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Chapter 2

Allie lays perfectly still not wanting to alert anyone that she is awake in case they are there to hurt her. She is afraid she has been followed by either someone from the pack or someone along her journey.

“Don’t wake her up.” A man’s soft voice rings through the air. Allie can feel a small soft hand on her cheek as he speaks.

“She looks so tired and sickly. Poor girl. We need to help her.” A woman’s voice comes through the air.

“Yes, we do. We need to just wait for her to wake up and hopefully she will know that we won’t hurt her.”

“Where do you think she came from?”

“I’m guessing she ran quite a ways. Just look at her feet, they are very dirty and blistered. It looks like she didn’t even have time to get clothes on before she collapsed into sleep.”

“Poor pup.”

Allison having heard the whole conversation between the man and woman slowly opens her eyes. She sits up shakily to look at both of them.

She guesses they are both in their 40s. The woman has a super short pixie cut full of bright purple hair with dark brown eyes. The man has a buzzed haircut with brown eyes. Both of them look at her with a pitiful gaze as they take in her appearance.

“We are not going to hurt you dear.” The woman starts talking as she put her hands in the air. “I am Luna Gloria and this is Alpha Jasper. We are from Sapphire pack.”

Allison nods to them before stating in a weak shaky voice, “Allison Brown from Dark Moon.”

“Are you safe dear?” Gloria asks.

Allison looks down and shakes her head.

“Have you denounced your pack yet?” Alpha Jasper asks.

Allison shakes her head again. “I don’t know how or where I can even go.”

“Nonsense. You are coming with us.” Alpha Jasper says with a big smile on his face. “We will make sure you are well taken care of.” As he finishs speaking, he puts his hand out to help Allison to stand up. Allison takes his hand and stands up, making sure to cover herself knowing that she is naked still.

Gloria gets into her bag and gets a shirt and pants for her then helps her to hurriedly get dressed.

“So, to denounce your pack you say ‘I, Allison Brown, denounce your pack’s name as my pack and Alpha whoever the Alpha is as my Alpha’ and then I will take you into ours.”

Allison nods her head. “I, Allison Brown, denounce Dark Moon as my pack and Alpha Caleb as my Alpha.” She hit her knees as a pain rips through her chest taking her breath away as the pack link breaks. Despite the pain she can feel a sense of relief and freedom.

After a few seconds, she is able to steady herself and Alpha Jasper steps forward with a dagger in his hand. “I, Alpha Jasper, accept you Allison Brown into my pack Sapphire pack and I promise as your Alpha to protect you and help you succeed.”

“I, Allison Brown, accept you Alpha Jasper as my Alpha into the Sapphire pack.”

With that Alpha Jasper cuts both of their palms and presses them together, which causes a rush of voices in her head full of excitement to have her be part of their pack.

Allison is taken aback as no one is ever excited with her presence. She feels her eyes well with tears but she is so weak that she does not even feel them fall.

Luna Gloria and Alpha Jasper hug her tight before they lead her over to their awaiting car. Their guards nod to Allison with a smile as they hold the door open for her. “Welcome Allison.” The one guard says with a wide smile on his face.

She smiles to him and gets into the car. She is still stunned that anyone would talk to her willingly let alone say nice words to her.

It takes them another 2 hours to get to the Sapphire pack lands. Once they are there Allison is overwhelmed with how beautiful it is. It is sunny with beautiful plants and trees everywhere. There are people waving to their car as they drove in.

The car stops in front of what she assumes is the packhouse. “Welcome home Allison.” Gloria says to her with a big smile on her face.

The door is opened by another guard and he holds out his hand to help Allison out of the car. Everyone from the pack is running to the packhouse to greet their Alpha and Luna home.

Alpha Jasper goes to the top of the stairs of the packhouse to address the crowd. “Afternoon everyone. I have the great honor to introduce our newest addition, Allison. Please everyone make her feel welcome.”

Everyone cheers and he motions for Allison to walk up the steps to him. She blushes and Gloria walks up the steps with her. They wave at everyone and everyone genuinely looks happy that she is there which makes Allison nervous about what is to come.

“Allison will be attending the school and staying in the packhouse. I will have her in training as soon as possible as well of course. Let’s let her get settled in and we will see you all at supper.” Jasper booms out as he waves and ushers Allison into the house.

There are cheers behind them as everyone goes back to what they were doing before.

When she walks into the packhouse she is blown away by the beauty of the place. The floors are all hard wood. The stair railing looks to be hand carved from wood but has metal interlaced in the banister.

Gloria and Jasper lead her up the stairs to the second floor before any of them speak.

“Allison, we want you to know that you can be yourself here. I do want to know what happened in your previous pack though and I hope you know that you can trust us. We are not out to hurt you.”

“Yes dear, we want you to consider us like another set of parents.”

“Thank you both. I actually already do feel like you all are treating me better than my own parents.” Allison says sadly as tears run down her cheeks. “Could we go into a room to talk?”

“Yes of course. We can go to the library?” Alpha Jasper asks nervously.

Allison doesn’t say anything but nods her head.

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