, the more the human side in you will disappear."

"What would happen if my human side disappeared?"

"You will end up being much more cruel and ruthless than the people you are seeking revenge against. In the end, you will create the same cycle, where more and more humans die carrying revenge and doing the same thing as you, namely making a pact with me. "

Hearing Lucifer's explanation, Lucien did not expect that the risk he would face was much greater than his goal of revenge against Victor. He just wanted Victor to disappear in his hands and make sure his wife was safe from the devil-hearted humans around him.

"I'm not responsible for other people's revenge. I just want my revenge to be avenged and I don't care if I have to burn in hell forever."

The sharp look in his eyes showed how much resentment was in his heart. As he said, he didn't care what would happen after his revenge was avenged. He just wanted Victor to die in his hands and feel the same suffering he felt.

"Hmm...very interesting. Just by looking at your eyes, I can see what kind of monster is inside you. It seems that it will be easy for you to become the strongest."

"What do you mean?"

“The humans who made a pact with me before you will show their monster side and depending on how much power they have and how strong a grudge they have. The weaker they are and the smaller their grudge, the monster in them will appear like a loser. You are lucky, Lucien. You will have immense power and if you can control it, you will become its leader."

Lucien held his head which felt very painful as little by little his memories about his pact with Lucifer began to emerge. The monster inside him, he didn't think that the monster that Lucifer meant was the true form of a monster.

He looked up at the sky, where the light of the full moon made his blood feel very hot and something inside him forced its way out.


"Stop it, Lucien! You can't always follow what he wants. You are the master, let yourself dominate that power. If you just let it go, you will only end up as a stupid wolf monster that destroys everything!"

"Damn it, shut up...!"


Lucien pushed her hand away, even though his hand did not touch Sofia, it was enough to make Sofia's body bounce.

"Ugh...damn! Why do I have to meet you like this?" Sofia grimaced in pain as her back hit the tree behind her.

She got up and walked towards Lucien who was kneeling on the ground groaning in pain. Her whole body turned red, Sofia knew what had happened to her.

"His power is too great for his human body to be able to control it. What was that damn devil thinking when he made a deal with him? No, wait a minute! His back?" She thought. She was surprised to see the sign of the agreement that Lucien had with Lucifer engraved right at the nape of his neck.

An emblem that looked like a tattoo of a wolf's head with two wings of fire. She knew exactly that sign, a sign that was always talked about by a half-demon like her. Her body shook, he couldn't believe what she saw. Of all the half-demon creatures, why did it have to be Lucien who got that power?

"Lucien, I think I can help you!"

"Help me? Didn't you make a pact with the devil because you wanted revenge against me? Why don't you just do it now while I can't do anything against you?"

"Do you think I'll be satisfied just by killing you now? Come on, Lucien. I think I want to have some fun with you while the two of us meet back here."

"What is your plan?"

"I know of a place where beings like you and I are accepted and you would have a greater chance than simply eliminating the person you are aiming for. Killing humans is something that is very easy for us to do, but destroying their lives and having fun in for their suffering, I think it would be very enjoyable."

Lucien tried to endure the pain and got up slowly. He knew that he couldn't waste his time lamenting the pain caused by this curse. He must act as soon as possible before his human soul disappears.

"How can I trust someone who is willing to exchange heaven for hell just to take revenge on me? Listen Sofia, I have absolutely no reason to trust you and I don't want to waste my time trusting anyone other than myself."

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