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Chapter 2 Difficult Suspicions to Face

John and Jane's images kept flashing before my eyes. I wanted to confirm my suspicions, but deep down, I was desperately denying them.

I couldn't accept this fact no matter what.


John loved me.

From the time we met, got to know each other, and fell in love with having this home and our three adorable babies, he had always been caring and devoted to me.

In these ten years, we had never had a fierce argument. His tenderness and affection made me believe in him without a doubt. How could he do such a thing to me?

Absolutely impossible!

But if Jane had murderous intentions toward me, that wouldn't make sense either.

Before she came to our house, I didn't know her at all. We had no past grievances or recent conflicts. Her salary at our house was top-notch in the industry.

When she first came to our house, I was the one who selected her. She was two years older than me and looked neat and efficient. She started in this field right after high school and became a top-notch housekeeper.

When I hired her, John seemed a bit dissatisfied and quietly asked me, "Isn't she too young? Is she reliable?"

I replied, "Just because she's young, she's unreliable? She looks pleasing to the eye and will be more agile! She's a top-notch housekeeper; you're too picky!"

I even teased him meaningfully, "I'm the one who should be worried!"

He gently pinched my face and replied, "What are you thinking? Don't talk nonsense!"

Then he pulled me into his arms, biting my earlobe and compromising, "Fine, as long as you find her comfortable, it's okay. After all, she's serving you, and it's you she accompanies every day. I'm just worried that she's too young, might be impulsive, and won't last long before quitting. That would be a hassle because we'd have to find someone new again!"

But as it turned out, Jane was very patient. She had been with us for almost eight years now.

I asked myself, in these eight years, we had gotten along well, and I treated her like a good friend. How could she possibly drug me?

Moreover, if it were her, John would have noticed my abnormal state after taking the medication. He wouldn't ignore the effects of the drug; he wouldn't...

I really didn't dare to think further.

I didn't know if it was because I didn't take those pills today or if it was because the cat's condition scared me. In any case, I was unusually alert, like a spirit awakened from a daze, with every cell in my body exploding in an extremely excited state.

Fear kept me from closing my eyes.

It was such a long night.

But what chilled me even more was that during this time, no one came to check on my condition or ask if I had eaten.

I had to realize that in the past, no one actually cared about my daily state.

It seemed that John wasn't as concerned about me as he appeared to be.

Just like tonight, the care I expected from him didn't appear. Had he become accustomed to my drowsiness?

As dawn broke, Ruby, which had been sleeping under the covers, gradually regained consciousness.

At first, its eyes were unfocused, and it weakly meowed twice.

After a while, it moved its limbs, then stretched vigorously, turned over, curled up beside me, and returned to its original sleeping position. But it still seemed lazy and listless, not fully awake.

This condition was very similar to how I felt every time I woke up, which only deepened my suspicions.

Helplessly, I hugged Ruby tightly, burying my face in her soft fur and crying silently.

I didn't understand why this was happening. Who was doing this to me?

After a long time, I lifted my face, gritted my teeth, and told myself that I couldn't sit and wait for death. I had to find out the truth.

With my mind made up, I knew I couldn't alert the enemy. I had to continue pretending to be asleep.

First, I had to figure out who tampered with my medication and what their motive was.

Thinking of this, I still held onto a glimmer of hope, preferring to believe that it was Jane who did it. Maybe that would be easier for me to accept.

But my hope was not realized, and I soon felt unbearable pain.

The truth was even more brutal than I had imagined.

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