Chapter 8
Donna leaves after saying some unpleasant words at everyone. Everyone let out a breath of relief that she's finally gone for now.
Lilith helps Beth to pack her bags into a carriage.
"Aw my sweet friend, where are you going to stay?" Beth asked sadly.
"No need to worry, I already have it covered." Lilith said with a smile.
"Don't tell me you plan on leaving in the streets. You can come and stay with me and my family if you want." She said,
"You don't need to burden yourself with that Beth. I'm staying at Captain Kent's house for the meantime." Lilith said.
"Captain who? Captain Kent?"
"Well this came as a mean surprise." Beth said with a smile.
"Well that means we'll still be talking regularly then." Beth said.
"We would?"
"Yes of course I work as a maid too in Sir kents house but for now I'm on leave."
"Oh alright."
"I'll see you soon, Lilith."
"Goodbye Beth." They hug.
"I'm about to start crying now." Beth said, cleaning the corner of her eyes.
They laugh.
Beth gets on the carriage, still waving at Lilith.
"Goodbye Lilith."
"Bye." Lilith said, waving at the moving carriage.
"Lilith, it's time to get out of the carriage is here." Kent said curtly.
Lilith walked to the door of the carriage,opening the fine crafted wooden door and getting in after settling in Kent also entered.
Her heart rate sped up. Her and Kent were in the same confined space together and he was so close. If she stretches her fingers just a bit their hands would touch.
"Lockwood Manor please." Kent said to the carriage driver.
"Okay sire."
The horse in the front of the carriage neigh as the carriage begins to move. Their sturdy hooves making noise on the stoned ground.
Lilith looked around in wonder watching everything pass in a haze. Her hands on the glass of the carriage window as she looked around in deep amazement.
Kent watched her amusedly. Shaking his head and turning to face the other side.
The silence was sweet and comfortable as neither of them talked but were in their own worlds.
"We're here sir."
Lilith marvels at the large manor in front of her.
The Stella gates welded to perfection. The wonderful smelling roses along the courtyard and the large field covering several acres with some horses.
"This is beautiful." She murmured.
"Thank you. Welcome to my humble abode. I'll show you around later." Kent said with a smile.
"Oh…" Beth blushed.
They walked into the manor through the double doors which were finely crafted with the best wood.
"Oh my word, your house is so beautiful." Lilith said in wonder.
"Why thank you I inherited from my late grandfather."
"Would you like some tea or some snacks? I'll ask the kitchen to prepare some for you."
"No, I'm fine."
"Alright then I'll show you to your room."
They walked up the spiraling staircase passing several doors and then they stopped in front of one.
"This is actually one of the best rooms in the manor." He said whilst opening the door.
"Oh my…" Lilith said in wonderment.
Kent opened the door showing a wide space of simply ethereal beauty.
The walls were painted a dull ivory and the bedsheets a clean white. It had a window seat with a balcony and as the sun began to set, the room glowed accentuating its beauty.
"Hope you like it?" Kent asked.
"I love it, this is truly marvelous.A bit too much I think." Lilith said her hand over her heart.
"Maids will be arriving tomorrow morning so.for now we just have to make do. Some clothes are in the closet,they may be a bit big or a bit too small but I'm sure you can find your perfect fit in there." Kent said.
"Thank you Sir." Lilith said bowing slightly.
"No, you can just call me Kent. It's fine you're my guest till we find a way to send you back to your family."Kent said.
"But I know the way back to my family. I'm sorry I have to lie to you like this my sweet darling." She thought silently to herself.
"I'll leave you to it then."
"Have a good night Kent."
"You too."
Finn paced in his pad wondering if the thing he sent had done the job correctly or was a useless trial.
"I should have just gone by myself." He thought silently.
"I should have stopped her from going, I should have tried to make her mine." He said aloud.
"Fuck." He said, banging his hand against the table.
"She was supposed to be with me. I was the one." He said loudly.
"Sir… is this the wrong time?" The Ursalian said swimming slowly.
"Ah, just the thing I was thinking about." He said with a sinister smile.
"Come closer little creature. I hope you do have splendid news for me."
"Well sir…" The Ursalaian said, still keeping its distance.
"So tell me is Lilith here?" He said swimming to the door to open it.
"Are you planning some sort of surprise? Is she here and she's hiding?" He asked the creature. " Oh Lilith!"
"No sir Lilith isn't here." The creature said quietly.
"Oh." He said disappointedly.
"Well then if she's not here surely she must be dead. Where's her carcass? With that I could go to the Queen and tell her I found it by the shores and there would be war against humans killing her little crush too."
"Well Sir she isn't dead either."
"The last time you came here,I gave you very clear instructions, didn't I?" Finn said, swimming closer to the creature.
"But you're here and I see no Lilith dead or alive." Fin said, stroking the head of the creature.
Find hands went to the creature's neck, choking it.
"Hush now I brought you out of the outlands and restored back your powers in exchange for a simple deal, you bring back Lilith dead or alive but yet you can't do that." He says choking it harder.
"I can explain sir this plan is going to take a bit longer than expected, that's all." The creature said choking.
"I knew I shouldn't have wasted my time bringing out something like you."
"You know what?"
"The original purpose I brought you for you can't do it so I'll just do it myself meanwhile I have another victim for you. I think that'd be easier." Finn said, still choking the creature.
It began to turn green before he finally let it go.
"Thank you master." The creature said.
"You have something new to do now. A new mission, a fresh start but you have only a week to do it if not I'll pick out your pods and feed you to The Kraken hm?" Finn said.
"Yes Sir."
"I'll handle Lilith myself like I should have." He said with an evil smile.