Chapter 9
Donna carefully lifted the teapot kettle, the steam curling gracefully from the spout, rising in delicate tendrils.
As she poured the hot mint tea into a teacup, the fragrant steam wafted around her, creating a warm, soothing atmosphere for the first time in a few weeks.
"Donna." Something said.
To her surprise, the teapot jerked, and the scalding liquid splashed onto her hand. Donna winced as the hot tea made contact with her skin, turning it an angry red almost instantly.
"Fuck." She cursed.
"Careful a lady shouldn't cuss about."
"What are you still doing here?" Donna asked.
"How do you know who it is?" It said,
"I know it's you, what do you want?"
Donna replied.
"I think you should turn around and see how it is you're in for a wild surprise."
Donna turned slowly and saw a slimy purple creature with tentacles and weird-shaped eyes.
"Ah!" She screamed.
"I'm not all that bad. Calm down with your screams." The creature said.
"What are you? Who are you?" She asked scared, moving back slowly.
The creature slowly crawled to her "Don't you remember me, dear friend?"
"Help! Get out right this moment you disgusting creature." Donna screamed.
"Just hold a minute." It said,
Donna watched as the creature began to change forms. Her eyes widened in horror and fear as it began to grow legs and transform into a human.
"Hello, Donna." The creature "Lilith" said.
Donna sat, her mouth agape as she looked at her mortal enemy in her courtroom bare and smiling at her.
"It's me, the voice in your head. Nice to finally see you in person. I thought you would be prettier but I guess you're average." It said settling down on one of her chairs.
"Are not the real Lilith but I'm in her body. Yes." It said,
"Don't try to confuse yourself further sweetheart." It said,
"I am Azareth, the Ursalaian and we have a common enemy, Lilith." It continued.
Donna looked shocked at the creature talking to her about Lilith and eating her damn biscuits.
"I gave a simple instruction dear Donna."
"I am going to do it!" She said frightened.
"Going to", "Soon", "Wait" All excuses from a pathetic excuse."
Donna flinched.
"This is why no one takes you seriously Donna. You can't do a single thing right even for such a mundane task and that makes me very disappointed. I had very high expectations of you Donna but I guess when I saw how you looked my expectations of you were a bit over the top." It said,
"It's just that…" Donna began.
"Hush now. It is a tempting feeling to kill you right now."
Donna shuddered visibly.
"This is why no one wants you. This is why the man you yearn for doesn't want you. This is why your parents see you as nothing more than a pawn. This is why you're such a disgrace to everyone you meet."
"Stop," Donna said, covering her ears tightly.
"Now Donna, I'm not here to talk about your pathetic little life. I am here to pass a warning." It said as its hand turned into a tentacle making its way to Donna's neck.
The slimy and cold feeling of the pods made her feel so nauseous. The tentacle tightened.
"You only have limited time to bring her down and to me okay Donna?"
"Yes…" Donna choked her hands trying to hold the tentacle from strangling her but its grip was too tight and it was too slimy.
"The next time I come here and she isn't dead yet you'll not only have my tentacles on your neck you'll have them in other places as well and trust me when I say those places won't feel good okay?"
It loosened its hold on her neck as she fell to the floor coughing.
"I'll take my leave now Donna. Do the task and ensure you a peaceful life tata." It said turning back to its original form and crawling back until it disappeared.
"Fucking bitch!" Donna screamed with tears in her eyes.
"She's the cause of all of this." She thought to herself.
The doors of the room burst suddenly open as one of Donna's dearest friends saunters in.
"My sweet darling. What happened to you? Why's your face all red and your neck with red marks?"
Donna stayed mute.
"Don't tell me you've been having fun with some special man and he gave you hickeys you couldn't even cover with makeup. What if your mother came in and saw you like this? Is the special man Kent by any chance finally…"
"Matilda, can you just shut up?" Donna said angrily.
"Well, that's one way to welcome your friend who came to see you after you've gone for your honeymoon," Matilda said, smiling slyly.
"I didn't go for a honeymoon, Matilda. I went on a boat ride with the man I love and he saw a damsel in distress and ignored me and embarrassed me in front of the staff and don't forget shagged the girl too." Donna said.
"Damsel in distress? Shagged her?" Matilda said, scrunching her nose up.
"Yes, everything I did happened on the boat ride."
"That's terrible! Who's the stupid girl? Is she a new debutante? We could beat her up, mess up her face and he won't have any interest in her." Matilda said, smiling smugly.
"If only it were that easy."
"But that doesn't explain the marks on your neck. Are you perhaps hiding a secret lover?" Matilda said, looking around suspiciously.
"Well…" Donna said, her voice lowering.
"If you spout out the words you're about to know I'll kill her and you right now," Azareth whispered in Donna's head.
"I just slept with a new spotted blanket my father had brought back from France, that's all."
Donna gulped.
"Donna, are you all right? You're turning very pale now." Matilda said, reaching out her gloved hand to check her temperature.
Donna flinched, moving out of her reach.
"I am perfectly fine Matilda, no need to worry but I do have a slight issue."
"What may that be? I would help you and be with you no matter what."
"The girl he brought tried to kill me on the ship Tilda," Donna whispered.
"She what?" Matilda asked, shocked.
"She pushed me off the boat and Kent just stood there watching, defending her. She tried to strangle me after the crew got me out of the water and took me to my quarters." Donna lied.
"That's terrible."
"I fear she must be a witch and Kent is under her spell," Donna said sadly.
"We must do something."
They looked at each other slowly, each mirroring the other's wishes.
"We must kill her." They said in unison.