Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

Alexander Kane, New York City's youngest billionaire and one of its most desirable bachelors, sat in a bespoke Rolls-Royce Phantom. Impatiently tapping his hand on the armrest, he looked at his watch and frowned, annoyed by the gridlock on one of the city's main arteries.

It was already 7 p.m. and he had just left work. He had a critical appointment to keep and was impatient with any delays. Even though today was his birthday, he had never been really interested in celebrating it. What mattered to him was his destination: the old family estate, where his grandfather's will would be read five months after his passing. Alexander wasn't interested in the inheritance because he had earned his own money. He wished to show respect to the man who had reared and developed him into the person he is today.

Alexander's grandfather was a wealthy guy who lived to the utmost till his death. As the Rolls-Royce crawled through the traffic, Alexander's mind returned to the lessons he had learned from his grandfather—the old man's harsh words, demanding personality, and cutthroat business practices. Alexander had learned a lot, but he also seen his grandfather's darker side. He knew the old guy had many detractors, but even after he died, his legacy commanded respect and fear.

People frequently remarked on Alexander's ruthlessness in business, attributing it to his grandfather's influence. Despite inheriting wealth, Alexander established his own empire by the age of 23. Now 30, he looked back with pride on his accomplishments.

Finally, the Rolls-Royce reached the old mansion. Alexander walked out once his aide, James Parker, unlocked the door. He raised an eyebrow at the many cars and the buzzing activity. "Is there a party I wasn't informed about?" Alexander asked.

"Young master, the thing is," James began uncomfortably, "your grandmother organized a birthday party for you."

He prepared for Alexander's reply. "A birthday party?" Alexander spoke calmly, but his look was gloomy.

James was aware that Alexander's tranquillity frequently preceded something worse. "Yes."

"And you knew and didn't inform me."

James hesitated, torn between his boss's and Grandma Helen's instructions. "Forgive me, boss; I was told not to say anything."

"No bonuses for the next six months," Alexander remarked, hurrying to the front door.

James experienced despair. How will he explain this to his girlfriend? He wished for another punishment. The security officers at the front door opened it and bent their heads with respect.

Inside, Alexander was greeted by a loud chorus of "Happy Birthday!".

"Happy birthday, grandson," Grandma Helen greeted, hugging him.

"I didn't ask for this, Grandma."

Grandmother Helen grinned. "I know, but I had to; it's your 30th birthday, and you've never celebrated before."

Alexander looked around the room, his face deepening at the sight of the blushing women. He was aware of his grandmother's plan: she had invited every suitable woman from New York's aristocratic families to the party.

"Where is the lawyer?" he said, not seeing the family lawyer.

"Have some food and drink first, then we can meet the lawyer upstairs."

"I'll head upstairs first." Alexander turned towards the stairs. As he arrived, a young woman raced towards him but was stopped by his soldiers. Alexander was irritated by her loud cosmetics and suggestive outfit.

"Mr. Kane, please allow me an opportunity to get to know you. I assure you will not be sorry you chose me."

"Escort her out and ensure she doesn't return."

"Yes, boss."

"Please, just give me a chance," she screamed, battling with the guards. Alexander ignored the incident and headed up the stairs.

Rumors about his indifference to women fueled concern about his preferences or potential medical difficulties. After two hours, it was evident that the birthday boy would not come down. Guests left one by one, leaving just Grandma Helen, outraged with her ungrateful grandson.

She walked to the second floor, suppressing her fury, and found Alexander and the lawyer. "Grandma is here; you can proceed," Alexander told the lawyer.

Grandma Helen scowled at Alexander before seated. The lawyer ensured that everyone was present, including Alexander, his grandmother, the loyal butler, the head maid, and a few more.

According to the will, Alexander received 50% of Lord Kane's riches, 20% from his absent sister, 20% from his grandmother, and the remaining 10% from the loyal staff. Alexander's stake includes Kane Enterprises and other properties.

The lawyer informed them that they would receive their shares after a month, once everything had been finalized.

"But," the lawyer hesitated, taking in Alexander's cool demeanor.

"But what, Mr. Edwards?" Grandma Helen asked.

"To inherit the Kane Empire and the other estates, Alexander must marry and have a kid within a year and six months. If he fails to do so, his inheritance will be transferred to New York City orphans.

Kane Empire is one of the country's largest businesses, and it is owned by the aristocratic Kane family. Although Alexander Kane's company, Kane Corporation, is one of the nation's largest, it pales in comparison to his grandfather's empire, despite the fact that he is a self-made millionaire.

When Grandma Helen heard the lawyer's declaration, she wept quietly. She was well aware that her grandson had always been opposed to marriage and having children. She had attempted countless times to match him with noble ladies from throughout the country, but all her attempts had been futile.

"How will he find a wife and have a child before the year and six months is up?" she wondered dejectedly.

Alexander's gaze shifted to his grandma, who was quietly sobbing. He was not completely surprised by his grandfather's will. The old man had constantly encouraged him to marry and have a great-grandchild. This was his grandfather's method of punishing him for not carrying out his wishes while he was alive.

"Leave us," he said.

The butler and other attendants bowed their heads and left the private living area, leaving only Alexander, the lawyer, and Grandma Helen.

"So, Mr. Edward," Alexander started out with a firm voice; "what you're telling me is that if I don't get married and have a child within a year and six months, my grandfather's estate will be donated to orphanages?"

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