3: Layla Linwood

On the other side of the kingdom in a house close to the lake lived the Linwood family. They were just like most families in Greenville kid's parents who went to work and came home every day. Liana and Henry Linwood and their four children Layla who was eighteen, Ethan who was sixteen, Zamiyah who was thirteen and Liam who was five.

Layla with white blonde hair, fire amber eyes, and pale skin was the oldest, Ethan who was next had green eyes and dark brown hair with tan skin, then Zamiyah who had a carmel complexion with dark black hair and brown eyes and finally Liam had honey blond hair and green eyes and had tan skin.

Layla woke up early at the feeling of being watched. She got that a lot feeling as if someone was watching her She reached for her light seeing her little brother entering her room. She sighed happy it was only him. She knew her little brother had been plagued by nightmares as of late. “Liam what are you doing?” Layla was the oldest in the family the big sister the occasional mother figure when her parents had important things they had to accomplish but she was also their biggest supporter and who they could come to when they needed anything.

“I can’t sleep.” Liam was clutching his teddy bear in his arms after a nightmare he had wandered into his eldest sister’s room seeking her warmth or coldness. Since she was always as could as ice physically at least.

“Come on.” Layla said lifting her blanket so that her brother could climb into her bed. She knew his nightmares always got to him and she did her best to make him feel ok. ”What was you’re dream this time?”

“I had lost you,” Liam muttered him being the youngest he couldn’t imagine a life without his parents or his siblings they were his whole world. He turned and curled up into her not wanting to let her go no matter how cold she felt. “You are cold.”

Layla let out a chuckle she found it funny that everyone in her family said she always felt as cold as ice but she didn’t see it. “I can’t help it.”

“Night Laya.”

“Night Liam.” She turned off her light wrapping her arm around her little brother and drifting back off to sleep.

Queen Lucinda was at work after finally figuring out a way to get across the barrier and into the humans land once again. “Ahha.” She knew the perfect way to find out how Emma had helped seal off the barrier by contacting someone who knew Emma better than anyone.

“What is it, my queen?”

“We may have finally succeeded in going back after all this time.” Lucinda knew the perfect way to finally get her answers.

“My queen are you sure?”

“Positive. Bring me the royal guard tell them to round up all our citizens it is time.”

“Yes my queen right away.”

“Also send in Emma’s parents i need a word with them.” She was sure if anyone knew how Emma had managed to keep the barrier closed it was going to be the people who raised them.

“Yes my queen.”

Layla woke up feeling Liam climbing out of her bed. “Where are you going?”

“It’s morning.” Liam smiled in his little baby voice he kenw it was time for him to get up and get started with the day.

“I guess you’re right little one.” Layla chuckled she was happy besides the nightmares that her little brother always saw the good in everything.

“It is time to wake up the king has made an announcement all of you get down here.” Liana knew this was important and she needed her children down here so she can inform them all of the changes.

“We’ll be right down.” Layla called back she hoped this went quick so she could go out she had a few things she wanted to try while it was still morning.“Go get dressed i’ll be down in a minute.”

“Ok.” Liam went to the door standing on his tippy toes to open it closidng the door as he was leaving out. She turned on her lamp climbing out of her bed and going to her window to open the blinds and let the light in. She watched as the light lit up every corner of her room smiling to herself. She grabbed her phone heading downstairs to where the rest of her family was waiting.

Layla went and kissed her mom and dad on the cheek. “Morning mom dad.”

“Morning our sweet child we have news.” Liana said with a somber look she wasn’t sure how her daughter was going to react to the news sure she wouldn’t like it.

Layla went over to the cabinet grabbing out a bowl. “What is it?”

Henry cleared his throat knowing his daughter was not going to be fond of the news that she would have to go. “The crowned prince is looking for a wife and you have been invited to the ball.”

Layla dropped the bowl from her hand turning around as it shattered to the ground. She loved her life mostly because they stayed out of people’s way and no on had the chance to realize what she was. “I have what?”

“Aren’t you excited?” Liana squealed giving a fake smile this was the last thing she wanted to make her child do but if she didn’t they would be in bigger trouble.

“I don’t want to marry a prince.” Layla sighed that was the last thing she needed was to draw attention to herself by marrying the prince and becoming the next queen. She knew if that happened it would simply only be a matter of time before someone found out what she was capable of and she became a disgrace.

“We don’t have a choice the new decree states that anyone of age must go.”

“And you are 18 you are of age you have to go or we’ll all be sentenced to punishment.” Liana knew it was the last thing any of them had wanted.

Layla knew that couldn’t be it she didn’t want to go. “But-”

“It is not up for discussion Layla we don’t have a choice in the matter you could become the next queen.” Henry knew they now needed to focus on getting her ready for the ball for what she could be picked as and hoped the odds were in their favor that she wasn’t.

“Yeah queen sounds fun until you realize what a tyrant the royal family is. I have to go pick up a few things in the village do you mind if i take Zamiyah with me.”

“Go also you have a dress fitting this afternoon.” Liana knew as the eldest daughter she would be representing the entire family. “We have to make sure that you look presentable you will be representing the family.”

“Of course.” Layla knew they were right she had to do this right and do right by her family.

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