Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 7

• Cassia •

Lunch soon came and I was more than grateful. It meant the day was almost over. I made my way to the table Haruna was sitting at. But before I could get to them, I was pulled and turned around, almost spilling my soup once again. “Don’t think that just because you’re new here, you can do what ever the fuck you want.” I looked up at Hann and glared at him. I looked down at my arm and then back at him. His hand was holding on to my arm.

“Hmmm.” Did he have nothing else to do? Why was he up my butt so much? I released his hand from my arm and turned around. Walking back towards the table, ignoring him completely. I wasn’t going to feed into his anger right now. I needed to control myself before my cover gets blown. I sat down next to Haruna and she instantly smiled looking at me.

God, I wish I had my weapons right now. But they were at home. Kevin didn’t want me bringing any just incase my anger got the best of me. He was right though. I wouldn’t control myself if I had my weapons on me. The only reason why I was behaving so much was because I was defenseless. After my little encounter with Hann, I felt myself getting agitated and angry. I’ve always been good at keeping my emotions intact but it’s been harder lately.

Hann followed behind me and sat down next to Scarlet who was glaring at me as if I had done something to her. Great, she was also starting to get on my nerves. She seemed like a weak, pathetic little vampire. A waste of my time. I could easily take her down. I didn’t even need a weapon. That’s how pathetic she looked. Finally having enough of her glaring at me, I decided to say something.

“Keep staring at me like that and I won’t hesitate to yank your pretty little eyeballs out.” I threatened, I wasn’t going to allow them to think I was weak myself. I could handle my own. I didn’t care if she was Hann’s girlfriend. I was going to make sure I put her in her damn place.

Surprised, Scarlet looked away and snuggled into Hann‘s chest. Was it weird that I felt slightly jealous? What the hell was wrong with me. I looked away from her and at Hann. He was looking at me with an annoyed expression. The same look he’s been giving me for the past two days. Did he ever smile? He seemed like he would have a beautiful smile. If he wasn’t a vampire I’d be drooling all over him.

“How’s everyone’s day going?” Matt asked and I looked at him. I hadn’t realized that I was still staring at Hann. If only he knew what was going through my mind. It was truly disgusting. He was a monster. Such a waste of a handsome face. A little part of me did wonder if he thought I was beautiful. I sighed and snapped back to what Matt had asked. I honestly didn’t want to be here anymore.

Having had enough, I ignored him and got up. I had no interest in becoming their friends. Just Haruna was enough. I dumped my soup out in the trash and placed the bowl where it needed to be. I felt Hann’s eyes on me but I ignored it as I walked out of the cafeteria. I didn’t want to be here anymore. Hann was starting to get on my nerves, along with his ugly girlfriend. No, I wasn’t saying she was ugly because I thought Hann was handsome. She was indeed ugly and pathetic. I looked much better than her and I was a human. I sighed, annoyed with myself. I was starting to forget why I was here. I left the school’s ground and walked home, it wasn’t that far of a walk, 20 minutes, 30 the latest. The weather wasn’t bad so I enjoyed walking. I also had some time to think.

I arrived 30 minutes later and was surprised to see Kevin. I had taken my sweet time walking back but I didn’t expect him home. I thought he was suppose to be out, doing research and stuff. “What are you doing here?” I asked him and he looked at me. He scoffed turning back to his phone. What was he doing?

“Was going to ask you the same thing, shouldn’t you be at school?” I sighed and sat down on the sofa, throwing my bag on the floor.

“I needed to leave, Hann was getting on my nerves.” He got up and rolled his eyes at me annoyed before grabbing my bag and placed it on the coffee table. He hated when I threw my stuff everywhere. He sat down next to me and sighed, turning to look at me.

“Yeah I feel you on that. What do you say, we blow off some steam together?” My frown turned into a huge smile and I quickly got up. He was talking about training together, he knew that was one of many ways to calm me down. I loved training with him.

I quickly ran to my room and changed into my training outfit. We made our way down to the basement and Kevin and I started going in on each other. Kevin had set up everything for the two of us and I was very excited for it. I was excited to win again.

I blocked a few punches Kevin was sending my way and I smiled before kicking his leg out. He fell to the ground and I quickly got on top of him. I started punching him but he was faster and blocked every single one of them. He grabbed one of my arm and punched me on the face, causing me to fall off of him as pain radiated all over my head.

“Owwwww!” I yelled, touching my bottom lip and seeing blood on my fingers. He knew I hated getting hit on my face. He knew he was supposed to be more gentle when it came to my face. I felt the same anger from school coming back and clenched my jaw trying to control myself.

“You left your face open, you know better.” He said and I glared at him, I was confused as to why I was feeling that way. I’ve never gotten angry during training before. I took a deep breath and looked at him. Trying to calm down but for some reason it was harder this time.

“Well I’ve been distracted lately.” I stated, answering him. Everything that was happening at school was triggering me and my little crush on Hann didn’t help. And by crush I meant appearance only. He’s just so good to look at. But of course, I had to remind myself that he was a vampire and I hated vampires. I was here to kill him and his family. It was said that once the original vampires were killed, all of the vampires they created would follow along with them. But we weren’t entirely sure yet.

“Distracted from what?” I sat up and looked at him. I rubbed my cheek, feeling it throbbing. I better not have a bruise later. I’d kill him if I did.

“You already know the answer to that. I didn’t think we were going to stay here longer than we usually do and communicate with those monster. Kind of hard to focus when I’m trying to hold back from blowing our cover.” Kevin sat next to me and sighed. He removed his training gloves and turned to look at me.

”I’m sorry, but you know it won’t take us that long to figure out what we are dealing with and then kill them.” I nodded and got up, my eyes never leaving his as I removed my gloves also. All we knew were that the Choi family were the original vampires. First to ever be created. We still had a lot to figure out about them. We didn’t know how to kill them. We were here to learn more and finally find their weaknesses.

“I hope not.” I said, turning and grabbing my phone from the corner. I checked the time and smiled. 6:58pm, another reason why I loved training so much was because of how quick time flew by. Being here already sucked, I didn’t want my day dragging.

I made my way upstairs and showered, once I was all changed I went back downstairs and helped Kevin prepare for dinner. After we finished eating, I washed the dishes and made my way to my room. I got ready for bed and fell asleep right away.

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