So Close

"What do you ask?"

"Actually, what is your relationship with Bryan?"

"Hmm...we just-" I stammered my answer.

"Just what?" Edward asked curiously.

"We jus-"

"Anka...!" Someone call me.

"Yes?" I said, turning my face towards the source of the sound.

"That's the bell, come on in!" Bryan said.

"Okay, friends, I'll go in first, okay? Excuse me!" I said as I walked away leaving my friends who looked confused.

"Actually, what was she trying to say, huh?" Edward asked, increasingly curious.

"In my opinion, it seemed like she wanted to say that they were husband and wife," Sully said. They were shocked and almost fainted at the original answer which really didn't make sense, but their minds immediately imagined something strange.

"How about after school we follow them, to prove the truth? Come on, who wants to come with me?" Suggested Edward, the snotty kid who pretended to be a genius. He always imagined that he was the incarnation of Albert Einstein when he was young.

"I'm coming, I think it's a good idea," Sully said.

"I don't want to, I don't want to cause trouble," said Kimberly.

"Me too, what if Bryan finds out that we are spying on him. He can beat us up!" Said Jimmy scared.

"You idiot, we don't want to spy on them. We just want to know the status of the two of them. If they are husband and wife, why are they still studying here!"

"I don't know, I'm confused. Bryan is really cool but we still shouldn't interfere in their personal lives," said Clara.

"It's up to your bad thoughts and strange assumptions. I don't think Bryan is the typical person who likes muscle fencing and strength fighting. I think he's quite a friendly person. After school, Sully and I will continue to carry out missions, tomorrow you will hear for yourself the results of the investigation."

"I think now I know why we are considered a group of eternal losers at this school," said Kimberly.


"Because we are stupid." Kimberly shouted vehemently.

"Why are you just realizing now, it's not like we were losers from the start. Just look at this group of popular people. For example, Edmund Kowalsky, he's cool and has an athletic body, the kid from the basketball extracurricular class, rides a Gallardo to school. Next is Tommy Jansen, his skin is brown and sexy. He joins the rugby team and is the favorite of the girls at school. He goes to school riding a racing motorbike like Valentino Rossi's motorbike. And an example of a popular girl is Luciana, her lifestyle is similar to the super glamorous actress Paris Hilton.

"They also go on holiday abroad, such as Hawaii, the Caribbean Islands or Paris, while we just sleep at home or go to the cinema," said Edward.

"Never mind, you complain too much," said Clara.

"Yes, it's true. My life is only filled with complaints and regrets. Why wasn't I born a popular person, why...?" He said sobbing.

"Huh...hearing you complain every day makes me sick. I feel more and more like a loser, let's just leave him!"

Evening arrived, the air tonight was very cold, although it was uncertain whether it would rain or not. Tonight as usual, Dad, Bryan, and I were in the dining room and enjoyed dinner. The atmosphere was very quiet, there was no sound other than the sound of spoons clashing on plates. This house feels very quiet, this house is like a burial place, quiet and scary.

"Bryan, after dinner do your usual exercise. Tonight do 300 push ups, and run around the house 100 times then you can rest," said Dad.

"What? But dad, Bryan has just finished eating. His stomach will hurt later," I said in denial.

"Shut your mouth, you don't have to interfere. After eating you go straight to your room, don't come down whatever your excuse."

"But Dad-" I said hoarsely.

"Never mind Anka, don't worry. I'm fine," said Bryan with a smile. His face looked calm, he was always calm in carrying out the burdens of life. I really love him.

I went into my room with a restless heart. I was very worried and afraid that something bad would happen to him. No matter how strong he is, he is still an ordinary human being who will feel pain if he is injured. He experienced it too often.

I closed my bedroom door tightly, there was nothing I could see. I hate everything in this world. I lay my body on the bed, I stared heavily at the ceiling of this room until I was in my subconscious.

Everything was empty, there were no beautiful pictures or shadows that I saw in my sleep. Suddenly I gasped and was shocked by the sound of a big thunder. I saw that the wall clock still showed 9 o'clock in the evening. I faintly heard my father's screams from the backyard. I knew who the scream was directed at. I felt rebellious and didn't accept it. I ran down the stairs to check the situation. Suddenly Aunt Elizabeth tried to stop me.

"No Miss Anka is forbidden from going out by Sir. It's better for you to go into your room!"

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