(NSFW Content Ahead)
The sudden and unexpected call from a stranger kept my mind occupied for the rest of the evening, but somehow puzzled me as well. I was somewhat grateful for it though, because it gave my mind a diversion to be elsewhere and I get to use it for a more meaningful and significant matter.
Throughout the evening, I busied myself looking after Michelle even though Carol was with her. I did try to participate in attending to some of the visitors as part of my obligation to the family, but every time I did so, my siblings were omnipresent and wouldn’t even allow me to do my share. In the end, I just sat beside Michelle and watched everyone around us.
Until my father’s last night here on Earth, my so-called family treated me like nobody. They were very consistent in making me feel that I never exist to them, which further creates a deeper crater inside my heart. If only I could go home early, I wouldn’t have stayed longer, because I am sickened by the way they constantly treated me and the mere sight of them.
After several more minutes, I decided to escape this circus. I could no longer bear faking everything and acting as if none of these irritates me. I don’t give a damn what everyone would feel nor say about me, they can call me whatever they want for all I care, I just want to be out of here as soon as possible. I sneak my way out unnoticeably moments after Michelle and Carol headed out, instructing them to wait for me inside the car.
My body relaxed once outside the funeral home. It gave me yet again a feeling of solemness and freedom out of everyone’s scrutiny and mockery eyes. I let the cold gentle breeze of the night fly my turmoiled mind away for a minute as I breathe the mild air that surrounds me.
After minutes of staying in the night’s pleasant and comforting embrace, I continued my pace towards the parking lot. I hadn't stepped a meter when a voice from behind stopped me from taking a step further.
“Leaving too soon? This only proves what kind of a person you really are.”
I sighed heavily at the sound of his voice and the obvious weight of his words. I thought I could sneak out successfully and without being pried at, yet again, I was wrong.
“Michelle’s sleepy and I must take her home.”
“Another lame excuse. Why wasn’t I’m surprise” He huffed sarcastically.
I didn’t want to prolong my stay here and desired to leave as swiftly as possible. The longer I talk with him, the more chances that my siblings might catch me sneaking away, which will result in never-ending insults and mockery that would give them another open opportunity to disparage me.
“What is it to you, Michael? Would you just let me be and leave me in peace?”
It took a second before he hastily grabbed my left arm and forced me to look at him. We were just a step away from each other. I could smell his familiar scent, which always breaks down my system and weakens my defense. I tried my very best to free myself, because I may betray myself being this close to him and be fragile once again in his sight, but he wouldn’t let me.
“Why would I leave you in peace when all you did for six fucking years was to destroy the serenity of my life and tormented it?”
“My God, Michael, we’re done! Can’t you get over it already? Our marriage is done and you are free once again. I’ve set you free just the way you’ve wished for years. Now that Pamela is back, you could be with her and rekindle your past relationship, so what else do you want from me?”
As tightly as he held my arm, he gripped my jaws and lifted it so I could see the raging sea of his eyes. The dim light outside wasn’t an obstruction for me to behold the striking anger his eyes bore.
“Easy for you to say those things, just like how facile and effortless it was for you to craft and lured me into your deceitful web that trapped me for six agonizing years. If only I knew how wicked your intentions were back then, I would have stayed the fuck away from you and distanced myself by a mile that evening.”
The haunting memory of that sinful night vividly flashed before my very eyes. How could I forget that one special night when it was my 18th birthday after all. And every girl coming of legal age would definitely remember that one special day throughout their lives. It was the best birthday I ever had, because I got to receive my most desired gift that I have dreamt of for all my teenage years.
The night was about to end a few more hours from now and my family, together with the few remaining guests with the exception of my parents who had to retire early in bed due to exhaustion of the day’s preparation, were all intoxicated and heavily drunk. All throughout the celebration, my eyes were fixed solely at the rare and most coveted gift I wished to acquire since my heart started to feel affection.
He has been my ultimate love since my early teens. The man of my dreams and the only man who captured and caged my innocent heart from the first time I laid my eyes on him. There were a few boys of my age, who tried to steal my heart away and win my affection, but no one stood out to him in my eyes. It was always him who made my heart palpitate every time he was around, him who always makes me see rainbows after every stormy rain, and him who I desired to spend the rest of my life with for eternity.
I wanted no one except him. I swore to myself that if it wasn’t him whom I was wedded to, then I will never marry anyone else and stay single forever. That’s how I desire for him and that’s how much I loved him. The only block that hinders me from having him was my sister, who happens to be his longtime and childhood sweetheart, which also happens to be her fiance. But amidst that huge and next to impossible to get through obstacle, no one can stop me from obtaining my dream, because I had everything plotted ahead of time. And it will all happen this evening, if fate allows me, before my birthday ends.
I purposely changed my wardrobe that evening from the simple white dress I wore earlier into a more flaunting and revealing outfit, which is my sister's style of clothing at home, of skimpy shorts and tight fit sleeveless top emphasizing my screaming proportioned curves and accentuating my sensuality.
I waited patiently for the right time to arrive. I waited for him to come inside the house, which I was certain he would, because his bladder would force him to use the toilet that was just next to my room. Not less than thirty minutes later, the package finally arrived. This is my only chance and a once in a lifetime opportunity that I don’t intend to back out right now even if my heart was drumming in a rapid state.
“Where to, Michael?”
“Pamela? I… I thought you wouldn’t follow me. You… You were slumped on the table a while ago… But I knew you would follow me…” He mumbled the words out of his drunkenness, which made me smile wider.
This is perfect. No one will get in my way to achieve what I craved for this evening, especially now that he thought I was his fiance, because I am dressed like her for this specific night to remember. Everything was falling right to where I wanted it.
“Let me help you, Michael,” I did what I said and aided him until he was done urinating. His arm was anchored on my shoulder as we headed out of the toilet. “You better rest, Michael, you are too drunk to even stand on your own.”
“We better rest, Pamela, you are wasted as much as I am.”
Even though I was having a difficult time leading him to my room, the excitement overflowing inside of me and the tingling sensation of what’s about to happen, kept me determined. I successfully laid him on my bed, he was too wasted to even open his eyes and move. I swiftly locked the door before removing his shoes and his other garments as well, not leaving a piece of cloth at him. I marveled first at the god-like vision in front of me. I could feel my body trembling with anticipation as I feasted at his well-toned body and that virile member in between his legs.
Not prolonging the sweet agony stirring in between my thighs, I hastily removed everything on me and walked towards the bed in my birth suit. My eager mouth captured his little man with sheer excitement. This was one of my wet dreams I had before, which I took an oath to administer once given a chance. Inexperienced, but not ignorant, my tongue played the tip of his manhood in swirls. I hear him heavily groaning obviously loving the sensation even in his drunken state. I thrust my mouth further, taking him full all the way down to my throat. The feeling was euphoric and heavenly. Hearing the man you love delighted with your actions even half-asleep was a total turn on. I continued my onslaught until I felt his hands on top of my head and his waist moving in rhythm with my mouth.
“Michael…” I uttered helplessly and longingly once he lifted himself and changed our position, pinning me down this time as he was now on top of me.
“You are so beautiful, Pamela. Goddess like you are meant to be worshiped in every aspect.”