Secret Love on the farm

Secret Love on the farm

Megan Scholl

47.0k Words / Ongoing


Renee was 27 and had just inherited a beautiful home in the middle of no-where Oklahoma. She had 2 kids and was hoping for more one day, but her dreams of a big family grew small when her husband Leo had died, and she was to nervous to date again. As happy as she was with her little family she was equally as alone, craved company, craved a life she didn't know, something new. One afternoon she received an email from her late husband's lawyer asking if she could make time to come in for a meeting to discuss Leo's Will he had left behind but instructed it to not be read until a few years after his death. One last trick he had up his sleeve to control her. By then Renee has landed a job at a warehouse that she has been wanting for a long time but because she had to stay home with the kids, she never could get it. She found a beautiful apartment that was not big enough but not to small, perfect size almost. She wondered why after 4 years his lawyer wanted to meet with her. When she arrived to his office they went over this will she was ignorant to, and turns out he had bought a big beautiful home, where she wanted to move, not many neighbors, perfect land, and the country! With just hearing this not only was she mad, she was happy but also concerned. Do I take it, do I sell it? while she was trying to comprehend what she just heard the lawyer interrupted her thoughts "he also left you 3 million dollars, instructions of its whereabouts will be in the homes safe". What did he just say? how can I pass this up? she wonders.

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