Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I admit I felt nice when Kayler said he would take care of me. In other circumstances, I would have thanked him. This guy has a girlfriend and he's telling me he'll always take care of me—I don't get it. Besides, I don't know him well; this is the first time we've talked. We've only locked eyes a few times, but I can't hold his gaze for long because his eyes are so deep, so... hypnotizing. One look from him and I feel like I've known him for years. I feel, as he said... protected.

His car stopped in front of my house, and we stayed silent for a while.

“Well... goodbye.” I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. Should I thank him for bringing me here? After all, he did force me into his car. But wait, I’m not rude.

I opened my mouth to say something, but he beat me to it.

“A thank you for the ride would be nice,” he said.

“I was going to say it,” I admitted.

I gave him a small smile and closed the door. As I walked toward my house, I heard Kayler’s car engine turn off. I turned to look at him. He got out of his car and walked towards me with his hands in his front pockets.

“Where are you going?” I asked, frowning. I didn't invite him into my house.

He stood in front of me with a mocking smile that I wanted to wipe off his face.

“I’ll walk you in...” he crossed his arms. “If I were you, I’d be jumping with excitement. Do you know how many girls would kill for a glance from me?” he said arrogantly. “Be grateful, Carolina, be grateful.” He walked to the door and opened it, entering like he owned the place.

“But I’m not like those girls, idiot!” I snapped, walking after him.

I found him looking at everything in my new house. I left my backpack on the sofa and crossed my arms, watching him. He stopped in front of the pictures my mom hung up yesterday.

He frowned as if remembering something.

What is this annoying idiot thinking? I looked him up and down; he looked even more handsome from the side. Yes, he’s hot. Too bad he’s a jerk, a womanizer.

“Who’s he?” he asked suddenly.

I shook my head and approached him. He was looking at a picture of me when I was little, smiling with a sparkle in my eyes that only meant one thing: “total happiness.” My mom and dad were there too. Knowing that this was the last photo we took before he died fills me with sadness. A lump in my throat stops me from speaking. But I took a deep breath and did it.

“That was my dad.”

Kayler looked at me and, seeing I was trying to be strong, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a warm hug. I didn’t reject it. I just let myself go.

I could smell his cologne, a calming scent that made me feel so good. His hand rubbed my back up and down. Suddenly, I felt at peace, closing my eyes to enjoy the moment.

But wait, what's happening? I’m letting my enemy’s boyfriend hug me. I quickly pulled away from Kayler and cleared my throat. He looked confused but then regained his usual composure.

“I think I’ll go,” he said, walking towards the exit.

“Sure...” I whispered softly.

Something inside me didn’t want him to leave. I heard the door close, so I let myself fall onto the sofa. I took a deep breath. Then, the sound of a car driving away reminded me I was alone. Maybe he’ll go back to school; there are still hours left before classes end. I don’t even know what I’ll tell my mom. That I got suspended on the first day? She’ll have a heart attack. My stomach growled, asking for food since I didn't have time to eat at school.

Honestly, I don’t know what happened to me today. I’ve never fought anyone before. In that moment, I felt powerful, strong, but Paige was stronger. It’s not normal for a girl like her to be so... strong. I could almost say we had the same strength. I don’t consider myself weak, but my God! There were times I thought she’d beat me, but she didn’t. Something inside me woke up, and when I squeezed her neck so hard—I think there’ll be marks—it was strange. Since coming to this town, weird things have been happening.

I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich, opened the fridge, and took out a glass of milk that I left there this morning. I was too nervous to eat breakfast properly.


Why do I have to think about him? I need to stay away from him. Guys like that only bring trouble, and I don’t want any. I don’t know what will happen tomorrow with Paige. It’s obvious she’ll want revenge; she’s probably planning it right now. But she won’t come alone. No, something tells me I need to watch out for her and her group.

Night fell, and mom still wasn’t home, nor will she be. She sent a message saying she’d be late and not to wait up for her. I turned on all the lights in the house; somehow, I felt more protected, but not entirely. Everything would be different if this house had a fence or something to keep animals out.

I was in my room reading "Pride and Prejudice," recommended by an old friend from my previous school. Everything was quiet, a scary kind of quiet. I couldn’t concentrate, no matter how hard I tried. I felt something inside me, an unease, a... fear. Two knocks on the front door made me jump. Who could it be at this hour? It’s past nine.

I left the book on the bed and carefully went downstairs. Two more knocks sounded, scaring me again.

“Who is it?” I asked loudly, my voice sounding fragile.

No one answered.

I approached the door, grabbed the knob, and slowly turned it, opening the door. No one was outside. I stepped onto the porch to make sure, but still, no one was there. Suddenly, I heard footsteps on the side of the house, as if someone was running by and crunching the leaves. That really scared me. I carefully went down the two steps and walked slowly, feeling some sharp stones prick my feet.

Stupid, I should have put on shoes.

When I reached the left side of the house, I realized no one was there either. Are they playing a prank on me? If so, it’s in poor taste. I returned to the front, but before going in, the big full moon caught my attention. Its reflection shone on the lake water. It was... magical. I walked to the small pier, forgetting that a potential murderer might be lurking around my house, and just stood there, gazing at it.

I looked across the lake at Kayler’s house; I knew he lived there. Some lights were on. There wasn’t much movement. Suddenly, I heard footsteps to my left, where only the forest lay. It was dark. Then I saw someone quickly pass by and hide behind a tree, supposedly so I wouldn’t see them.

It’s a person. And it seems like they’re playing... or at least I hope so. I walked determinedly towards where they seemed to be. Who walks barefoot in the woods? Just me. I reached the spot where they should be, but no one was there.

Am I going crazy?

I was about to turn back when a voice stopped me.

“Help me!” it exclaimed.

I looked around, searching for the source of the voice. It seemed to come from deeper in the forest.


I walked, delving deeper and deeper into the forest until I reached a flat area. There’s no one here... I must be imagining things. I sat on the ground to rest a bit. I was tired. After this, I’ll just go to sleep. I massaged my temples and closed my eyes for a few seconds. There was some fog in the forest, and it threatened to rain.

Suddenly, a growl behind me made me freeze, my body not reacting. Another growl made me turn my head.

I gasped, seeing the huge wolf in front of me, staring at me and licking its chops. I only knew one thing:

This is my end.

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