Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3 Who Is the Mastermind Behind the Scenes?

I woke up exhausted after a sleepless night, leaning weakly against the headboard. I knew it was time to take my medication. Jane would be here soon; after all, I needed to take my medicine on time.

When Jane pushed open the door, she was visibly startled for a moment, then quickly smiled warmly. She said, "Mrs. Hall, you look good today! You seem quite spirited; I'm a bit surprised."

I forced a smile, but I was carefully observing her.

As she spoke, she efficiently drew the curtains and thoughtfully draped a coat over me. She spoke quietly, "Let's open the window for some fresh air."

I leaned there listlessly and deliberately responded, "I'm a bit hungry."

Jane replied gladly, "That's a good sign. I'll get your breakfast right away! It's been a while since you said you were hungry!" She beamed and walked out quickly. "Just a moment, I'll be right back!"

As she briskly walked past the bed, a faint scent of perfume wafted through the air. I had always been sensitive to smells, and I could tell she was wearing my favorite Chanel perfume.

The reason I liked that perfume was because John liked it. He said the scent was evocative.

I clenched my fist tightly, feeling a bit short of breath.

I instinctively thought of those news stories where husbands conspired with mistresses to harm their wives, but then I felt it was too far-fetched.

After a while, the door opened, and I instinctively looked up to see John coming in with my medication.

He looked concerned, smiling gently as he walked toward me in the sunlight streaming through the window. He looked bright and warm, but I couldn't help but think of what he said last night, "Did she take her medicine?" My mood plummeted.

John asked with concern, "Honey, you look good today! Jane said you felt hungry?"

He placed the medication on the bedside table and took my hand, the warmth of his palm still familiar. He gazed at me tenderly and asked softly, "What would you like to eat? I'll make it for you."

"No, I can't eat much anyway, don't worry about it." I tried to steady my emotions and asked with feigned concern, "What time did you come back last night? I didn't even notice. Were you busy with work?"

John answered, "It's the ordering season, so I've been busy. Many clients need quotes. When I got back, Jane said she had just given you your medicine, so I asked about it. Then I worked in the study until late and slept there." He yawned unconsciously as he spoke.

Seeing his tired appearance, I suddenly felt guilty. He wasn't lying; he was telling the truth. Every year during the ordering season, there were piles of quotes. He was still working hard for our family. How could I doubt my husband?

The one who wanted to harm me must be Jane.

He picked up the water cup and placed the dosage of my medication in his palm, speaking gently, "Honey, take your medicine first, then we'll have breakfast."

I pretended to be impatient, frowning and speaking in the coquettish tone I usually used with him, "I feel like I've taken so much medicine, but it doesn't seem to work. I'm getting nauseous from it. Honey, can I skip it?"

John said disapprovingly, "Sweetheart, be good, okay? You need to take your medicine on time. You're clearly better today; you even have an appetite. Mr. Smith adjusted the medication the day before yesterday, and it seems to be working. Don't lose hope!" He spoke calmly, without a hint of deception, still the devoted husband who centered his world around me.

Seeing his oblivious expression, I was torn. If I took medicine, I would fall into a deep sleep and wouldn't be able to find evidence or catch the mastermind.

"I don't want to take it!" I said, leaning into his arms, my mind racing to find a way to get rid of him.

John patted my back with one hand to comfort me and brought the medicine to my lips with the other. He said softly, "Be good, take your medicine. We need to keep going!"

I was anxious, realizing I couldn't avoid it. "I'll do it myself!" I said, reluctantly taking the bowl, my heart pounding.

I was certain that if I took the medicine now, I would be asleep in half an hour.

But John looked at me with concern, his eyes full of affection, playing the perfect protective husband. Yet his insistence made me suspicious. Why was he so determined for me to take it?

In the past, I would have been swayed by his tender gaze, but now I seemed to see a sharp knife behind his smile.

And this knife was inching closer, not out of love, but to force me into submission.

I was anxious but couldn't say anything. I wanted to get angry but feared alerting him. I had no choice but to take the pills from his hand.

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