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Twin Alpha Playboys Human Nun Mate Part 5

Twin alpha playboys human nun mate [Part 5]


That unbelievable scent hit him once again but it was a little stronger this time. His lycan stirred to life which was highly unusual. He ignored the sniffing growling sounds in his head and dashed up the stairs to his room. He didn't understand why he was feeling so compelled to meet this little nun his parents were fussing about. It made his warped mind wonder if he could actually seduce a human nun. That would be the ultimate challenge. He bit down hard on his lip at the naughty thought.


Finally all the vile cursing & yelling Jettalaya had heard when she started out settled down and she slowly made her way down the steps. Hopefully sister Emily would be coming down soon. She knew they were supposed to have dinner at 7:00. As she was reaching the bottom of the steps alpha Nickolas and his Luna Anna came walking up to meet her.

"Sister Jettalaya. You're looking lovely & refreshed. Oh we have good news, our son Jaxon...Jetsons twin made it home just a while ago and will be joining us for dinner this evening. There comes Pless and sister Emily." The Luna replied looking up the stairway with a sweet smile.

Much to Jettalayas surprise, sister Emily had worn regular street clothes to the dinner tonight which kinda shocked her.

A pretty little off white chiffon dress dotted with tiny orange & green flowers that came just above her knees. Her wavy dark hair hanging freely down her back. It was easy to see that Sister Emily had taken some time to make herself up.

Who in the heavens was she trying to impress and what was she thinking by doing this?

Jetta watched as Emily wore a big wide smile while that fella Pless led her down the stairway as if she were some rare jewel he'd just discovered.

Jettalaya felt slightly angered at seeing the way

sister Emily was carrying on. Emily noticed the look of disapproval on Jettas face and turned loose of Pless's arm nervously walking on ahead of him.

Suddenly Jettalaya was hit with another intoxicating fragrance, but different from the clean scent she'd basked in when Jetson was around her earlier. This scent was sandalwood, which was a fragrance she adored as well as the other one. What was it with all these unbelievable smells that had her emotions going haywire.


Jaxon strode across the room to his parents as that smell engulfed him completely. His eyes lifted to the most beautiful sight.

'MAAATE!! SHE'S OUR MAAATE! GET HER NOWWW! TAKE HER! SHE IS OURS GODDAMNIT!' Malcolm growled out so fiercely it caused Jaxon to flinch.

'Shut the fuck up beast! We can not just swoop her up! She's a fucking human! And she's a nun you damned mutt! She'll never accept us!' Jaxon cursed his lycan. It took all he had to shut out the beast that kept yelling in his head, but he finally managed to get him under control.

It was this guy Jaxon that smelled so good. She had never wanted to bury her face into anyone's chest as much as she did this fellas.

"Sister Jettalaya this is our other son. Jettsons twin Jaxon." Luna Anna spoke. "Jaxon this is sister Jettalaya and sister Emily from the convent we were telling you about." The Luna finished all her introductions.

"Well hello sister Jettalaya.'s a real pleasure to meet you." Her cheeks flared up a deep crimson red color. A cocky grin appeared on his mouth making her scoff to herself. This was the twin to Jetson and she could plainly see that he was just as bad as his brother.

Jaxon reached out to shake her hand in greeting. He kissed the top and another one of those jolts shot up her arm radiating all through her body. Jetta sucked in a breath, yet she managed to hold her composure even though she wanted to snatch her hand back. Finally he let go and she could breathe again. What in the world was causing these sensations to happen whenever they touched her!? Whatever it was she couldn't allow herself to dwell on it too long.

Here was Sister Emily falling all over herself for this guy Pless. She needed to get sister Emily to snap out of this bewitching she seemed to be under and remember who she was and where she came from.

Jettson had not made his appearance yet which didn't bother Jettalaya in the least. She kinda hoped he wouldn't show up at all.

Everyone headed to the dining room while Jetta took hold of Emily's arm pulling her back to her side away from everyone else.

"Sister there a specific reason you are not wearing your jumper & veil?" She asked softly as not to appear upset at her choice of garment, even though she most certainly was upset. It was taking all Jetta could do to keep from yanking her back up those stairs and demanding she change back into the proper attire. But she would do no such thing. She did not have the right. True Jetta was at a higher level than sister Emily...but she still had no right to demand anything of her. Only the Abbess could make such demands.

