Chapter 1

It was the eve of Sonya’s shifting day and she was having a hard time falling asleep in her bed so she makes her way outside. The whole pack is sleeping as it was well after midnight so there is no one around. Which makes it easy for her to sneak out without being seen.

The air has a chill to it with a soft wind that carries the smell of summertime like sunscreen and tropical fruit. From the chill in the air, she can tell that the seasons are about to change from the warm summer nights into the cooler autumn air.

Like most 18-year-old werewolves Sonya has always been looking forward to her shifting day. Her excitement makes it difficult for her to calm her nerves. Sonya is a beautiful girl standing at about 5’3” with long dark brown hair, perfect tanned skin, and a perfect body with bright hazel-colored eyes.

She is the only child of the Beta of the Supermoon pack. Sonya has grown up around all the pack elders instead of playing with any other wolf pups. Until recently she was considered the heir to the Alpha role as the current Alpha and Luna had not had any children. That all changed a year ago when the Luna had a little boy.

Sonya remembers her relief when the young Alpha was born. She could finally start thinking about her life and what she wants out of it.

Sonya is lost in thought as she makes her way to her favorite place on the pack lands. It is a cliff overlooking the river bank right in the middle of the pack lands. From that cliff she is able to see the most breathtaking, sweeping views of the massive pack lands and even beyond.

The grounds are surrounded by a lush forest with an invisible fencing barrier that surrounds the property making it feel very secure. Among the forest grounds, there are beautiful flowering trees and plant life that breaks up the green forest.

There are multiple buildings and houses spanning throughout the grounds with pathways and roads connecting everything together.

The pack has constructed benches, tables, and garden beds throughout the pathways for their pack members to enjoy the lands.

Every time Sonya is at this place, she is always amazed at how beautiful the pack lands are. She loves the city but she has not seen a view like this one anywhere else before.

Sonya lays down in the grass trying to center herself and relax so she will be able to sleep. As she lays down on the cool grass looking up at the vast expanse of the night sky and the stars above her, she can’t help but wonder where her life will take her.

She has worked extremely hard with her studies which allow her to graduate high school at 16. She then finishes her business degree in just two years. Sonya has just graduated with her business degree just three months ago.

She has been debating whether she should go to graduate school or go into the workforce but has decided it is best to try working and then go back for more education if she wants to later.

She has found an amazing job that she is going to be starting the day after her birthday. She is still in awe that she has even gotten a job offer as an executive assistant at Turner Enterprises. Sonya knows it isn’t her dream job but it is a great job that will get her foot in the door with an amazing company.

As she continues to lay on the grass thinking about her future and what may be in store for her, she can’t help but be nervous and excited about the next couple of days. Within a couple of hours, she falls into a deep sleep under the stars.

She wakes up several hours later to the warmth of the sun’s rays on her face. Realizing that she has been asleep for most of the night she glances down at her watch only to realize it is ten in the morning. She sits bolt upright in a panic before she remembers she does not start her new job until the next day.

She feels a wave of relief fall over her as she slowly stands up and makes her way back to the packhouse which she can’t help but notice that it seemed like a much shorter distance the night before. It’s now only a couple more hours until she shifts and she wants to get some breakfast before that happens.

When she arrives at the packhouse she is greeted by her parents, Reginald and Harriett. Reginald is the current Beta of the Supermoon pack. He is a tall, muscular man who has dark brown buzzed hair and bright green eyes. Harriett is slightly shorter with blonde hair and brown eyes. She is beautiful and soft spoken just like Sonya.

As they walk to greet Sonya, they hold out a present for her. Each hug her tight and tell Sonya how proud they are of her and how much they love her. They all starting walking to the dining hall for breakfast together talking about the day.

Sonya opens the gift from her parents while they are walking. She is surprised to find a book titled ‘Moon Goddess Legends and Lore’. It is a beautiful leather-bound book with a moon on the cover that seems to be almost popping off of it.

“Thank you. This is beautiful. I cannot wait to read this.” Sonya exclaims, hugging each of her parents.

“We knew you would like this book since you are always interested in legends. This has some really interesting ones.” Beta Reginald states matter of factly with a smile on his face.

“I really do. Thank you both again.” Sonya hugs both of her parents together again. Tucking the book under her arm as they continue down the long hallway to the dining hall.

When they enter the dining hall the whole pack is there and yells Happy Birthday to Sonya. The chefs bring out a cake for her and everyone joins together in singing happy birthday to her. Sonya is so surprised that she has tears of joy running down her cheeks.

“Thank you all so much. This really means the world to me. Thank you all for taking the time to wish me happy birthday.” Sonya gushes.

“We love you, Sonya.” Several of the pack members yell together.

The Alpha and Luna come up to greet Sonya, their Beta, and his mate. “Happy Birthday Sonya.” Alpha Scott says followed by Luna Maria.

“We got you something dear. I have been waiting to give this to you. I hope you like it.” Maria says as she hands a perfectly wrapped small box to Sonya.

Sonya cautiously opens the small box to find a necklace with a small beautiful full moon pendant. The chain and the pendant are silver. The pendant looks blue in the light and seems to glow. There is something so mesmerizing about the pendant but she can’t put her finger on it.

Sonya is pulled from her daze by her mother when she elbows her. “Huh, oh thank you so much. I love it.” She hugs the Luna before they walk away. Sonya continues to look at it for a few more minutes before she is interrupted by her mother.

“You should put that in a safe place until after your shift” Harriett says.

“That’s a great idea. Do you think you could put it in the safe until after I shift along with the book? I don’t want anything to happen to them.” Sonya asks her father.

