Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

• Cassia •

I was shaken awake and slowly opened my eyes to see Kevin smiling at me. “We're here." I looked around and noticed a small white house infront of us. He rented a house? How long was he planning on staying here?

“You rented a house?” I questioned, turning to look at him. His smile dropped and I raised an eyebrow at him. Why hadn’t he told me this before? I’ve been so worried, beating myself for not being honest with him. But here he was, keeping things from me.

“I don’t really know how long we’ll be staying here so I thought renting a house would be a better way of blending in instead of an hotel.” He informed and I stared at him. I mean, I didn’t mind a house, it’s just I didn’t expect it. A house meant long term, I didn’t want to stay here longer than we had too but I guess there were things that needed to be taken care of.

I sighed, getting out of the car and helped him with the bags. Once inside, I looked around and my mood instantly changed, seeing how cozy this place was. I made my way to a room which was now mine and unpacked everything. The bed was a queen size bed and on the far left corner, there was an empty book shelf. Next to the bed on the right there was a nightstand and on the other side of the room there was a dresser. All of the furnitures were white and I loved it. It made the room look brighter.

I moved towards one of the doors on the left and opened it, revealing a small walk in closet. Now that was awesome, I’ve always wanted a walking closet. Smiling from satisfaction, I moved towards another door on the right side and opened it seeing a small bathroom. I quickly finished putting everything where it belonged and looked at the time. It was now 9:00pm! I sighed and walked towards the kitchen. I noticed Kevin making something and smiled, stopping to stand next to him.

“What are you making?" I asked as my stomach growled. I had spent the whole day putting all of my belongings away that I had completely forgotten about food.

“Chicken Alfredo." He answered, his attention fully on the chicken as he kept cutting it into smaller pieces. His arm muscles flexing with every slice. I had to quickly snap myself out of any inappropriate thoughts and take a step back from him.

“Can I help?” I asked and he stopped, turning his attention to me. He stared at me for a bit and I raised an eyebrow at him. Was he questioning my need for taking a step back?

“What?” I questioned. He was looking at me as if I had grown another head. I stared at him as I waited for his reply. If only he knew what I was thinking about behind his back.

“Since when do you offer to help me?” I shrugged, moving to wash my hands and grabbing the pasta. I was hungry and I figured the food would be done a lot faster if I helped. Plus, it would also help to distract me a bit.

”I’m hungry.” I answered him and he laughed, turning back to cut the chicken. I bit my lip, fighting my urges fo just rip his shirt off. God, what was wrong with me? Was I starting to develop a crush on him again? Or was it just lust trying to take over me?

“Of course.” Was all he said. I tried ignoring him and moved towards the stove. I placed a pot filled with water on top and waited for it to boil.

Waking up, I quickly made my way to the bathroom and showered. Once I was all done, I grabbed a dark blue boyfriend jeans and a black crop top. Satisfied with the outfit, I put on my white and black sandals and let my hair down. I quickly applied some light make up and made my way to Kevin's room. He was still asleep.

"Kevin." I called, tapping him on the shoulder. He turned from his side and onto his back, I couldn't help but stare at his shirtless upper body. His six pack and strong V line visible for me to drool over. He was actually very attractive, he had long dirty blonde hair, with beautiful hazel eyes, and these plumped kissable lips. Fuck! I quickly snapped out of my gaze and tapped him again. I needed him to wake up so we wouldn’t be late.

"What?" He asked a little groggy and slightly annoyed, but I didn't care. He wanted me to go to that stupid school and blend in, then he needed to wake up and drive me there.

"We'll be late for my first day of school." I informed him and he just stared at me. He ran his hand through his hair and quickly snapped into reality. Realizing the time. He kicked me out of his room and closed the door behind me. I made my way towards the kitchen and grabbed a muffin while waiting for him.

“Let’s go." He said running towards the door and slamming it shut behind him.

I finished my muffin and followed him out the door and towards his car. I jumped in and he immediately pulled out of the driveway. We drove to my new but temporary school and Kevin parked in the parking lot. The drive was actually quicker than I had thought.

