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Twin Alpha Playboys Human Nun Mate Part 2

Twin Apha playboys Human Nun Mate*

Part 2


"Shit!" I called out waking for the third night in a row to another of those fucked up dreams. There's this petite girl yelling weakly in my face, yet I can't make out her features at all. She wears some kinda weird clothing. I can't see her hair or the shape of her body at al, yet my need for her is so damn strong. This little split tail refuses me.....MEE! I'm one hell of a catch! Any female would be lucky to have me take an interest in them at all.

What the hell am I worried about a Goddamn crazy dream for? It wasn't real life. My eyes darted over to the bare naked woman laying sound asleep in the bed beside me. I smiled wickedly remembering how she had whimpered like a scolded pup because I'd made her so sore. The fact was she could barely take what I had to offer. She sucked it up though and braved through three hours of the roughest raunchy sex I craved.

There's nothing most of these lycan split tales won't endure just to be with me. I snickered knowing there was not a single female out there that could ever deny me...whether she be lycan...she wolf or even a human.

I laid back with a smirk on my lips. I was living the life every lycan male wished they had. Wouldn't be long until my twin & I took over as Alphas for our father. The only issue I had was hearing him & mother piss & moan about us finding our damn mates, or mate.. which I knew would never happen.

It really didn't matter, I could choose the betas daughter Cassandra....she'd be acceptable. She wasn't really my type but fuck it who gives a shit. All I'd need is for her to be Luna and have a kid or two for me, while I kept doing whatever the hell I wanted. Yeah that's the life I'd be happy with. To hell with having a mate to lead me around by the balls.

If we find our mate we will not turn her down!Malcolm growled in my head.

'Don't start that shit with me again you prick. We don't need a damn mate to chain us down. I'm satisfied with how things are right now.'

Jaxon grumbled to his beast.

You won't be so cocky if you find her. You'll fall all over yourself to please her. The pull will be far too great to resist.' Malcolm snorted with laughter.

'I guarantee you I won't be falling all over myself for any damn woman! Mate or not!. The truth of the matter is we will never find her anyways. You know how rare it is for a lycan to ever find their destined's next to impossible.' Jaxon puffed.

Beast & man argued back & forth for a while longer until Jaxon finally gave up and dozed off as his beast slinked off to the dark corners of his mind.


I never prayed as hard as I did at morning prayer. After the dream I had last night...or rather the warning sent to me of things that may come to be. I put everything I had into praying for God's guidance & strength to help lead the way for me. I had no doubts that my heavenly father would pull me through.

It was almost time for us to be on our way. After our visit to the orphanage we had been Invited to stay as guests of the blackburn pack for a few days, and had already accepted Alpha & Luna's generous invitation.

All the things we needed to bring had been neatly packed inside the small suv. Before leaving I went to my room to check that I had all I'd need for a three day stay. I then checked to make sure my veil was straight and pinned down well enough. I smoothed out any wrinkles from my black jumper then fixed the collar of the crisp white blouse I wore underneath. I bent down to re-tie my black & white Nikes. I smoothed a dab of cherry lip balm over my parched lips, grabbed my small backpack with all my toiletries inside and left my room closing the door behind me. Heaven knows I'd never been a vain woman. I just liked to look neat & presentable. I was representing my lord & savior and wanted to make him proud of his servant.

Surface beauty never mattered to me....even though I had been told many times that I was a very looksum young lady. It always made me giggle when the Abbess (head nun in charge of the convent) would tell me so. To me, beauty always came from within. It didn't matter if the outward shell was stunning. If an individual possessed a cruel personality it obscured any beauty they may have making them as ugly as sin itself was.

Sister Emily and I got inside the car and were merrily on our way. She drove first, then after we stopped for more fuel and a snack I took over driving. It took us nearly four hours to reach the orphanage which was our first stop before we'd head to the pack house for our stay. Even though we both were a bit exhausted when we got to the orphanage, nothing could stop our excitement when we stepped inside to see all the many precious little faces that greeted us.

The two of us spent at least three hours just talking and playing different games with the children, who were so very well behaved.