Beta Reginald gladly agrees. He takes the small box and the book only to return a few minutes later giving Sonya a smile and a thumbs up from across the room indicating they are in the safe.

After breakfast, Sonya makes her way out to a large clearing amongst the trees in the dense forest to wait for her shift. She has been laying there for about an hour before she hears twigs breaking and leaves rustling to her right.

“Hey Cam! You didn’t think you could sneak up on me, did you?” Sonya yells out with a loud laugh.

“Damn how did you hear me from all the way over there?” Cameron exclaims from the other side of the clearing. He comes bounding to her from behind a tree.

Cam is Sonya’s best friend and always seems to find her whenever she tries to be alone. Cam is almost a foot taller than Sonya with long light brown hair that he has pulled into a low pony tail most of the time. Today it is down and flowing in the breeze around his face.

“You aren’t the quietest person to walk through the forest.” Sonya says through a fit of laughter.

“I thought I was getting better with my training. I guess I have to train harder.” Cameron states very matter of factly.

“Yes, you wi-“ Sonya is cut off by an intense pain in her abdomen indicating her shift is upon her. She hunches over in pain as Cam rubs her back.

“Relax Sonya. Let your wolf take over the shift.” Cam says. Having already shifted a few months ago, Cam is comfortable in guiding Sonya through her shift. Sonya is suddenly very happy that Cam has come out to find her.

“AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH…. This is too painful. I can’t do this.” Sonya screams as bones start snapping and popping.

“Yes, you can Sonya. I’m here & I believe you can do this. Just relax and let your wolf take over.” Cam tells her.

Sonya takes several deep breaths and tries to focus on her wolf in her mind. Once she feels the wolf pushing through the wall in her mind, she relaxes completely and lets her wolf come forward.

Her bones continue to snap and pop. She starts spouting hair all over her body. Her clothes rip off of her. As the pain starts to let up Sonya looks down to see her hands are now paws covered in silver fur.

After what feels like hours, Sonya’s wolf stands up on all fours and shakes out its fur. Cam is in shock. Sonya is one of the biggest she-wolves he has seen. Cam feels like her size may rival an Alpha wolf. Sonya’s wolf has solid shimmery silver fur with bright blue eyes. Her eyes look like glazier ice blue and seem to glow.

“Hello Sonya, I am Lola. Your wolf.” Sonya hears in her mind and it makes her smile.

“I have been waiting to meet you my whole life. Thank you for picking me. And I can’t wait to get to know you more.” Sonya thinks back.

Sonya realizes that Cam is just staring and not moving. She mind links him, ‘What’s wrong? You look like I have three heads?’

Cam shakes his head and answers hesitantly, ‘N-N-No it’s just….just….you are huge.’

‘Thank you.’ Sonya replies with a smirk. This is a huge compliment to a wolf. Wolves are very proud of their size. The bigger they are typically means the more power they hold in their community.

“Are you going to run with me or what?” Sonya teases as she takes a leap over him.

“Hell yeah, let’s go.” Cam exclaims.

Cam jumps in Sonya’s direction and shifts midair. Cam’s wolf has dark brown fur with black and white swirled on its chest and feet. Cam’s wolf has his same deep brown eyes that almost look black. Although Cam’s wolf is large, it seems to pale in comparison to Sonya’s wolf. Both wolves take off running through the dense forest around the grounds.

Sonya mind links her parents to let them know that she has shifted and to see if they want to run with her.

“We’ll meet you at the packhouse. We’ll all run together.” They reply together.

“Hey Cam, let’s head to the packhouse. My parents are going to run with us.” Sonya links Cam.

“Lead the way.” Cam replies with a giggle.

When both wolves are about to come out of the forest Sonya catches a whiff of pine trees and rain. Her mouth starts watering but she doesn’t understand what is going on. Lola is yelling, ‘Mate,’ in her head. She does not see anyone or anything around them. The smell goes away as fast as it came. Sonya ignores Lola’s yelling and continues their run until they reach the steps of the packhouse.

Sonya links her parents who are already shifted waiting at the steps. Both of their wolves are solid dark gray with brown eyes. Once they start running, they are joined with two other wolves who Sonya knows are the Alpha and Luna. They have always been a part of her life and she is not surprised to see them running with her as well. The Alpha’s wolf is the largest of their current running group and is all black with bright yellow eyes. Luna Maria’s wolf is a large white wolf with black across the shoulders and toes with black eyes.

Sonya is larger than all but the Alpha’s wolf. They all look at her with pride and love. Her father is beyond proud of her and the size of her wolf. She can’t help to be proud of her wolf too since she is so small in her human form. Sonya has been training really hard to be able to not only defend herself but keep her figure.

After about twenty minutes they all shift back to their human forms. Finding the extra clothes among the trees that are left for pack members to change into after shifting if needed. Even though most pack members walk around naked after shifting, some like Sonya are not comfortable with that part of the shifting process. She is sure she will never get comfortable with that part of shifting though.

The group makes their way to the dining room to get some food as they are all really hungry from working up an appetite from shifting and running for so long.

“Your wolf is beautiful and impressive in size Sonya.” The Alpha states. This gets everyone else around them to nod and murmur in agreement.

“Thank you, Alpha Scott. That is a great honor coming from you sir.” Sonya states.

Sonya has dazed off thinking about the scent she smelled while they were running. Without realizing she is all of a sudden hit with how tired she is. Her mother pulls her out of her daze a few minutes later ushering her off to bed. Sonya does not fight her mother’s request to go take a nap. As she makes her way up to the fourth floor which is the floor for the Beta’s family she is in a tired daze.

Next Chapter