Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

Hello, and welcome to The Alpha and her Beta Mate. Deep within this book there will be chapters that will occasionally have intimate scenes between Elise and Ashton from start to finish as well as mentioned snippets of Our Luna, Our Mate as we travel to another 2 packs who are in alliance with the Mystic Shadow Pack. So please take into account that if you venture further into the story, you have been warned about the intimate parts. Now without further ado please enjoy the story.


-Dark Moon Pack-

It’s about 5 o’clock in the morning and I have yet to get out of bed. Too comfortable to leave the safety of my king size bed. Mmmm, I moan my bed feeling like that of a cloud as I continue, knowing father would eventually come looking for me soon. As he always did.

‘Elise, an Alpha in training should neve stay in bed. One should be up and checking on her people’ replies Elza, my wolf, always a stickler for the rules.

‘Relax Elza. Father always lets me rest. Besides, we have to pack for our journey to the Moon Walker Pack. Their pack is hosting the annual mating ball and I’m hoping to find our mate there. Father isn’t how he used to be since mother died and wants to hand over the pack to me, except the council wants all future heirs to have their mates, chosen or not’ I tell her, knowing that to be true.

‘Do you really think we’ll find our mate?’ asks Elza.

‘Yes. Yes I do. I believe that the Moon Goddess had blessed everyone with a mate, regardless of how small things might seem’ I say.

‘Plus, after all, rumor has it that the Alpha twins of the Mystic Shadow pack will be there as well as they have yet to find their own mate’ I add, moving to roll out of bed finally.

‘Do you think either of them could be our mate?’ asks Elza, curiously.

‘I wouldn’t hold our breath on that. The twins are cute but the chances of us being paired up with them will be slim. I’ll be grateful if they continue to keep our alliance going’ I say moving to enter my huge spacious bathroom.

My bathroom, decked out in beautiful white marble with tiny hints of silver, rich ivory color walls with hints of blue giving it that ocean beach coastal vibe as the smell of fresh air and open water has always brought me comfort. Maybe that was why my family owned a beach house just off the coast.’

Shedding my clothes, I move to enter my overly large shower as today was the day I would be heading for the Moon Walker Pack. Turning it on, I move to set the water temperature to my liking before moving to wash my hair and body as well as shave any unwanted body parts as I might be a wolf but that didn’t mean I had to look the part.

Washing, I move to let my mind wonder, wondering who would be my mate. Would it be a he or a her? As I went both ways but I know in an ideal setting a male would be preferred. Then there was the whole part on whether or not they would be okay with being my Luna as I was already an Alpha and didn’t plan on changing that either.

Giggling, I move to think back to a male being my Luna as never in all my life was there a pack to ever have a male for a Luna, but of course not many packs had a female Alpha either. Only mine and Snow Moon had female Alpha’s while the other remaining packs aside from Moon Valley were all males.

‘Talk about narrow minded people’ muses Elza as I move onto shampooing my hair.

‘Your telling me. But in a world where most of our society is dominated by males, it’s hard for them to accept a different social norm’ I explain, having finished my morning routine and now shutting off the water before grabbing a towel off the bar.

Once wrapped in a towel, I move to exit the shower tiny droplets of water dripping from my long blonde hair as I move to walk over to the sink. Grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste, I move to brush my teeth, a knock now on my door alerting me to a visitor.

“Yes?” I called, once my mouth was empty of toothpaste.

“Sweetheart, it’s daddy, are you almost finished?” calls the voice of my father. Alpha Sebastian or Seb as most people called him. But to me he was always my daddy as I was his little princess.

Smiling, I move to answer. “Yes father, I’m just finishing up, I’ll be right there soon”.

“Okay sweetheart” replies Alpha Sebastian, a soft cough catching Elise’s attention. Frowning, Elise waits until her father is gone before rushing for her closet.

‘He doesn’t sound well today’ replies Elza.

‘No. Ever since his fight with the Sky Pack and the Rogue King, father hasn’t been the same. Which is why he desperately wants me to take over the pack’ I tell her sadly.

‘For what it’s worth, you’d make an excellent Alpha’ chimes Elza making me smile.

‘Thanks Elza. You're the best wolf an Alpha could ever ask for’ I say, grabbing a white lace bra and panty, a white silk blouse with cap sleeves and a cute denim skirt before grabbing a pair of wedge heels. The heels making my 5 '9 height a close 5' 10 / 5 '12 with the added height.

Once dressed, do I move to style my hair and makeup. Keeping my makeup light and airy, I move to focus on the eyes more than anything, giving them a little bit of color before adding a pop of color to the lips, a pink tinted lip gloss finishing the look.

With makeup done, do I carefully move to place my hair into a messy bun. Not feeling the need to style it as I would be journeying later to the Moon Walker Pack I really didn’t see a need to do it.

Satisfied with my look, I move to find my father, my father currently in the family room of the pack house. “I’m here daddy” I say as I move to kiss his cheek in greeting before moving to sit with him.

Our home is modest compared to many. For while some packs hold over the top pack houses, our pack kept things simple. The actual pack house was only for meetings, gathering and eating. And of course guests that might come from time to time.

As for the rest of our pack, each member had their own home. That included all the Omega’s, the Warriors along with my Beta, Delta and Gamma. Even my father and I had a modest home, yet still bigger than most as we were the Alpha’s of Dark Moon so it was only fair we had the bigger house.

“Aw, sweetheart, good morning to you too. So happy you could join me” says father with a smile as he moves to look at me like he always did.

“For you, I’ll always find the time,” I say with a smile. “Now how about breakfast?”

“Breakfast sounds lovely dear” answers father as we move to enter the kitchen, father sitting at the table while I move to handle the cooking.

“An order of bacon, eggs and hashbrowns coming right up dad. The usual toast and coffee on its way” is all I say as I begin my daily routine as Omega’s rarely stepped into our home unless it was to clean it, otherwise the cooking fell to me which was fine as it brought me and my father closer together.

“Sounds wonderful sweetheart” smiles father as I carry on with my task.

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