Myself & sister Emily were spread pretty thin among so many little ones that wanted our attention so badly. It would have been nice to have had more sisters to help with that, but by the grace of God we managed very well.

Some wanted us to have prayer with them which we were more than happy to oblige. We read to a large group the story of Daniel in the lion's den and they were all astounded at how our God had tamed the strong beast and saved Daniel.

Toward the end of our visit we handed out the surprise gift boxes which had lip balms, socks, a Bible type story book, shampoo, little toys according to age and our special handmade soaps which all the little girls went bonkers for and of course some of our homemade candies & various snacks for them to enjoy.

We had been well received and by the time we left our smiles and the children were as bright as a sunny day and our hearts were full to the brim with love. This was the feeling that made me so much more aware that this was exactly who I wanted to be.

I was glad that we had gotten an early start coming here. We had left the convent at exactly 9am, got here to the orphanage around 1pm and now it was 4pm.

We had been informed that at around 7pm a special dinner was being prepared to welcome us, which was so very kind & considerate of these people. Maybe we would have enough time to rest a bit and then become acquainted with the alpha and his family before the dinner.

There would be a room waiting for each of us to stay in during our time here in the pack with them. Sister Emily & I felt such a warm welcome.

I made a sharp turn onto the most picturesque dirt road. The two of us had never seen such beauty. The sun shone beams of light down through the most vibrantly colored leaves giving them such an ethereal glow as they spiraled down from the enormous trees in what seemed like slow motion while sweet little Birds sang lovely songs to welcome us on our way.

Our eyes had never beheld such scenic beauty. Both me and sister Emily were lost in complete awe at the sheer perfection surrounding us. It seemed as if this place was one that God himself had flawlessly created just for us at this very moment in time causing us both to give thanks for such a blessing.

I pulled up in front of the most

Prodigious log home. It was absolutely out of this world, and the vast grounds were so well cared for.

The enormous front porch had rockers, porch swings. Picnic tables and still there was plenty of room. Beautiful mum flowers in muted oranges, yellow, white & dark maroon colors lined along the length of the home along with pumpkins & corn stalks. It was decorated perfectly for the autumn season, which was by far my most favorite time of year.

Hanging above the steps was a lovely colorful sign that read 'Welcome sisters!!' There were hearts, smiley faces and crosses drawn on it meticulously. My mouth fell open wide in pure shock and my eyes pooled with tears. I turned my head to see sister Emily wiping stray tears away as well, along with the same expression that I wore at present. Both our hearts had been touched at such a sweet act of kindness.

"Oh my heavens. Sister Jettalaya. I...I'm speechless." We both wiped more tears away trying to get ourselves in check. Out of all the places we'd visited in over a year's time...this was the first time any place had ever made us a welcome sign and our hearts were so touched.

"Everything is so beautiful." She said, dabbing her eyes with a tissue.

"My thoughts exactly sister Emily. What a kind, warm welcome." We opened our car doors and stepped outta the vehicle with huge smiles adorning our faces while pure excitement ran through our veins.

Both our eyes landed on a couple of very handsome, very tall and very muscular young men that came strolling up to us. I looked at sister Emily and her eyes were as large as fifty cent pieces. I couldn't help but to cover my mouth and giggle at her expression.

"We'll take any luggage you may have to your rooms and park your car in the garage for you....if that is acceptable of course." The dark haired fella spoke. His crystal blue eyes staring me up & down making me feel a bit uneasy....especially when a crude little smirk appeared on his lips. " I'm Jettson..but people call me Jett and that over there is my friend Pless. It's nice to meet you......sisters." Both men traded glances and smirked.

The one named pless stood staring at sister Emily as if he were transfixed on her. Her face turned the brightest red I'd ever seen on her before.

"Yes please...our luggage is in the back and we'd appreciate it very much if you'd park our car. Bless you both for your help Mister Jett and Mister Pless. I spoke a bit louder than usual to try and pull the young fellas attention away from sister Emily. I stood like a statue as the guy named Jett suddenly took my hand and kissed the top causing a jolt to be shot up my arm making me flinch and suck in a sharp breath.

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