1. Prologue: An Extreme Situation
  2. Traps Of The Heart: 18 Years Earlier
  3. The Frames Of The Heart And The Blindness Of The Passion
  4. black tulip
  5. forming opinions
  6. the begin of problems
  7. -the story is not a happy one…
  8. the right measures
  9. destinies at crossroads: time of the bloc wars
  10. fates crossed: part 2/18 years of broken windows?
  11. reversal mexican fade
  12. surprise: the past came back
  13. less words and more thinking
  14. a fake paradise
  15. Mikaela´s case
  16. revelations from the past
  17. agreements and new choices
  18. not simple the task
  19. high intrigues
  20. spy the talk
  21. falling for this trick
  22. new offer
  23. lets support
  24. love song for a bird
  25. nervous sweet
  26. north wind- how to the fate comes
  27. the problem with Arthur´s mind…
  28. continue part 2
  29. conflict start
  30. not that we can see
  31. about visions
  32. cage of sins
  33. a ultimate discovery
  34. part 2
  35. a awakening of intrigue
  36. fallen star
  37. where is the clue
  38. secret of shadow.
  39. forbidden conversation about the Halley´s diary.
  40. continue pt 2
  41. continue pt 3
  42. clues on library
  43. times rewiew.
  44. intrigacy league
  45. serenity reality
  46. never tell your thinks
  47. Diaz apparitions secret
  48. clues in the air
  49. friendship...friendship again?
  50. home of shadows
  51. passion on shades
  52. intricacies of manipulation.
  53. shattered riddler
  54. a front gone
  55. freedom or fight.
  56. lovely reality
  57. enough sense
  58. nice to meet you
  59. not expected
  60. confort after time
  61. Unraveling Secrets
  62. Searching for a Friend
  63. Royal Web