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Chapter 1

“Ahh yes…Alpha…harder.” A naked blonde woman is screaming as she is laying under the soon to be Alpha Troy on a small twin size bed in a brightly lit room. Troy always makes Allison watch him with other girls. Today was no different. The room is filled with the sounds of their skin slapping and moans. The air is thick with the smells of their sex and arousal.

“See this Allie. This will never be you. You will be my chosen but never ever will you get fucked by me.” Troy says through his grunts as he continues to pound his dick into the blonde.

Allie can’t help the couple of traitorous tears that escape her eyes as they run down her cheeks. She knows better than to try to look away for fear of the extra beating. She has given up trying to hide her emotions from Troy. She knows he doesn’t care about her anyway.

Troy and the blonde finish their love making after what feels like forever to Allison. Troy gets dressed and quickly pulls Allie back out of the room to get ready for his birthday ball.

About an hour later Allie is in Troy’s bathroom looking at herself in the mirror wondering if her life will always be full of heartache and pain. Her skin is pale almost translucent with big dark circles around her eyes. She is nothing but skin and bones anymore covered in bruises and scars.

“Are you about ready to go? Goddess, I hate waiting on you. Besides it’s not like anything you do will help you anyway.” Troy asks from outside the bathroom door. He is completely annoyed as usual having to wait on her.

Allison opens the door to reveal her boyfriend standing there in his gorgeous black tux. He, of course, does not even look to her as she comes out which doesn’t bother Allison anymore since she is so used to being treated this way.

“It’s about time. We have to go now. Father is going to be mad if I’m not there on time. You are always making me wait and you are so not worth waiting for.”

“I know. I’m sorry. We will walk quickly.” Allison said softly as she kisses his cheek.

He scrunches his nose up and wipes off the kiss. “Knock it off. Now I’m going to have your lipstick on me. Fucking gross.” He slaps her across the face as he continues to wipe his face with his hand.

Now not only is her face hurting but Allison’s feelings are hurt as well. She continues to look at the floor until he is ready. Troy has never paid any attention to whether she was hurt or not. He was only concerned with making her life a living hell.

He roughly grabs her by the upper arm and pulls her out of the room down the stairs to the ballroom. The grip he has on her arm will undoubtedly leave more bruises but that is nothing new for Allison Brown.

Troy is the soon to be Alpha of the Dark Moon pack. Troy and Allie had been together, if you can call it that, for over a year. He has told Allie that they are chosen mates but that he would always make her life a living hell because that’s what she deserved. He has made her watch him with countless girls all while not allowing her to talk to anyone else no matter their gender.

They walk together into the ballroom as Troy always makes her walk slightly behind him. He is greeted as normal with respect while Allison is continually ignored and pushed out of any conversations like normal.

As they walk farther into the room, she hears a word come from Troy’s lips that destroys her heart and soul. “Mate.” She is truly heartbroken as Troy roughly shoves Allison to the floor and runs into the middle of the room right into another woman’s arms saying, “Mate”.

She has always thought that by being his Luna, Troy would eventually come to his senses and end her suffering. Allison can feel her world implode on itself when that word came out of his mouth. She feels like her life is always going to be a living hell and it will only get worse now that Troy has found his fated mate.

She lays on the floor of the ballroom in shock watching the scene unfold around her, not even caring about the people kicking her as they walk past.

It takes her a few minutes to come back to her senses but once she does, she makes herself a promise that she will no longer allow anyone to walk all over her.

She then gathers herself up off the floor and calmly starts to make her way out of the packhouse, not paying any attention as the pack members pushes her and call her names while she walks out of the building.

As soon as she is out of the line of sight from everyone, she runs to her house and straight into the room she has shared with the maids. She packs a bag quick and steals some food from the kitchen before she takes one last look around. She knows that what she is about to do means that she will either escape never to return or die trying.

Feeling satisfied that she is making the right decision she takes off out of the house and away from the pack hoping never to have to return for any reason.

As soon as she is off of pack lands, she gets undressed, places all her clothes in the bag, shifts into her wolf, and takes her bag between her teeth before she takes off running. Her wolf has to stop every couple of hours to take a break. Having never been given the opportunity to run or shift freely, she has no built up stamina.

She runs through several forests, over mountains, and through streams and rivers. She is able to avoid any other wolves and humans but after running for three days, she finally collapses. Exhausted and worried if she is ever going to find somewhere to call home, she falls into a deep sleep just off a main road in the forest.

She wakes up a couple of hours later to voices and movement around her.

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