Jetta stood waiting for Emily to respond.

"I...I ju...just....I thought it would ok sister Jettalaya. I..I am so sorry. I ca...can go change." Her eyes began to pool with tears causing Jetta to feel extreme guilt for the way she had spoken to her.

"It is ok sister Emily. just shocked me to see you looking so different. I almost didn't recognize you. look very lovely. Come...let's just forget about it and go enjoy a nice meal with these kind people." She smiled brightly catching up to everyone else. Jetta was relieved to see sister Emily had cheered up a bit as they both quickly stepped to catch up with the rest.

She had to get a hold on this unusual anger she was being plagued with or she'd never make it through staying here another couple of days & nights.

Everyone was seated and chatting while the meal was being toted out by servers. In no time the table was filled with so many different tantalizing foods. It all looked so delicious. Jettas tummy rumbled and she was more than ready to fill it to the brim.

"Sister Jettalaya, would you please say grace?" Alpha Nickolas asked kindly.

"Of course. I'd be more than happy to." She accepted without question.

Everyone at the table bowed their heads.

"Dear heavenly father. We thank you for the bountiful meal set before us and the new friends that now sit beside us. We pray that every soul at this table and all the other souls that reside in this lovely little town will be blessed beyond measure and feel the pure love you offer as treasure. We ask all this in the precious name of the father...the son, and the holy spirit. Amen." She finished with the sign of the cross over her chest.

"Very beautiful words sister Jettalaya. Thank you. I guess our other son Jetson is now gonna be MIA. I don't know about anyone else but I'm starving and can not wait..let's eat!" Luna Anna clapped her hands together. All the servers began to fill everyone's plates with what they wanted which felt kinda odd to both sisters since they were used to filling their own plates back at the convent. However they allowed others to do it for them this time out of respect for the way these people did things.

Jetson quickly made his way down the stairs. He was running a bit late. He knew his brother was back home and wondered if this little nun was mated to him as well. He guessed he would find out soon enough.

Jettson entered the dining room taking in the delicious scent of his little nun mate that he may never have....but he was gonna damn sure give it his best shot. He knew that she felt the pull and wouldn't be capable of resisting forever. The only issue was keeping them here. It was amazing that Emily was mated to their beta Pless as well. Somehow they had to keep these girls here a bit longer.

"Sorry I am late everyone. I had a business call I could not miss." Jett spoke, his eyes locked onto hers. He watched as she shifted hers away from him quickly. He smiled knowing she was afraid to keep her eyes on him for too long.

Everyone was already seated and eating. Jettson linked his twin. He could tell by his body language that something was definitely off with his brother and he needed to find out for sure if this little nun was his fated as well.

'Is she yours too brother?' Jettson looked at his brother as he took his seat.

'Yes she is and I'm thinking this may turn out to be quite a disaster. She's not only a nun...but human as well. What are you gonna do? Are you gonna try or just let her go? It would probably be best to let her go... don't you think? She doesn't seem interested in the least.'

'She may not seem interested now....but given time we both know that can change. The bond affects humans too. Maybe not as strongly as it does us. Eventually she will feel it and won't be able to resist the pull.' He gave his brother a coy grin.

'Mhm... that is true. Maybe we should be a tad bolder with the sweet little nun.' They gave one another a knowing look.

'We'll talk more later...I'm fucking starved!"

Jaxon was seated right next to Jettalaya which was killing him. He could barely keep his hands from shaking. He had never wanted to touch any female as much as he did her at this very moment.

"This is all so delicious...isn't it?" Jetta commented, turning to Jaxon while stuffing a roasted potato inside her mouth and moaning at the flavor explosion inside her mouth.

"Mhm, it sure is." He answered. Choking up a bit at the sound she made along with the ache in his loins just thinking about how completely he could defile her. An image of him and Jetson both with her and the sounds she would make. Ughh! He had to stop that shit before he became hard as steel over the little nun beside him. He turned to look at her. Her eyes were two separate colors one was a light clear green and the other was a beautiful sky blue color which made her even more magnificent. Her lips were pink, soft & full. Holy goddess she was so damn beautiful. He snapped his eyes away from her quickly.

She was gonna be here all damn night and he didn't know how he was gonna keep his beast from going after her. There was only one way out of this situation. He'd have to get the hell away from this place after dinner....if he could manage to make it through the damn meal without losing all his composure.

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