Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. I am using Google translate, so I apologize if some words/sentences are incorrect.

• 900 AD •

“아버지?” (Father?) A young man called, walking inside his family’s cottage. Silence, he waited for an answer but nothing. “아버지?” (Father?) He called out once again, still no answer. He looked around confused as to why his father hadn’t answered him and he gasped, dropping his bucket of water on the ground. Tears forming in his eyes as he looked at the scene in front of him.

“엄마!” (Mom!) He chocked, seeing his mother’s body on the floor, blood oozing out from underneath her. “아니! 안돼!” (No! No way!) He cried out, looking around and falling to his knees. The body of both his father and sister also on the floor, blood covering them. He couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him. It had to be a nightmare.

Unaware of what was happening, two strange men came from behind him and held his arms back. Confused, the young man yelled as he struggled to get free. “나좀놔줘!” (Let me go!) He yelled fighting and turning, doing his best to get free, but both men were stronger and older than him.

“Now, now. No need to fight it.” A woman’s voice said entering from behind the two strange man and making the young man turn to look at her.

“Why are you doing this?” The young man questioned, no longer speaking his native language. The woman walked towards him and grabbed his face. She smiled, examining his face and nodding at the two men.

“Do not worry, my dear, they will be awake soon.” She informed him and he groaned trying to back away from her touch. He had never seen her before, he was wary of her. She had killed his family.

“They are dead.” He said to the woman, his voice cracking and tears finally falling down his face. The woman laughed, looking at him. She knew they weren’t dead, at least not fully yet.

“Not for long.” And with that said, the woman grabbed his face once again and spilled a cup with red liquid in his mouth. The young man tried his best to hold back from swallowing what ever was given to him, but the woman tilted his head back and forced the liquid down his throat. The young man coughed, chocking on what ever he had been feed.

Before the young man could even let out a word, the woman started chanting causing him to fall to the ground in pain. “What have you done to me?” He was able to ask, using all of his strength he had left to get back on his knees.

Once he stood up straight, the woman grabbed a sword from one of her men and stabbed the young man in the heart. The young man gasped, falling to his knees once again before collapsing to the ground, lifeless. The woman started chanting in her native language while mixing herbs, blood and other unknown items together. Waiting for the Choi family to arise from the dead.

“What have you done to us?” The young man’s father asked, looking at his family who were all covered in blood but was still alive.

“I made you guys a warrior, was that not what you wanted?” The woman asked the father while the young man look at his father confused.

“우리한테 그랬어요, 아버지?” ( You did this to us, father?) He questioned, in disbelief as he held his younger sister. She had no idea what was happening and that terrified her.

”No, this was not what I had asked for.” He tried explaining, looking at his daughter as she started crying. She herself couldn’t believe their dad would do such thing.

“You wanted your family to be stronger, faster and in return you and your son would protect us. That is what I am doing.” The woman explained, getting closer. The woman had made sure to fulfill her promise. She wasn’t going to leave until they also had fulfilled theirs.

“We never asked for us to be killed in the process.” The mother spoke, moving towards her husband and away from the two strange men.

“In order to give you the powers you wanted, all of you had to die.” The woman explained once again. “Now drink, we must complete the transition.” The woman said handing them cups filled with blood. The young man looked at the woman and then his father. He was disgusted by what his father had done. He was not going to let his father hurt him and his sister anymore.

“I’m sorry father, but I did not ask for any of this and neither did Haruna. We are not drinking that.” The young man said to his father as he refused the drink from the woman.

“Hann, if you do not drink, you will die in 24 hours.” The woman informed him, moving to hand the drinks to each one of the family members. The young man scoffed holding his sister closer to him.

“Then we shall die. I refuse to become something I was not born to be just so I can work for you.” He said getting up finally and reaching for his mother’s drink. Wanting to stop her from also drinking it.

“앉아.” (Sit down.) The father said sternly, getting up as well. “Hann, we have no choice. Either we drink or we die by the hands of the very beast who killed your brother.” The young man looked at his father and mother and then walked away, but before he could walk out, the woman chanted something and he fell to the ground, grunting in pain.

• Hann • (2022)

I sighed, remembering that day as if it was yesterday. Both my father and mother had made a deal to turn us immortals. To have super strength, super speed, to be able to survive anything. So that’s what had happened. Only we started craving blood instead of food. We started killing people and controlling them.

The sun burnt us to the touch, vervain became our enemies, we were no longer invited inside people’s homes. We became worse than the monsters we were trying to protect our selves from.

“Hann.” Haruna called, bringing me back to reality.

“What?” I questioned. I had managed to find my way back home last night. That girl knew who I was, humans weren’t aware of our existence, but she was. She was different, I couldn’t afford to cause any more trouble, so I left. Hopefully she forgot all about me. ‘Will you forget all about her? I’m tired of hearing you think about her.’ Abius said, sounding annoyed and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Then get out of my head.” I said out loud, Haruna just stared at me. ‘I wish I could, but I’m stuck in here.’ He answered, making me annoyed also. ‘Then shut up.’ I told him and he sighed. ‘Fine, fine.’

“Are you done?” Haruna asked and I looked at her. My attention now on her. She was examining my face. Trying to figure out if I was still talking to Abius.

“Yes, what do you want?” I questioned her and she walked over towards my bed and sat down.

“I want to know everything that happened yesterday.” She demanded, making me groan in annoyance. Why did she want to know everything? She was worse than my own mother. Constantly nagging and trying to control me.

“아무 일도 없었다.” (Nothing happened.) I told her and she rolled her eyes getting up. She knew me too well to just accept my answer and leave.

”Do not lie to me, Hann. I am the only person who cares about you and what happens to you. Do not try to keep me in the dark.” I sighed, her words affecting me. She was right, she was the only person I had left. I was no longer close with our parents. I barely spoke to our father or obeyed his words and commands. He meant nothing to me, and neither did our mother. The two of them had died the same day they turned us all into vampires. I had begged them not to complete the transformation but in the end they had forced Haruna and I into completing it.

”Fine, I remember arguing with our mother which then cause me to lose control. After that nothing, until I woke up in the human world. I called you, found my way out and came back. That’s basically it.” I told her, leaving out the part where I had met the girl. She didn’t need to know. It was irrelevant and I wouldn’t hear the end of it if she knew that I was spotted by a human who was aware of our existence.

“Okay. You need to be more careful. Abius is getting stronger and stronger inside of you. You need to control yourself before he takes over completely.” Haruna said and I nodded, agreeing with her. He was getting stronger. Controlling him was becoming more challenging the longer I stayed in the dark. But I couldn’t risk hurting anymore humans and killed random people just for the fun of it. I had to focus and remain in control. I needed to control my emotions.

“I know and I will. Don’t worry.” I assured her and she nodded looking around. She wasn’t done, I could tell something else was bothering her.

“What are we going to tell father?” She questioned sitting back down on the bed and I scoffed, walking towards her.

“Nothing. It’s none of his business what happens to me.” I informed her and she stayed quiet, avoiding my eyes. She knew how I felt about our parents but she didn’t understand. She still viewed them as our parents and to her, we should always listen to them and do what they tell us. She had forgotten what they did to us. They turned us into monsters.

”Runa.” I called, using her nickname. She looked at me and nodded. Letting me know that she would keep what had happened between us. I felt relieved and smiled at her.

“알았어.” (Got it.) She assured after seeing my smile and I quickly pulled her up and hugged her tightly.

“사랑해. 그거 알지?” (I love you, you know that right?) Haruna wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me back.

“나도, 사랑해요.” (I love you too.)

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