Chapter 5: A Attempted Robbery
Kara POV
I went down to lunch. Mother had finally got the dining room unpacked and sat up. It was just off the kitchen. Mother had got her tablecloths unpacked. She had tablecloths for everything, it seemed. My grandmother, her mother, told her that tablecloths always needed to be used. I didn't mind it. But some of them weren't always easy to wipe off.
We sat down to eat.
" Kara, did you see the karate school on the way in last night?" she asked.
" Yes mother," I responded.
" You know you could call me mom." she stated.
" I know." I responded.
I stopped calling her mom when I was 5. After that, I called her mother. To me, it just sounded better. Every one of my friends called her mom. I wanted something that was just unique for me. I haven't called my father, dad, for a very long time. But that was for a completely different reason.
We finished our lunch and since I was done with my room, I helped mother unpack the rest of the house. We worked until about 5. We didn't realize it was so late by the time we decided to stop unpacking. We still had several boxes to unpack. We decided to order pizza. After mother got off the phone, I asked her if she had ordered any drinks. She said no. The convenience store was just around the corner.
"Mother, I can walk to the store and get something to drink," I stated.
" OK, there's $10 for drinks." she stated.
I went upstairs and got some sweats on. I had been in my pajamas all day. I didn't need to get dressed until now. I left my room and went out the front door. The convenience store was only about a 5-minute walk away. I had my phone with me. I plugged in my headphones, so I could listen to some music on the way there and on my way back.
I had to turn right as soon as I left my house. I was walking minding my own business when two guys jumped out in front of me. I dropped my phone, which jerked the ear phones out of my ears. I was frozen in my tracks. One of them had a gun and the other had a knife.
" Give me all your money," the gunman demanded.
" Here, this is all I have," I stated.
" A rich bitch like you surely has more than $10," he stated.
I did have more, but we were not rich. I had left the rest of my money at home. The man with the knife went to stab me when a man came out of nowhere. He was about 5 foot 9 inches tall. Brown hair that was long in the back and the sides were shaved. He had tattoos on his arms. He pushed me back and got in front of me.
" Can I help you gentlemen?" he asked.
" Get the hell out of here old man." the one with the gun stated.
" I don't think I will do that," he stated.
He then punched the man with the gun in the jaw, causing the man with the knife to lounge at him. The man dodged and landed a round house kick on the man's face. The man with the gun in hand dropped the gun when he got punched. Both men picked themselves up and ran away. I was in shock.
The whole situation was overwhelming. The man that stopped to help me was looking at me with concern. My face was white. And I was shaking. I knew the man must have either been in karate classes or watched karate on some form of educational thing.
"Are you OK young lady?" he asked.
" Umm yeah I guess." I responded.
"Here's my card," he stated as he handed me his card.
Then he pulled out his phone and called 911. Within minutes, the police showed up. They asked me questions.
"I'm Officer Daniels," the officer stated.
" Can you describe the suspect?" he asked.
I just shook my head no. I can't describe them at all. They both had masks on. I was still in shock. They called an ambulance to come check me out. The whole time, I'm thinking how ironic the two things I want to go to school for show up in my face in one day. I was over with the paramedics when I could hear the man talking to them.
"I'm David," the man stated.
" I was finishing up my run when I turned the corner and saw what was happening," he stated.
He then went to describe the suspects. Which was pretty accurate. After a few more minutes, my mother showed up. I'm assuming she saw what was going on and couldn't get a hold of me because I couldn't get to my phone. It was still lying on the ground. She rushed over to me. The paramedic stopped her.
" Ma'am, this is a crime scene," Officer Daniels stated.
" I don't care what, this is my daughter," she stated.
" Ohh." he stated.
He let her past. She ran up to me.
" Are you alright?" she asked.
" Yes mother I am.," I stated.
" Thanks to that man over there," I stated.
"I'll be right back," she stated.
She went over to where David and the other officers were. At that point, I wasn't paying attention to anything being said. I just wanted to go home. Getting a soda was not on my mind right now. I wanted to go and get a shower and eat. I didn't even know if the pizza had gotten there. The paramedics gave me a valium to settle my nerves.
I got in the car with my mother. She drove over to the convenience store. She quickly ran in and came out with the soda. We then went home. I was starting to feel drowsy from the medicine they gave me. I ate my dinner and went up to my room. I then went to take a bath. I turned the water on and got it at the right temperature. I decided to take a hot bath. I put a cherry-smelling bath bomb in the water.
It felt good after two long days. The tub finished filling up, and I must have drifted off to sleep. I was woken up by knocking on the bathroom door. It was mother.
" Kara, after you get out of the tub I have some medicine for you to take," she stated.