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Chapter 3- FBI New Mission

Keanu continues training with the heavy bag, at that moment his dog, Tirano, a Labrador, runs

towards Keanu inside the gym, he takes off his boxing gloves and pats the animal on the back,

wipes his forehead with a towel and drinks water from his thermos. He walks out of the gym and

the Labrador Retriever follows him wagging its tail.

In the office of the police base is Luis, Keanu's best friend and partner, who does not work out at

the gym and instead has a belly from the junk food he eats. Luis is 38 years old, sits in the swivel

chair in front of the desk and lets his police badge fall on the desk, where there is a thick folder

with messy papers. Keanu, dressed in a police uniform, stares at the screen of his cell phone,

moving the touch screen. Tirano enters the office, barks and stands on two legs, on Keanu's legs,

then drops the cell phone on the floor.

Luis watches as Keanu picks up the phone from the floor.

"Poor idiot, you already damaged it." Luis says.

Keanu laughs and picks up the phone. He turns on the screen and checks that it works perfectly.

At that moment, the commissioner, about 50 years old, enters the office and turns on the

television. A photograph of a small man with a mustache, a moustache, no eyes, and prominent

wrinkles under his eyelids appears on the television screen, projected from the commissioner's

laptop. Luis and Keanu stare at the television at the man in the photo, slightly bald with a receding

hairline, a dark complexion and a macabre look, with the letters "WANTED" under the caption.

"He's Nando Juarez, the one we're looking for. Resident in Mexico, drug trafficker..." The sheriff

explains. He speaks while sipping a steaming cup of espresso.

"Wanted by the US and Mexico, he has come to Costa Rica 3 times this year. All under the

of our noses."

"What did he come here to do? He supposedly has an independent distributor in San Jose who

gives him preferential service, delivers his goods to Costa Ricans, and helps him move them in and

out of the country."

"Independent? Impossible, we arrested all the traffickers in San Jose last year." Luis says.

"Not all of them, we missed them, otherwise he wouldn't be coming to Costa Rica," Keanu says,

giving Luis a cold look. "It's obvious, isn't it, he's coming to Costa Rica for a reason. There is no end

to evil and vice.

"Exactly." The commissioner nods his head, "Exactly, the one who wants to sell always has the

way. That's why you and Luis have to catch this group of traffickers again. I don't want the

American FBI to get their hands on my police. We're going to put an end to this problem, it's in

Costa Rica and it's our job, got it?

Luis ducks his head, losing sight of the perfectly tied braids on his black shoes. He rolls his eyes and

nods in annoyance at what his boss is saying, Keanu crosses one of his arms and frames his chin

with his left hand, looking thoughtful. Keanu massages the corner of his lower lip and keeps his

deep black eyes on the commissioner with a thoughtful, mischievous look.

"What do you know about the dealers?" asks Keanu.

"I've done some research. I think the traders are a group of environmentalists, they have a sea

turtle conservation project that doubles as a dance school. They live on the outskirts of Puntanares

on Turtle Beach. They have presented several proposals for marine conservation to the mayor's

office. They were all rejected last year.

The commissioner hands Keanu a folder on his desk. As he opens it, the picture of a beautiful

woman, with a gorgeous body dressed in Arabian dance, Jade, smiling next to another tall,

bespectacled guy, Everth, curly hair and muscular, and a last man next to her, dark, tall and

athletic looking, Jhan Paul.

"Okay boss, don't worry, these dancing delinquents are ours now." Keanu says, looking at the

photo. And for a moment he admires Jade's beautiful face.

Under the cool air and sunny morning of Turtle Beach, the blazing sun covers the sand and makes

it glisten under the sea. Jade, hunched over her bag, holds her iPhone as Bob Marley remix music

blares from the beach horns.

The deck on which she stands vibrates, and the choppy waves of the ocean crash against the

shore. A dog runs along the shore, barking at the waves until they dissolve into a thin layer of foam

that reaches the dog's paws. Jade gazes at the dog for a few seconds and a smile breaks out on her

face, her full lips painted a pastel pink and her cheeks flushed against her white complexion. Her

cheekbones are from her Arab family, as are her huge, deep black eyes. Her long, curly hair is worn

loose, her dark brown hair with honey-gold highlights at the ends of her waves cascading down

her muscular, toned back like a waterfall. She tucks her headphones, caddy, and stuff into her

purse, ready to pole dance and teach the afternoon class, having just finished teaching on the

beach that morning. She drinks water from the pink thermos, carrying her bag on her back. Bob

Marley's "I Wanna Love You" is playing.

The instructor who works next to Jade on the beach, an aerobic dance instructor, a man with a

black complexion and muscles rippling from his calves to his shoulders, greets Jade with a smile

and helps her off the stage, down one of the stage's side steps. She takes his hand, walks down

and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

The coach stares at her and says, "The class went great, I love watching you dance."

"Thank you so much." Jade replies with a sweet smile.

"Tell your baby I'll see her in class tomorrow."

"Sure, she keeps counting the days she has dance class."

Jade smiles openly, turns and walks away from the beach. She is drinking coffee from her

Starbucks thermos. She usually carries two thermoses everywhere she goes, one for water, one

for coffee. The caffeine is clear, clear and strong, almost like water served in a crystal glass. You

can see Jade's lips tasting the coffee in the container as she drinks, and the coffee is so clear you

can see her hands through the glass of the thermos.

Inside the small animal clinic, Paula listens to the song "This is love" by Bob Marley as she opens a

cat in surgery, previously anesthetized, with a diagonal incision in its belly. She wears a white

gown, white gloves, a sky-blue mouth guard, and has her wavy brown hair tied back. She looks

enigmatic and delicate as she sutures the animal.

Paula is very simple and her style is very natural, she has very small handmade earrings in the

shape of two turtles. On the operating table is the cat, the surgical instruments in their silver case

and next to it, on a smaller table, a music player next to a cup of coffee. The coffee is so light black

that you can see the bottom of the cup, almost transparent, similar to crystal clear sea water on

the sand. The same coffe´s jade loves. They two are soulmate, even when They don´t know it yet.

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