Chapter 5
Emily's POV
I watched in anger as The Lycan king introduced that puppet as his mate.
Rage burned through me as I watched that wretched woman being paraded around as
the Lycan King's mate. My mate! How dare he bring this stranger into our home and
announce her with such reverence.
I paced back and forth in my chambers, nails digging into my palms as I fumed. That
foolish girl had no idea what depravity she had agreed to by letting the King use her in
this way. She didn't understand - he was simply trying to provoke me, to see how far he
could push before I lost control.
Well, two can play at that game.
I knew why he did this, of course. The King resented being bound to one mate, resented
not having freedom to take whatever women caught his fancy. This was merely his latest
attempt to rebel against our sacred bond.
My lip curled in disgust. Did he truly think bringing home an imposter to flaunt in front of
Would it actually drive me away? Was he so blinded by arrogance to realize nothing
could break our bond?
If this was the game he wished to play with his new little plaything, I would indulge him.
For now. But that girl would soon learn her place here was temporary. This was still my
home - I was still the King's eternally fated mate, no matter how hard he tried to deny it.
Putting on a calm face, I left my rooms and went toward the throne room where loud
celebrations were happening. There was laughter and cheering echoing through the halls
- probably praise for that undeserving person.
My eyes twitched but I kept my anger controlled. For now.
When I entered the throne room, what I saw made me extremely angry. There was the
King, surrounded by people fawning over him, with the person who wrongly took his mate
position leaning against his side. She looked at him with empty, adoring eyes as he
accepted congratulations from the court.
I couldn't hold back the wild growl that came from my throat. How dare she look at him
like that? I walked quickly and directly toward them, glaring at the celebrating people to
make them get out of my way.
The look of alarm on the girl's face when she spotted my approach sent a vicious thrill
through me. Good. Let her finally take notice of the one to whom the King truly belonged
His angular features betrayed no reaction at my intrusion. Instead, he calmly raised his
glass in mockingjay salute as I drew near. "Emily, my dear. How good of you to finally pay
respects to my new mate."
I gave the cowering girl a look of pure hatred. She immediately recoiled as if I had hit her,
radiating fear.
Satisfaction welled up in me, soon replaced by contempt. If this weak excuse for a wolf
crumbled so easily, she didn't deserve the King's attention, no matter how temporary it was.
With my chin raised defiantly, I turned my harsh glare toward the King. "I see your attempt
at trickery, but it changes nothing between us."
His pale eyes glittered with that perpetual challenge I so despised. "I'm afraid I must
disagree. My mate Bianca will be treated with utmost respect, now and forevermore. Any
attempts from you to undermine or insult her will not be tolerated."
I opened my mouth to unleash a blistering retort when his intense gaze swung to the
shrinking girl once more. "And, my mate...perhaps you would be more comfortable
enjoying the festivities with the ladies until I've dealt with this...unpleasantness."
The girl shot me one last fearful look before scurrying away without protest. Smart of her
to know her lesser place for now.
Once she was gone, the boldness in the King's stance fell away as he turned to me with
open annoyance. "You're making a scene, Emily. As usual."
"Making a scene?" I hissed, all pretense gone. "You shame us both with your utter
disrespect! Flaunting that...that pathetic rabbit in front of me as if she could ever replace
my rightful place as your mate!"
Fire raged across the King's chiseled features. In two strides he towered over me,
menace barely restrained.
"I'm tired of these accusations and jealous rants," he said coldly. "You lost your place by
my side the moment you let your toxic obsession override common decency."
I flinched at the verbal slap. Before I could respond, the King continued in that unwavering
"Bianca is my mate now, in every way that matters. You will show her the respect and
deference she is owed, or so help me, Emily, I'll make your life more miserable than you
can imagine."
His pale eyes pierced me with more venom than I had ever seen. My breath caught in my
throat, a rare fear surging through me.
"Do not test me on this," the King declared firmly. "Your games and possessive outbursts
have gone on for far too long. Consider this your warning."
With those harsh words lingering, he turned and walked away, leaving me stunned and
I trembled for a while, his explicit threat still echoing in my ears. The King had never
spoken to me with such clear disdain and the promise of violence before. Usually, I could
sway him back through persistence and our connection.
But now... something had changed in him. There was a distance between us unlike
anything I'd experienced before.
A fierce growl escaped me as I realized the cause—Bianca, that miserable girl, that
intruder. Somehow, she had turned the King against me already. My hands clenched,
instinctively wanting to harm her, to tear her apart for daring to come between us,
something that was supposed to be eternal.
I struggled to control the rage overwhelming me, my breathing became labored. Fine, if
that's what they wanted, I would go along with this twisted game - for now.
But the rules were going to change. And by the time I was finished, Bianca would learn a
harsh, permanent lesson.
She meant nothing. I was the King's real mate, now and always. And I would overcome
any obstacles to make him see the truth once and for all.
With a growl, I turned and stormed out of the throne room, determined to confront my
latest challenge head-on.
I tracked Bianca's scent easily enough through the winding hallways until I found her in a
secluded exterior garden, sitting alone on a stone bench.
"You!" I spat out by way of announcement, taking vicious pleasure in how she startled at
my harsh tone.
The girl's eyes widened in alarm as I stalked toward her, hands clenching into white-
knuckled fists at my sides.
"E-Emily," she stammered, shrinking back. "I didn't mean any disrespect, I sw-"
"Silence!" I lashed out, lips peeling back from my teeth in a snarl. "Who are you to speak
those words to me, you worthless little wolf ?"
She flinched as if struck, shoulders hunching in on herself. Good. Let her fear me as she
ought to.
"You may have the King's attentions for now through whatever twisted manipulations," I
hissed, "but make no mistake - this is merely a temporary diversion. He is my mate,
bonded to me by cosmic forces you cannot hope to comprehend!"
Her eyes went wide, but I noted a brief flicker of defiance enter her gaze before it was
quickly smothered. Stubborn fool.
Towering over her, I allowed my power and fury to roll off me in overwhelming waves,
ensuring she understood the grave insult she had committed.
"You are here to serve a purpose, nothing more," I bit out, each word as cold and hard as
stone. "And when that purpose has been served, you would do well to remember your
place, insect. This is still my home. He is still my mate. And I will not hesitate to remove
any stains that try to splinter what is mine."
The girl stared up at me, visibly trembling, but to her credit she held my gaze. After a
moment, she seemed to find her voice.
"I...I don't want any trouble. I'm just-"
"You're just a pathetic tool, being used until your value runs out," I sneered.