- Are you sure about that? — my best friend asks and I I respond by clicking on the blue button that says “Submit your application now”. - Karina! For God's sake! This is very serious! You can't just sign up to an escort site like that, just like that!
— It's done, Olly, there's no turning back. — I look at a document titled "Terms of Use" be downloaded onto my second-hand notebook, which, like everything that belongs to me, is old and needs to be replaced.
Sometimes I even believe the theory that my father told me when I was a child, that probably in our last lives we were rich and very snobbish and now God is punishing us by making us poor.
— But isn't your job at this new company paying you well? - The redhead asks, pushing her round glasses onto her face, even though the object isn't even sliding down her nose. This is just my childhood friend's habit.
— Yes, but just enough for me to pay off one of my credit cards.
credits and don't die of hunger here in the big city. If it weren't for you letting me stay in your apartment for free, I would be screwed.
— You can stay as long as you want, friend, but for God's sake don't leave. prostitute on the internet!
— I'm not prostituting myself on the internet! — I roll my eyes and Oliver He starts practically chewing his lower lip, he's biting it so much. My friend has serious anxiety problems. — It's just an escort site full of thin women. Maybe I'm one of the only fat girls around here, and someday someone needs a girl like me by their side at a party? I would literally be the only one on the entire site!
No, I don't believe anything I said to Olly now. I don't think anyone would be interested in having me as a date for anything. However, if I have that option, I should at least try.
— Do you need money that much?
— My mother stayed at our house in the country, in Nolan, and I received a e-mail yesterday that if we don't pay at least the three late installments within a maximum of fifteen days, she will be evicted — I explain, trying my best to contain the level of stress in my speech, without reminding her of the part that my mother just did. recover from cancer.
If I freak out in front of Olly, she'll freak out with me and start shaking with anxiety. In fact, that's how we met at school. Oliver was desperate during a test, and I went to help with the cheating when the teacher left. I have the gift of finding ways out, and she has the gift of despairing until I find one.
— How much do you need? — investigates, straightening up closer to me bed, while I sit in the chair in front of the desk.
Olly has a similar body to me, I'm just two inches taller than her. We have the same prominent and soft belly, some “tires” and the
round “full moon” face, as my aunt Mi-suk would say, that miserable old woman who keeps trying to make me lose weight.
— More than you realize — I guarantee, and she grimaces. — Save your money, you will need to buy more screens.
— Can't you ask for a loan?
When you have money and suddenly run out, it's easy to borrow. Banks smile and give you options. But people like me, who grew up getting a credit card on their first day of adulthood, don't get much help from financial institutions. Only three hundred calls per day with charges.
— No, you can't ask for a loan. But relax, okay? This one is just one of my options. I sent CVs around, I'm sure someone will call me. — I give her a thumbs up and start putting the uncomfortable heels on my feet.
I'm already dressed in my standard secretary outfit, which to be honest, I love wearing. I feel important wearing a pencil skirt and white shirt.
— What time do you plan to fit in another service, exactly? You
He works from morning until night and it takes him almost an hour to get home, he doesn't have time to spare.
— Maybe I signed up to work early in the morning... — I give a half smile.
Working at dawn would kill me, but I also can't let my mother be in need. Her only source of income is my father's pension, who passed away when I was twelve.
— I can… put on one of those caffeine stickers that make you waking up to get fifteen thousand this month.
FIFTEEN THOUSAND? — It even looks like your green eyes are going to pop out. out and fall to the ground, they were so wide-eyed.
— It’s just that there’s interest… — I explain and sink into the chair. This is the only gesture of discouragement that I will allow myself. My whole life has been about getting up and making things happen, whether the easy way or the hard way, and now it won't be any different. — I think that instead of a companion, I should look for someone who wants to buy one of my kidneys — I mock, but Olly doesn't laugh.
— I'm finishing that giant painting of the five-legged horses for that eccentric guy, I can help you, Kari!
Even though my father is Korean, my upbringing was not Asian, with my mother, a white American woman, doing most of the parental work. Everything I know about the language of my ancestors, I learned from the dramas that Olly watches. That's why my name is Karina and not something super traditional.
It's not gonna happen. — I jump to my feet, arranging the clothes on my body. — If
worry about pleasing this guy and do a good job, so who knows, maybe he'll increase the number of legs next time and you'll get more money.
It is not how it works. — Shakes his head.
But you should. — I grab my shoulder bag, which is asking for help the fake leather is so peeling. — Now I need to go, see you later!
— Just tell me one thing, did you put photos of yourself on that damn website? Photos of your face? — She blushes with fear.
— No — I lie, after all, how can someone hire me without knowing how I am? —But don't worry about these things, I'll sort everything out.