Walker Lane

Unlike the usual quiet mornings, the diner was lively with men and women who had trooped in large numbers to attend the annual gala organized by the palace in honor of the crown prince's birthday.

The palace organized an annual ball to celebrate the crown prince's birthday. The crown prince had been in the military for ten years. Men and women flocked to this event, hoping to bump into the crown prince and possibly become acquainted with the royal family.

There were speculations that the crown prince would attend this year's gala. Girls were dressed their best in beautiful, colorful attire, with makeup covering their dry skins, hoping to catch a glimpse of the crown prince and the royal family.

I heard that the prince is very handsome with a piercing eye that one could die for, said a girl dressed in an outrageous short red dress. Her cleavage was almost popping out of the dress. Beads of sweat dripped down her face, probably due to the tight dress.

Can she even breathe in that? Jess thought as she took their orders.

And how would you know that? Asked another lady sitting beside her. Glancing at the lady was enough to tell Jess they were sisters.

Have you seen the prince before? she continued her question with a raised eyebrow and a wicked grin on her chin.

She knew her sister was only bluffing and wanted to expose her lies. Every young woman Jess had encountered tonight was vying for the position of crown princess.

Jess could not be bothered about some prince born with silver spoons; she had far more important things to worry about. She managed to maneuver over some men and beautiful young women who were giggling among themselves without looking at where they were going.

As Jess arrived at the counter, she collapsed behind her colleague, who was busy putting on makeup and looking at herself in the mirror. In contrast to Jess, this beautiful woman in her mid-thirties had a great interest in fashion.

As servers, they had to always be in uniform and had no time to play dress up as they were overworked and understaffed.

But that did not stop Clara from coating her face with heavy makeup even though she was the chef and had to always be around the scourging heat that emanated from their tiny kitchen with a small window that barely let in fresh air.

Jess stretched out a bit to relieve her tired muscles. She spotted the tiny chair behind Clara and decided to rest her legs before the next batch of orders was ready. Her ankles and feet were hurting from standing so long without a break.

She barely rested for five minutes when she saw their boss, Ariana Deen. She hated seeing her workers slouching around when they could make more money for her. She was a woman who was hard to please even when you worked your fingers to the bones.

She quickly stood up, brushed her hands across her skirt uniform, took her notepad, and dutifully began serving the ever-demanding customers, some of whom did not even know what they wanted to order.

Some were rude and had little to no manners while speaking to a server; they thought the servers were beneath them. But Jess needed this job more than anything in the world.

She was serving the last rounds of orders when she noticed that the people had begun to disperse to their various homes and inns, where they had booked ahead for the night in honor of the occasion.

She sensed eyes on her, which made her turn around to look, but the people rushing out of the door made her stumble. Before she could find her balance, all the remaining customers had left except for a woman who seemed interested in her.

She looked out the door and saw that the light had slithered away, relinquishing its claim over the terrain to the shadows as darkness crept in slowly and steadily. The orange sky had evolved into a jet-black cover overhead with millions of tiny glimmering specks that sparkled like fireflies.

Jess heaved a sigh of relief, as this meant that her work was almost over, and she would finally be able to go home and collapse on her bed. She went over to the table where the woman was seated to inform her that the diner would soon close its doors for the night.

As she approached, she noticed that the woman seemed to be in her mid-forties and had a serene look, unlike her, who looked stressed.

Sorry to bother you, ma'am, but we are about to close the diner as it is late already, she said with a polite smile, not wanting the woman to feel like she was being rude and uncouth.

The woman raised her head to gaze at the young lady who had caught the interest of the crown prince without even realizing it.

I can't fail in this mission, certainly not. The woman thought

What's your name? she asked, noticing how the young woman fidgeted with her hands but still maintained a graceful smile. The fatigue on the young lady's face was evident. She knew that all this young woman wanted was for her to pay her bills and leave so that she could close the diner.

And she was right. Jess was in no mood for chit-chat. Today had been one of the busiest days since she started working at the diner two years ago, and she guessed it would continue like this until the gala was over.

Wanting to get the chit-chat over with as quickly as possible, she said, "My name is Jess Smith," hoping the woman would not go further than wanting to know her name.

But alas, to Jess's dismay, the woman said-

Please, I would like to talk to you about something. Jess was about to decline when the woman raised a hand and said, it won't take more than five minutes, I promise, she adjusted her seat to make space for Jess to sit beside her.

What could this woman want to discuss with me at this hour? Could this day get any worse, she thought?

Jess went to sit at the chair opposite the table instead of beside the woman. She turned her gaze up to notice the woman staring at her intensely but did not comment on her choice of seat.

I'm Walker Lane, the head of the royal hospital in Old Caswell, she introduced.

When Walker Lane mentioned the royal hospital's name, it caught Jess's attention as she had long wanted to work there as a helper since she was a teenager.

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