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Chapter 2


“I am Zytherian the Maw of Ash, the Shocking One.” He paused. He let it sink in that he had 2 titles…., “ I am the Herold of the God of Judgment, the Realm King of us all, the master, High King Xaxas.” He said formally. His voice despite his fierce appearance was not cruel.

As custom, I bowed again. My other siblings were married… I was the only one who still lived here besides Allister….

“I am Samira, the Glittering One, though it is only in name…. To what do I owe the pleasure of one so high?” I asked honestly…. The Realm King was WHY so much destruction happened… He’s why the gods made Kings, and gave them the Champion’s Blessing… so they couldn’t die. What did I do to attract the attention of someone like that?!

High King Xaxas already had a mate…. His promise to receive Queen Harmony was why he stopped destroying… He killed so many that we have 7 continents, not 9. There are entire races that no longer exist, like kelpie….. We are the third or fourth attempt to have life on Urth….

“It has come to the master’s attention that there are no unicorn delegates attending his nephew’s coronation party.”

“I just got my title as well… surely King Tyson will-” He was cut off before he could even try to buy time… Lord Tyson was the new King of Werewolves and Shifters….. I hadn’t met him, nor did I want to… that poor soul will have to endure the Night Court, a literal grandson of the Adversary…. I heard about his crowning, but as the last born, no one expects me to go.

“Lord Tyson was not who sent me mortal.” He said firmly. “Pick who will attend, or the master will come here to discuss this personally.” Lord Zytherian warned.

It was now that my brother bowed to this Old One… this ancient monster from wherever….

“I will send Samira then.” Allister bowed, throwing me LITERALLY to the wolves!

Why would I want to attend the party of a man who’s the grandson of the Horned One?!

I didn’t know a thing about the new Wolf King… Most of the original Kings were retiring, but I didn’t attend any parties…. I knew NOTHING about him…

I was…. Mortified…. But I could say nothing…. It didn’t stop me from internally swearing.

Mossy Bagels!

Moldy Biscuits!

Soggy Hooves! UGH!

Why ME?!

“I would love to attend.” I lied... it made me feel slimy. Lord Zytherian pursed his lips as he glared at me.

“Your sacrifice is acknowledged.” He scowled angrily at me, being as tall as dad… I was only the height of a human, about 5’1…. “You have 24 hours to meet Lord Tyson at his castle.” He said sprouting black dragon’s wings… and he flew off…

“FUCK!” Screamed Allister. He’d used such a harsh swear… “I’m so sorry Samira, you were the only one here and-” I cut him off to hug his neck.

“If I am to be the sacrifice for all mother and father made… I’ve done Nothing to contribute… it’s only fair that fate makes me the delegate….” I mumbled still in disbelief….

“…. With all the power I hold…. I understand now what father said.” He grumbled. “Samira this is a task I should not have placed on one so small… shit… I panicked.” He sighed. “I’ll have Raychella pick a nice dress for you, but I can’t get you out of this.” He said running his hands through his glittering light blue hair. Well to be fair it was white, but it glittered proper since he was King….I was handed the letter, and I hid my frown from my brother.

“No… this is fate.” I said quietly…. Gods don’t just announce themselves…. They don’t send their messengers either…

They don’t reveal themselves, or at least none had since Roman times… They don’t speak to mortals…

I was whisked away by maids…. This party was tomorrow… on my birthday…

I was a sacrifice …. I was always told to take Old One’s words at face value… It’s rare beings so old make jokes or smile… The thought of meeting Lord Tyson was intimidating. The man is a demigod… One whose father is a Prince of Hell…

-------11:45pm, the next day------

Why did I stall putting on this itchy dress?! I was so nervous.

I was put on the First plane leaving the Origon castle to eastern Grandia, then I got dressed in a hotel… The ride from it to the Wolf King’s castle was the last leg of this journey.

I didn’t want to mess this up, and I already was by running late!

One mistake could put both the Kingdoms of the Unicorns and the Shifters to be at war…

I was dressed and in the backseat, being escorted to the castle of the new Wolf King, since I was given the task of Speaker and Delegate for my people. I silently looked at the blue bag that held all my paperwork… I fidgeted with all my accessories and such. I needed to look that part too…

My white hair was braided to my hips, and my pale skin complimented the light blue dress picked out by my maids, since powder blue and silver are the royal colors…. Honestly, it made me look like a ghost… Makeup can’t fix this. As a unicorn, elf hybrid… the best I could do was not use red lipstick to make it worse.

I looked like a piece of paper in a blue dress…. I hated it; it was itchy too.

I was this way because of my parents, the ethereal Unicorn Queen Sky, and my father, the Elf King Sagrinal. They were legendary warriors unable to die in any way, but now they at least get to rest… They gained this retirement because of their hard work.

They were even gifted matehood by the Moon Goddess for their deeds… something so rare it’s unheard of for non-wolves… as those are her people, not us.

Every supernatural creature had a King, as they were charged by the gods to stop the Old Ones. The unkillable forces of nature were led by the God of Judgment, her eldest son, but unlike them, he was unable to be defeated.

He razed this world because the Moon Goddess was taken from him and his father, the Horned One… The Adversary.

Originally, she disobeyed the Lord of Light, and eloped with the King of Hell, instead of marrying the God of Mercy and Purity…. But by the time the Lord of Mercy found her, she’d already had a child, and was married. She shouldn’t have been imprisoned… but for it, we mortals suffered.

Together, both father and his two older sons brought so much destruction, that we are the third or fourth attempts to have life on Urth. The third, the Lord of Justice wasn’t born yet.

But all that was over, and had been a while. Now King Xaxas ruled us all peacefully, even adding protections for humans…. Maybe I was overthinking this?

If someone like that could change their ways, surely his nephew isn’t that bad?

The Lord of Judgment ruled this world as the Realm King of us all, though he has since retired from destroying…. It wasn’t until he was tricked into waiting for Queen Harmony’s birth that everyone could thrive. He slept for so long, no one knows the exact time, but if not for it, this world would never have recovered.

King Xaxas and Queen Harmony have been married I think 6 or 7 decades now? I remember I was 26 or so when they wed. Some thought me, or my twin were the king’s mate since the three of us were born the same day, but thank the gods I wasn’t.

Today I was a hundred… well, I will be at midnight. Happy birthday to me…

I wasn’t looking forward to That either…. It was rare… so rare that I only know of one person it’s ever happened to. Even elders have not experienced it but… my sister went into Heat. It happened to Tamira after she got married…

Wouldn’t it be my luck if it happened to me in this pale dress?!

“We’re almost there your highness.” Said the last unicorn servant I’d see tonight, a purple haired stallion whose name I forgot in all the chaos of getting in the car. I wouldn’t ask again and make it awkward though…

“Alright.” I said trying to fix my sleeves.

The dress went to the floor, as I left nothing showing. That was my own sheepish nature though. Why am I like this? Mom was a Champion of the God of Purity and Mercy, Humblon.

There are paintings of her as her mighty winged form, while father rode on her back with a sword made of actual light infused silver… They battled demigods of Death, Drought, Decay, enormous snakes that could melt mountains with acid… giant flying spider-centipedes that could turn into thousands of little versions of themselves and so on… all the while having to cut down our already rare people because of the disease that happens to pure creatures who are excruciatingly turned from the Light…. Bicorns…

And I was nervous to just go to a moldy party!

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