I opened the door and jumped down. He owned a truck, which made it very hard for me sometimes, considering I was only 5’2.

"Cassia!" He called, getting my attention before I could close the door shut. “Forgetting something?” He asked and I stared at him confused. What could I have forgotten? Kevin looked down at my wrist and I gasped.

"Please be careful." He said, handing me a black bracelet. The bracelet covered my human scent and protected me from vampire compulsion. Kevin had gotten it from his mother. According to him, his mother was human while his father was a vampire hunter. He had shared that information with me last night. In order to keep his mother safe, she had to wear the bracelet. He didn’t really tell me what happened to his parents and of course, I didn’t really ask either. It was a sensitive topic.

“You too.” I told him and he nodded, giving me a small smile. I closed the door and watched as he drove off. I sighed, looking around and seeing heads all turned towards me. Great. Vampires everywhere. I could tell this day was already going to suck.

Once I entered the building I stopped, seeing everyone’s eyes were on me once again. I ignored them and made my way to the main office, well at least tried. I had no idea where I was going but I needed to get the attention off of me.

"Are you lost?" A girl asked, I turned around and stared at her, she was Asian. She had beautiful long black hair, red full lips and a beautiful even toned skin. She was flawless. She smiled, making me fake one back. She looked familiar, as if I had seen her before. But I wasn’t quite sure where.

"I'm looking for the main office." I told her, looking around. She leaned forward and grabbed my arm. Surprising me a little bit. I didn’t know how to react, she was a vampire and she was touching me. But I had to keep my identity hidden. Fuck, I felt uncomfortable as shit. Why did I agree to this. I hated vampires. I inhaled deeply, calming myself down and stared at the girl. My bracelet must’ve been working.  She had no idea that I was human.

"I'll show you." She said, dragging me down the hall with her. We arrived at the main office and walked in.

"Miss Choi, what brings you here." The lady, which I'm guessing was the principal asked, looking at the both of us. Choi? Was she who Kevin and I was after?

"She's new and she looked lost so I decided to help her." The girl informed, letting go of my arm and turning to look at the principal.

"Alright thanks, now get to class before the bell rings." The girl nodded and walked out. "And you must be Cassia Betroyd. I'm Mrs. Jenkins, the school's principal, it’s nice to meet you." She said smiling brightly at me as she extended her right hand towards me.

I faked a smile and shook her hand. She then gave me my schedule and locker information before kicking me out so I wouldn't be late. I walked out and stopped seeing the girl from earlier standing outside.

"Hey, I forgot to introduce my self earlier. I'm Haruna Choi." She said smiling and extending her hand for me to shake. So she was Haruna Choi, princess Haruna. Daughter of both king and queen Choi. Her parents ruled the vampires and this hidden country along side her brother, their son. Hann Choi. It was said that he was the most dangerous and feared vampire. Even though he was just a prince.

“I’m Cassia Betroyd." I said, fake smiling and shaking her hand. The moment our hands touched, I looked up at her and suddenly had the urge to kill. If I could kill her right now I really would. But I needed to behave and not blow our cover. I’d be dead in seconds if I did anything stupid right now.

“Let me see your schedule.” I hated how nice she was being. She was a vampire, they weren’t capable of being nice. This must’ve all been an act. Trying to live as humans do, but they weren’t human. Without saying anything, I handed her my schedule and watched as her happy face changed into a disappointed one.

“What?” I asked, looking at her confused. She looked up at me before handing me back my schedule. Was something wrong with my schedule?

“You’re a senior, I was hoping you were a junior.” She explained, sadly. Wasn’t she like a thousand years old, why was she still in school and a junior?

“I’m sorry.” Was all I could say.

“Don’t be.” She said smiling again. “You do have some classes with my brother though. He’s not as nice as me, so stay away from him.” She warned and I stared at her. This was strange, was she only being nice to me because she doesn’t see me as her next meal?

“I don’t understand. Why are you being so nice to me?” I finally asked her and she leaned in, she was slightly taller than me. Maybe by 3 or 4 inches.

“You’re new, you deserve it. Now come, I’ll show you to your first class.” She said, grabbing my arm and dragging me along with her once again.

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